(ARCHIVED) Operative Reggie

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The Operative.
Path: Acanthus
Order: Guardian of the Veil
Faction: A Faction
Consilium: Brisbane --
Legacy -
Cabal: -
Player: [mailto: Hayden]
Storyteller: Brisbane VST

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Enchanter of the Guardians of the Veil


Age: Late 20's/Early 30's.

Rank: -

Titles/Memberships: -

Various nicknames and aliases:

  • Reggie.
  • The Operative.
  • Reginald Carsons.

Physical description: Reggie is 6' tall but rather average-looking man who doesn't stick out in a crowd. The main distinguishing difference he has in this timeline is a scar across the upper-half of his face leading from above his right-side eyebrow down through the cheek, the scar is also present on his eyelid, but his eye seems to be in working condition.
Nimbus: A general feeling of foreboding, the near-silent occasional lightning strike, a dim assortment of colours colliding in on themselves.


Awakened: ?

Initial Master: ?


Operative Reggie of the Guardians of the Veil, or simply "Reggie" as members of the Free Council may know him is a nebulous figure, but his story starts in another time; an averted time. In October 2014 the Cult of the Doomsday Clock attempted to activate their weapon of Choice in an elaborate trap on most (If not All) the Mages of Australia while they were gathered in Sydney. The raw chaos created by the the event caused an Acanthus known as Ricochet to remember times that (from his perspective) never were involving an Apprentice he never had; Reggie.

Alternate Timelines involving Reggie include:

  • Reggie of the Free Council, a Paramedic and Ambulance driver.
  • Reggie of the Mysterium, a Paramedic and Ambulance driver.
  • Reggie of the Adamantine Arrow, a Police officer.
  • Reggie of the Free Council, a Police Officer.

Many miles and many months later Operative Reggie steps through the door of a Brisbane Councillium meeting, Following a ticking sound created by another Doomsday Clock.


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Inspirations and Soundtrack

OOC Info

Member Information
Player: [mailto: Hayden]
Number: 2013080002
Domain: Brisbane