Starr Rose

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Starr "Red" Rose
Concept: Rebellious Tattoo Artist
Clan: Mekhet
Covenant: Unaligned
City: Geelong
Title: None
Sire: Jasper Wolfe
Bloodline: Khaibit
Group: None
Embraced: 2018 March
Player: Bianca Schloeffel
Storyteller: Geelong VST
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Personal Information

Starr Rose was born Anne Brown in Geelong. She grew up with a flare for rebellion from a young age. Often in trouble at school or with her parents. It wasn’t until she reached high school that she knew she was wanted to be an artist. She always knew she could draw, complimented by peers often for her drawings of faculty members and teachers, but it wasn’t until she met her art teacher Mr Lawrie, that she could see her full attention. She grew in his guidance and like all high schooler girls, developed her first teacher crush. When she was 16, her teacher crush reciprocated, and the pair started their illicit affair while she learnt to create drawings that would dance and sing. Unfortunately, their relationship was found out and Mr Lawrie was fired from his job, his wife left due to the scandal and eventually the artist who couldn’t do but teach, removed himself from her existence permanently.

This action had sent Anne over the edge, she was more defiant, especially to those who outed her, loyal to her lost lover’s memory, she set out to destroy cars, vandalise houses and make the lives of those who wronged them painful. Eventually she was expelled from school and her parents kicked her out of her house, leaving Anne on her own. Upon being kicked out, she decided to ditch her name, and started running with the alias “Starr.” She was quick to adapt to homelessness, knowing where the good scraps were taken, living almost comfortably, she had made friends with another street girl like herself; Trix, and the kept each other safe from the harsh realities of their situation. It was there that they were both pick up by the Sinners in Refuge and started her new life there as “Starr Rose”, or “Miss Red.”

Her drawings had started to catch the attentions of many of the members there, one even lending her a tattoo gun to draw one of her pictures on him, with a basic learning of the ropes she found that there were many levels of pleasure gained tattooing someone, from the pain inflicted to beautiful arts that could be depicted on the skin. She asked the Sinners where she could learn more, and she started her traineeship with one of their tattoo artists, an old biker called Crow. The gang also taught her how to ride a motorbike, which quickly became one of her favourite pastimes. Her best friend Trix was still a big part of her life, the couple had their causal relationship woven into their friendships. Trix introduced her to Billy, and the pair hit it off like a house on fire, and there were many causalities. The two had fiery personalities of defiance and would often fight, generally getting into physical blows. It didn’t feel like the relationship she had with Mr Lawrie, but that was Anne, Anne was dead now. Starr and Billy were a like Bonnie and Clyde small time, causing havoc where ever they went with Trix not far behind them. The three were inseparable, running jobs for the Sinners until one night when the three were driving around in a stolen car, Billy driving, Starr in the back with the stolen loot and Trix in the front passenger. Billy had started to get aggressive and was fighting with Starr. The car lost control and smashed into the side of a building, Killing Trix instantly. Starr was pinned in the back and could only watch her friend’s dead body bleed out, and Billy had run like rabbit from the scene. Something broke in Starr that night, watching the blood drip from her best friend. An increase in her violent streak had emerged, and her first target for her wrath was Billy. Whom she beat with a softball bat until he was unconscious and tattooed into his head “Wanker.” From that night, the Sinners would start calling her “The Scarlet Harlot,” as Billie’s blood on her face etched an image in their minds.

“She has a look” One of the Sinners described “one minute she is Starr, a gorgeous flirt. Butter would melt in that mouth. But then if someone crosses her, she gets that look, and some god help them.”

Her life was changed with a gorgeous Irish redhead entered her parlour looking for a tattoo… and her life became very different.


Red. When you first see Starr, the colour red comes to mind. Fiery red heir, harlot red clothes and a rose tattoo on her left breast. The second thing you notice is the all the other tattoos across her arms and if you are lucky enough, other parts of her body. She often wears a red tank top, with black jeans and black jacket. Her jeans are often held in place with a chain.


Flirts first and takes the ramifications later. Viciously loyal to those who she thinks has earnt it. She seems all sweet and flirty to all those around her, but the Sinners of Refuge know better. Seeing the blood splatter on her face as she laughed and violently attacked her victim indicates that

Mortal World

Associated with the Sinners of Refuge and parlor manager of Rose Designs. She runs the parlor with three mortals. Lance Wesson, Natasha Smith and "Crow".

Information Known by Kindred Society

She looks oh so yummy. Sean Quinn’s ghoul, but she seems to get away from his side often and into trouble. Now the Childe of Jasper, promised ward of house Roe and always the trouble maker.


  • 1990 - Details
  • 2000 - Details
  • 2010 - Details
  • 2018 – January – Ghouled
  • 2018 – March – Embraced by sire Jasper

Recent History


  • JAN – Invited to her first court gathering is an expensive and exquisite art gallery. She entered by Sean and Hyena’s side, but their slow pace, and Hyena’s focus on her uncomfortable garb was ruining her buzz, she headed in on her own, unaware of the dangers that may be, she headed into the gallery. After friendly conversations with Onyru and a new and peculiar looking kindred called Billie she crossed paths with her first instance of danger, a gorgeous individual called Decimus. Unaware of his age and status in the society, she makes accidental lewd comments, the response chilled her and she learnt (a little bit) that she had to be careful with her comments in the future. Saved by a kindred know as “Vulture” she was brought back to Hyena and the truth of the luscious life of the vampires was brought to her attention. Good, she thought, I would hate to have it be boring.
  • FEB – Stately house visit of some toff and his wife. Told that it was a Valentine “Express herself” Starr turns up as the Queen of Hearts on her motorbike the Scarlett Letter. Hyena hadn’t turned up yet, so she went in and was instantly taken by the art that was present. She met up with Billie again and a strange character dressed completely from head to toe that went by the name “The Red Priest.” Bored by the conversation that followed explaining his way of being, Starr steals Billie’s hand for a dance but if promptly stopped by Meredith as there was going to be some announcements made. Her sulky outcries for fun grabbed the attention of a suave looking individual that introduced himself as Jakob Roe, promising her song and dance later. The meeting started, and a gorgeous lady stood on stage on behalf of the Daeva. Starr had heard the word once before, in a boring explanation of the vampire once, but seeing one labelled she whispered to herself that she would like to learn more. This low whisper caught the attention of Delphi who made her presence felt to Starr. Her heart raced and she felt the predation upon her, I will not go out without a fight she swore to herself as Hyena tried to get her out of the trouble she had gotten into causing more of a kerfuffle. Even if they kill me is a split second, I will scratch her eye or something. As more vampires roared, Starr considered her chances of leaping over the wall in one piece when Delphi gave her word of protection, and after being whisked away by Delphi’s entourage Starr is still unsure how long she has for the world.
  • MAR – Delphi had business in Brisbane and with no sign of a sire to collect the ghoul she decided it would be good for Starr to join her for training in how kindred society would work, while the elders gathered in Brisbane. Starr was well out of depths as her lessons started.

Always follow the elder, but behind by two steps, look pretty say very little, speak only when spoken to…. The lessons whirled in Starr’s head. With all that was happening Margarete kept a watchful eye on Starr, instructing on protocol, and when she could, she would focus was on more shiny things. The meeting of the elders in the middle and with her eye catching an attractive gentleman. “Deacon Jasper” He introduced himself to Starr with a bow, she didn’t want to say it, but she was attracted… similarly to how she felt when she met Sean. Margarete has business with Delphi and asked Jasper to look after Starr and they talked at length. “The way I see it Starr, you don’t have a lot of options and most of them end in you dying, between a ghoul unclaimed and the trouble you seem to get into” He looked over at the elder priest in robes. The priest nodded, and he looked back at Starr. “I can embrace you for purpose, and once that purpose is over… you will be a free kindred. Starr liked the idea but knew that there were steps and rules involved. The Master of Elysium helping by saying that “Starr belonged to the court since her sire was no where to be seen” and with Delphi’s permissions, she Jasper and Starr entered a back room with Margarete. Delphi tells Starr, “I am going to drink you near to death. You will then feed on your sire, and you will become one of us. Is this what you want…” Starr tried to play it cool with a wink and Delphi looked into her eyes “I need you to say it” The mass of the decision weighing on Starr and knowing her chances of survival were slim now. “This is what I want.” Delphi’s bite was deep and pleasurable. A darkness wave washed as Jasper’s bloody wrist is place in Starr’s mouth and her first sips of her new life. “Take these” He instructed using reliquary. “You are bonded to me; how do you feel?” Starr opened with her eyes slightly stinging to the lights. Jasper, seeming to have a greater attraction about him, he eyes could only see him. “Yes Daddy… it feels amazing” Her hunger fed, and a step closer to her freedom, or so she though. “You fucked up” She heard from behind her. Nora. Sean’s crazy ass sister. Before Starr could say anything, Nora ran off and Starr’s newly embraced heart fell. Later in the evening Gasper one of the elders approached Starr and Jasper. “I heard you have embraced my grandson’s ghoul and the reason. IF Starr survives the battle with the Strix, then she will become a ward for house Roe, this is not a negotiation, am I understood”

So much for freedom, Starr thought to herself. Once back in Geelong, Jasper’s retainer and assistant Lazarus sun proofs Starr’s studio above her work and she continue her day to day… well night to night training with her Sire.

  • APR – With her first visit back to Geelong Starr saw the world though new eyes. She was accompanied by Jasper, which she had started called affectionately her Abba. The court gathering. It was a reasonably tame gathering with airs and tensions tight. Starr asked Abba why and he informed her that the actions and decisions that were made in her embrace, caused Delphi’s human retainer Adrien to be forcibly embraced by Nora at Gaspar’s order. A small flame of anger grew in Starr further. Even though she did not have a fondness of Delphi and knew or cared little about the retainer, she was angered at Gasper’s disregard for what she had been taught was appropriate and vampire society… and to a point she was thankful in Delphi’s assistance in getting embraced… even if she was working in her own personal interests. Starr asked why he was allowed to break the rules and was informed of a part of vampire culture called “The Elder Game” that both she and Adrien were both pawns in. This was not on in Starr’s eyes, she swore years ago she would never be used by anyone without her permission.
  • MAY – Art. Finally something Starr could get into, but it involved getting Alder Delphi... something Starr was not too keen on. There were some amazing pieces on display and someone managed to get a VR setting. The Alder was very dismissive of her during the whole evening which got tired fast. A new Lance member turned up and Starr was keen to keep Abba updated on his arrival. She knew she had seen him somewhere... Upon a fumbled through social etiquette failure while on messaging for Abba to come quick, Delphi shot her the lowest comment, and Starr let Billie know of her plan to travel and the war she was embraced to fight. This did not go down well for Billie but she found she was not alone, and also learnt that climbing onto people's roofs is a no no.


Quotes By

"Bitch can draw!"

- Crystal in response to her art.

"He is gorgeous, he can eat me any time"

- Decimus before she knew better

Quotes About


- who said it.


Person 1 - "quote."
Person 2 - "quote."
Person 1 - "quote."
Person 2 - "quote."
- reference.


Inspirations and Soundtrack

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: [mailto: Bianca Schloeffel]
Number: 2008050003
Domain: SouthernCross