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Swan River Colony Forsaken VSS

Date of Issue: 18.11.13
Swan River Colony Forsaken VSS
Date of Issue: 18.11.13
Genre: Werewolf: The Forsaken
VST: Jonathan Alcott #AU2003100485
Phone: (H) 08 9523 6613 (M) 0410 509 216
VC: Jennifer Dittman
DST: Jess Hodder


The Swan River Colony is a domain based in the city of Perth in Western Australia. Werewolf the forsaken is run once a month on a Friday night on the opposite fortnight of the Mage Venue. This Venue will run out of hired venues and private residences as needed. Session times are 7:30pm for an 8:00 start, finishing by midnight.

Game History:

This is what is currently known about Perth:
Perth and the various satellites cities that make her the capital that she is was recognized in the Brethren Wars as neutral ground. No Pack was to take up residence here as She was to be a place for both sides to recruit as Nuzusul (Werewolves before the First Change) became what they were meant to be. This has resulted in a largely unchecked Spirit World and a city that has a growing list of problems that Forsaken may have been able to keep in check had they been able.
The Uratha (Werewolves) who made this pact are all but gone now. New Uratha, Both Pure and Forsaken, who have never been informed of this treaty are now looking to Perth as vacant territory and over the last year have started moving back towards Perth as the larger packs in the country areas have started pushing the newly changed out to fend for themselves when they completed training. Younger Urdaga (Forsaken) and Pure alike are using the opportunity to set up packs of their own away from Packs that would otherwise mean spending several more years work in to achieve the ranks of Beta or Alpha.
Heading in to a new frontier will mean a range of enemies and possibly allies. Have the Changing Breeds moved in? Have the Host taken up residence? Is the city flooded with Ridden? Inside the outskirts very little is known, just what has been reported back by scouts looking for Nuzusul. As not even the Loci locations are known finding these will be of highest importance while making them safe and keeping them secure will be a challenge in itself!

Atmosphere and Themes:

Rated 1-5.
1 = At most once or twice per plotline or story
5 = Main theme of the game.
Self Discovery: (2) Who you are is a member of a Pack. You are secondary to the progress and survival of the Pack. Your Alpha may give you time to find out who you really are but, well, are you familiar with the works of Xiang Yu?
Pack: (4) It will be a rare thing in game for you to be doing something for yourself that doesn’t also further the Pack. The game will include where possible the enacting of Rites to improve the bond of the Pack. Joining a Pack is a ‘One for all, all for one’ deal. Anyone without a Totem should be treated with caution. Their agenda is not yours.
Intrigue: (2) The packs will cross paths. People will want new leadership on occasion. Sometimes the packs will fight the same enemy. At gatherings, they will tell tales. The People don’t take action without reason or payment though. Assistance for no gain makes no sense.
Investigation: (3) Going into a city without knowledge of the Spiritual Layout will bring about trouble. Trouble has a source and if you want to find the source of the trouble some investigation will be required or you will be dealing with the underlings of Trouble for a long time.
Adventure: (4) Excitement. Adventure. A Jedi craves not these things. A Forsaken on the other hand lives for the next hunt and the amazing and terrible things it will bring about. Pack time is simply what you do to prepare for the adventure. Remember to prepare though as blindly attacking often results in a smack down.
Combat: (3 to 4) The players will decide the level of combat their particular pack will encounter. A pack that negotiates badly will encounter more violence than the pack that takes the time to set up a good deal. Encounters with Pure or the Host however are unlikely to be situations for a friendly chat or negotiation.
PC Death: (2) When PC Death is likely to occur as a result of NPC interaction the ST may choose warn the Players of the danger to their characters, though this may be limited to players with the Common Sense merit. The genre is, by canon, the most violent of all the genre’s though and PC death can and will occur.
Atmosphere: (4) I intend to run a game that will explore The Oath of The Moon and keeping it. Not keeping it will turn the game into a degeneration and salvation game. Keeping it will be the trick in this game. Planning and violence will need to go hand in hand to survive intact.


Firearms will be Low Approval for any single character that has Territory: Farm 2. Having a farm gives genuine reason to have firearms at the farmhouse and therefore has the added bonus of the firearm being available. Only Category A weapons (Category A: Rimfire rifles (not semi-automatic), shotguns (not pump-action or semi-automatic) and air rifles) firearms will be considered for this approval. Other Pack members may be given the firearms to use, but the responsibility and consequences for the use remain with the territory merit holder. Having an Armory or non-legal weapon for Australia still requires Mid or higher Approval.


A Pack will have one Level 2 Locus in their territory when it is claimed. This does not require a Merit on the character sheet. Any further Loci found or created must have the Territory Merit purchased and must be approved at Mid, using the approval process, to be claimed by the Pack.
A pack will have around 40 Essence to divide amongst themselves at the start of each game unless the Storyteller deems otherwise with the players starting with 0 each game before Essence is divided. Taking more than this is possible at the risk of angering the Spirits that also feed at the Locus. A Locus is not just used for Forsaken.
Unless downtime actions are taken to Touchstone any remaining Essence it will be considered consumed by Spirits or characters in downtime. Purchasing a Locus will increase the amount of Essence available. Roughly 10 x size will be available from each Locus. A larger Locus attracts more Spirits. A found Locus will already have established feeding from the Spirits that live there.


Newly changed and Packs with one year or less since the Pack establishment are the characters are preferred and any character with and starting Primal Urge or Renown of 4 or above will be required to have a character history at the submission of the character. These characters will be carefully scrutinised for suitability to the game as high powered characters may create an imbalance that will be hard to cater for in what has traditionally been a small Venue. PC’s with a mentor capability are the most likely to be considered for approval above Primal Urge or Renown 3. Each Renown story must be in the character history.
A maximum of two Changing Breed characters will be allowed in the venue. No further Changing Breed characters will be considered once two PC characters have been approved for play until the retirement/death of the characters.

Custom Item/Fetish:

If a custom item or Fetish has a similarity to an approved item that is already published players will be encouraged to use the published item/s instead for the character. Storyline may lend itself to custom items being introduced and this will be considered on a case-by-case basis.


Lodges will be approved using the levels of approval as stated in the addenda. Lodge membership will be encouraged, especially at character creation, as this will allow for further PC recruitment to the Lodges as the game continues. Lodge approved PC’s allow for PC’s from other areas to join with greater ease and I intend to encourage this.

Starting Play As A Pack:
A couple of basic requirements must be met for your characters to be considered Pack at the start of play. These are as follows:
1) A Pack history must be submitted. This history should outline:
a) How each member of the Pack joined.
b) How the Totem was found and bound to the Pack.
c) Any days or locations of significance to the Pack
d) Any Rites of significance to the Pack
e) Each Pack member must have spent at least 1 dot of Totem on the Totem submitted for approval. This Totem must be on the character sheet of every Pack member for this starting pack.
This must be submitted within three months of the start of game play. The Totem must be on each character sheet at character submission.


Characters can earn a maximum of 8XP per month at Low Approval:

Game XP:

Sign in and play: (4) Normally this experience is automatically awarded, but the character and player must be in attendance.
Leadership: (1) This award is given to characters that actively ensure other characters are brought into the scenes/action. It is also given for players/characters that provide impetus for the game to continue or take a certain direction.
Storytellers Award: (1) If a character has hit personal goal or assisted a Pack goal during the game and this is mentioned in the game wrap up circle then a Storytellers award may be given at the Storytellers discretion.
Downtime XP:
Downtime Submission: (2) This award is to encourage members to share their characters experiences and activities with the VST. By completing downtime the VST can be more aware of events during the game and use players actions and weekly pursuits for further plots. It is also used to manage the upkeep of characters. DT must be sent on time to receive this award.
Active Roleplay Session: (1) Any meeting done outside of normal game time with an ST in attendance
Internet XP: (1) Be it over a list or, if allowed by the DST over a Closed Facebook Group, posting on three separate threads or more will earn 1 XP. This will be reported to the VST by the moderator.
Expedition Games: (2) Occasionally for storyline a particular item or Rite that can only be found outside of the normal geographical boundaries of the game will be required. These games
Refer to the Domain Crossover requirements. Any requests will be considered on a case by case basis.
Proxy Play:
Refer to the Domain VSS for travel restrictions into and out of Perth using human modes of Transportation. Crossing in the Shadow Realm without the use of a Moonbridge is a dangerous prospect as the desert areas to the north and east are populated with Barrens, Shoals, unstable Wounds, packs of Predator Kings and possibly even Bale Hounds. To the South you will be moving through the territories of other packs, both Pure and Forsaken. Planned trips are more likely to make the journey than a hitchhiker.


High and Top approval characters will have to be considered carefully for their suitability to the game. After the game commencement no characters above Low approval will be approved for play unless they have been sent - with a minimum of a timeline history - to the VST at least a week before the game. New players will be given leeway, however the character remains on temporary approval until a history is submitted.
Props and costumes are encouraged. Please make sure your weapons props are suitable and have been passed through the VC. They MUST be painted bright orange.
For rules of the club on a reality level, please visit

DST Approval Number: SRCNW00271402
GST Approval Number: