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Template:PC Summary Masquerade 3

Zaphkiel after being given a reason not to kill someone

Personal Information


Zaphkiel's emotional range is single axis (running from calm to violently angry) and he's got a thing about his personal space. He's spent the last 50ish years studying and training on his own so that he can be more effective on the front lines, and has only left his private library since Razor turned up one night and dragged him off to join her Pack. Needless to say, being out of his library doesn't improve his mood.

Notable Traits

Eye tattoos on the back of each fist, and a bad mood.

Information Known by Kindred Society


Zaphkiel doesn't know specifically who his sire was - he was shovelheaded and then trained as a generic Salubri soldier. Or that could just be a lie.

After outliving the rest of his original pack, he decided to go into study to improve himself and has only recently been seen since. He seems to be relatively up to date on modern society though.


Quotes By

"Vic, sic him."
- Via telepathy, the moment El Salvador was publicly declared a possible heretic.

Quotes About

"An' that is our scholar...fuckin' poetry in motion, ain't he? Damn. That's our nerd, son. You pissin' yet, cunt?"
- Razor, to an enemy Cainite who just watched open-mouthed as Zaph tore the head off a Lasombra with his bare hands, with something almost approaching a smirk.

"Oh, and the very well proportioned figure with that brooding jawline is Zaphi, our Ductus. He likes reading, quiet nights in, hitting Tremere (often with other Tremere), Chantry bonfires, and he utterly hates being called Zaphi."
- Pinky, rounding out the introductions


"I have here a decree from the Cardinal of Oceania... ooooh, you're not gonna like it."
"Pretty sure you're the one who's not gonna like it."
"It decrees that the Salubri Antitribu known as 'Zaphkiel' is... That's you, right? Yeeeep, this is going to be unpleasant."
"For you."
"...the Salubri Antitribu known as 'Zaphkiel' is to be execu-"
*suddenly a polar bear from the sky lands on Vulpe*
"I told you this would be unpleasant for you."
*combat suddenly erupts as Vulpe's pack realises with horror that everyone can see through their Obfuscate*
- Vulpe attempting to read a fake execution order from El Salvador pretending to be Cardinal


  • He hates the Tremere with the fire of a thousand suns
    • The phrase "take their knowledge and eat them" or some variant thereof may be a regular refrain
  • He's a confirmed Noddist scholar
  • Must have beaten the shit out of Razor at some point, for her accept him as Ductus over her
    • Is officially the hardest-arsed librarian to ever walk the Earth



  • Initiated
  • Blooded
  • Battle-scarred
  • Feared
  • Watchful

Inspirations and Soundtrack

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Alex R
Number: AU2013050006
Domain: Canberra