Category:Vigil CofD

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Vigil 2e Character Template
Vigil 2e Genre Directory

As long as monsters have prowled the darkness,

brave and desperate mortals have walked
out of the protective ring of firelight
to pursue those shadows.
But someone else always picks up the candle
and steps into the dark…

- Unknown


The scales have fallen from your eyes. A fire is lit: is it a lamp perched over the inscription upon an ancient blade? Or a roaring conflagration consuming the house in which the howling fiends wait? Things will never be the same after this. You’ve set forth on a damning path. Carry the Vigil. Fight back the shadows.

Genre Staff

Global Chronicle Storyteller (CST Chronicles of Darkness): Alex Robin


A compact, also known as the second-tier, is a type of organization found in Hunter: The Vigil. Compacts are organized cells of hunters dedicated to a common purpose. Compacts can be everything to a regional organization of hunters to a worldwide group with strict rules limiting its numbers.

Compacts are easy to find and join, and tend to offer a great deal of practical experience, as well as a few resources a hunter on their own might not have had before. They are also fairly easy to switch between, as most compacts do not have the energy and manpower to hunt down a rogue member capable of disappearing from sight.

While a good deal for an inexperienced hunter, compacts also tend to have a number of weaknesses over the more established conspiracies. Most compacts are relatively new, with the oldest only founded in the last century or two. As a result, some compacts lack a true focus and can fall prey to infighting between members. Newer compacts also may have to rely more on hearsay or rumor for information, not having centralized resources to gather data from. They are limited in size, making them effective in one or two areas, but are prone to falling prey to local politics or a stubborn conspiracy. Plus, the supernatural tend to outnumber the members of a compact, so one that attracts a great deal of attention may easily be wiped from the face of the earth by a powerful entity that grows tired of them.


A conspiracy, also called the third-tier, is a type of organization found in Hunter: The Vigil. Conspiracies are vast organizations of great power and influence, be it through government support, religious decree, or simply surviving for thousands of years. Many conspiracies work in secret, away from the public eye, and quite a few are dedicated to keeping the supernatural forces hidden from average people. Conspiracies tend to have more far-reaching networks, reliable resources and superior knowledge than the smaller, less organized compacts.

Another benefit conspiracies offer over the weaker compacts are Endowments, powers developed specifically by a conspiracy that allow it to do things a normal mortal man would not be able to do. While they sound appealing, many Endowments come with a steep cost to use. Some gradually corrode the user's soul, some literally poison the person drawing upon it, and most keep their user from ever having a chance at leaving the conspiracy if the stakes become too high.