The Red Priest

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The Red Priest
Concept: Pseudonymous Longinian Buddhist monk
Clan: Nosferatu
Covenant: Lancea et Sanctum
City: Geelong
Sire: NPC
Bloodline: Pure Clan
Embraced: ?/?/1900
Player: AStr
Storyteller: Geelong VST

OOC Note: TRP's backstory is wide open if people want character ties. Any time 1920 and after he should have been wandering Australia.

General Info


Apart from his clawed hands The Red Priest's robes entirely obscure his face and body.


The Red Priest has eschewed his mortal identity or indeed any personal identity beyond that of his role as a priest. He says this is a part of a divestment of desire and the need to prevent ego from interfering with his work. Consequently nobody knows him by any official name other than "The Red Priest".

He is exceedingly patient, but when he commits to act he is resolute - which can be politically problematic since he's an idealist. He's also fond of cryptic advice.

Mortal World

The Red Priest is basically unknown to mortal society, and uses basic Obfuscate to be able to freely walk the night ignored by most humans.

Information Known by Kindred Society

The Red Priest is an ancilla with a mendicant persuasion, so he is a reliable reference point for neonates of both his clan and covenant.


  • 1876 - Born in the Henan province to a peasant family
  • 18?? - Trained in a Buddhist temple
  • 1900 - Embraced during the Boxer Rebellion amid fears of needing to reinforce the Lancea et Sanctum presence in China
  • 190?-191? - Wandered from China to Australia, apparently on foot?

Known Sire

The Red Priest generally doesn't talk about himself much and has a pretty terrible grasp of historical dates, but it's known that his sire was an English Nosferatu Lancea et Sanctum missionary operating in China during the late 1800s and early 1900s.


Quotes By

Form does not differ from the Void,
And the Void does not differ from form.
Form is void and void is form;
The same is true for feelings, perceptions, volitions and consciousness.
Because there is nothing to be attained,
The Bodhisattva has no obstruction in his mind.
Because there is no obstruction he has no fear,
And he passes far beyond confused imagination
And reaches Ultimate Golconda.

- Adapting the Heart Sutra

The Dark Buddha teaches us that the Embrace brings a divine change of Path. Where most die and are reborn, we die and are redead - thus it would be foolish to pretend that the mortal Noble Path is the same as the vampiric Noble Path. That is the nature of what we teach; the vampiric Noble Path.

- Explaining Longinian Buddhism


"Hey Red! Long time no chat!"
"Still walking the path of darkness?"
"Still denying the beast?"
"Control is not denial, as you well know."
"And following the ways of the darkness, is to promote the light."
"That is only true if you are not drawing others off the Noble Path."
"The Noble Path is littered with fallen kindred, I just help them find a way that honors the dark and light in a new way."
"So you believe. Some of the others of your covenant have clearer views on the matter."
"Our ways are not so locked in as your own, we believe that each has their own path to tread."
"Oh we believe that too. Not all are destined for the same places."

- Tresalda and The Red Priest


  • The Red Priest is multiple people pretending to be the same guy. I mean how would you tell, right?
  • The Red Priest is one person who uses the robes to have more than one identity. Seen any suspicious Nosferatu around lately?
  • How is he an ancilla with such a weak Beast?
  • May have ethical quandaries with embracing, but has mentioned uplifting revenants and adoption as things he would consider
  • Is known to tolerate Tresalda of the House of Roe

OOC Inspiration

Member Information
Player: AStr
Number: 2013050006
Domain: Southern Cross