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If a player is found by the VST to have breached this agreement, it is the Storyteller’s responsibility to speak with the player OOC and provide corrective advice. If a player continues to break the agreement, then they will face withdrawal of approval and their character will be de-sanctioned. Should this occur, the character will be written out of the chronicle.
If a player is found by the VST to have breached this agreement, it is the Storyteller’s responsibility to speak with the player OOC and provide corrective advice. If a player continues to break the agreement, then they will face withdrawal of approval and their character will be de-sanctioned. Should this occur, the character will be written out of the chronicle.
Venue Document Approval Number: MASQ-H 173

Latest revision as of 23:55, 18 May 2016

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Elder Agreement

This document gives the players of Elder’s freedom to act while giving them the responsibility for the betterment of the game and genre. It also means ST’s will work with their Elder players to ensure players share the vision of the Storyteller regarding Elder behaviour and that their actions as characters are genre reinforcing. Both parties are responsible for how Elders are portrayed in game.


The Elder character represents not only the largest single-character power source within the Masquerade chronicle, but a large investment of responsibility on the part of a player. Having access to the most potent powers and the ability to influence the chronicle just by existing, the Elder character requires not only experience to portray but a clear set of expectations so that players and storytellers have the same understanding of what to expect. This guide is that set of expectations. It introduces a suite of rules for Elder characters, and provides a detailed style guide for portraying an Elder character in the Masquerade chronicle.

By playing an Elder, a player agrees to abide by this Elder Agreement.


In examples below, this represents rules only applicable to Camarilla Elders, and these rules apply only to Sabbat Elders. What is in this colour applies to all Elder characters.


By portraying an Elder character, you have chosen to portray a concept that does not get second chances. You are playing a concept where a mistake will end up getting your character blood bound, Blood Hunted, or killed. Worse still, that mistake may not even be of your own making. You will be in a constant struggle against other Elders out to fulfil their own designs. The Elder character will receive the brunt of the dark, personal horror that is rampant within the World of Darkness.

The Elder character does not get ST warnings and they do not get a friendly hand when interacting with the NPC's such as the Justicars, Alastors or Consistory or other Elder PCs.

When things turn against your PC, you will be expected to handle the situation with maturity, integrity, and respect.

Your Elder will be closely watched by Archons and Justicars and their judgement will be harsher with you because you are expected to know better. Your Elder character is not the peer of the serving Justicars, the Justicars are the Judges of the Sect appointed by the Inner Council and will expect your submission or orchestrate your sudden destruction.

Your Elder occupies a powerful yet precarious position in the Sabbat; you are an Elder in a Sect of youthful Vampires for whom Diablerie is not only a reward, it is sought after and, some would say, promised by the Sect. The Consistory and the Regent will pay close attention to any action you take that threatens the security and existence of other Elders of the Sabbat. They will throw you to the wolves in a heartbeat if it will preserve their existence.

If you cannot follow these guidelines or do not want to play in this harsh and unforgiving environment, then you should choose to play a Neonate or Ancilla concept. This is not intended to be cruel, but only clear, so that players understand what they are getting into.


The ability to play an Elder character, regardless of your MC, is a privilege, not a right. You DO have the right to request the opportunity to play this concept from your Low Approval ST and, should that ST deny you, have the reasons explained to you.

In Character By portraying an Elder concept, you are taking on a massive In-Character responsibility not only to use the powers that are inherent in the concept responsibly, but to ensure that the chronicle as a whole runs smoothly and according to the local, regional, national, and global settings. You are responsible for helping the chronicle show the inherent danger and darkness that permeates the World of Darkness at the Elders' level. When that danger and darkness impacts your Elder character, you are responsible for responding with aplomb, grace, and maturity, no matter the outcome.

Your character has the capability of drastically affecting the course of a single local game and the path of the games around you. You will discuss your IC plans with your VST and become accustomed to following your VST's guidance in your larger plans.

Out of Character If you have reached the point to where you have been entrusted with the responsibility of playing an Elder character concept, then you have reached a point in the organization where you have more responsibility than just a member. Even if you choose not to take on a role as a volunteer officer, you are still a leader in the game and the newer members will look to you for guidance and modelling what is permissible within the organization. The newer members will learn from your playing style; you will be responsible for setting the example. Elder players will be expected to take this responsibility seriously and remain conscious of their effect on the chronicle as a whole.

Character Creation


Characters embraced at the Sixth Generation should choose an existing NPC sire found in the sanctioned source material.

Seventh and Eighth Generation characters are required to have some prior relationship with the 6th Generation of their Clan. This may be as a Childe / Grandchilde but it could also be as a rival or secret enemy. Whatever the nature of the relationship, the 6th Generation will expect their wishes are respected.

This requirement applies even if your character has diablerized its way to this generation. In these cases, your character has reached a point where it has attracted the attention of an Ancient or Methuselah who seeks to use it. There is no power without strings.

Elder Camarilla PC’s are encouraged to form ties with PC descendants or vassals.


Elder characters have, for the most part, lived longer and experienced more than most other characters. This is commonly represented within the Abilities the player chooses for their character. Consider antiquated abilities to represent a life that is out-of-sync with the modern world. Abilities that are not listed explicitly in the books can be takes as Hobby/Expert Ability. Examples could include:

  • Archery (a specialization in modern composites would be inappropriate)
  • Crafts (In some sort of archaic form, weaving or iron smithing)
  • Fortune Telling (earth mysteries, astrology, oneiromancy, etc)
  • Herbalism (plants, fungi, minerals, etc)
  • Hearth Wisdom (folk lores, traditions, cultural lores, etc)
  • Hunting (trapping, tracking, butchering, etc)
  • Linguistics (In old or disused languages: it is Strongly Encouraged for Elders)
  • Survival (tracking, camping, dowsing, etc)

Also consider an ability specialization that is not applicable today. Torture (Medieval implements) or Stealth (Castles) are both good examples.

Elders should not have Abilities such as Computer, Drive, Law (modern), Security (modern techniques) as examples. Knowledge of modern mortal developments and constructs should be limited.


The human mind is not designed to witness centuries of time. Because of the hundreds, if not thousand, of years spent awake and the horrible things they must interact with, all Elders have one extra Derangement due to their age and experiences. This Derangement does not have to be debilitating - just that Elders have become much less human than their younger counterparts.

Elder characters do not receive two negative traits for this extra Derangement; it cannot be removed during play.


Elder characters will be expected to have Boons to and from them, as well as more archaic skills and backgrounds, upon entering play. Boons will be owed to, or owned over, other Elders. If there was any Prestation owed from an Elder’s Neonate or Ancilla years they have either been fulfilled, or the Kindred involved has met Final Death, or lived to likewise become an Elder. Independent Elder characters will be expected to have issued many favours to retain their neutral status.

Camarilla Elders must start with at least three trivial, two minor, and one major in play at character creation. These can be owed to Kindred or possessed over kindred, but they represent part of the tangled web of intrigue that is natural at the Elder level.

Sabbat Elders will have Boons Owned and Owed from the time before there was a Sabbat Sect. These may even be owed to Elder Kindred of the Camarilla.

Independent Elders will owe five trivial, three minor, and two major, to represent the extra wheeling and dealing they need to do do to maintain their independence.

Blood Bonds

It is not uncommon that Elders may have had relationships, interactions, and punishments that resulted in partial bonds to and from other characters. Players of Elder characters should consider at least two or three distinct one-step blood bonds to your character and from others. Again, these outcomes of past events help to represent the tangled web of intrigue that Elders call "home." Blood Bonds should be to other Elders; or Ancilla who have held Prince, Seneschal or Archon Stations in their history.

If your sheet has an out-of-clan power on it at creation, a commensurate partial blood bond to the PC that taught the power is appropriate. An Elder concept with ALL blood bonds to it and none held over it, will be viewed unfavourably by the ST chain, possibly resulting in modifications to the concept or rejection of the concept.


Camarilla Elders should prioritise the Path of Humanity and promote it to younger Camarilla characters. If a Camarilla Elder is not on the Path of Humanity, there needs to be a good reason for how this advances their agenda in the Jyhad and the Sect. If an Elder is on a different Path, they should consider carefully the consequences of revealing such to the Sect at large.

Sabbat Elders are unlikely to be on the Path of Humanity. Their age plus their exposure to the night by night depravity of the Sabbat makes a Path of Enlightenment necessary. When picking a Path, consider how it reflects the personality your Elder has developed over the centuries.

Enemies & Allies

It is impossible to move through the Jyhad without creating a rival or two, nor is it possible to survive without aligning yourself with allies of convenience. Elders, by their nature, create vendetta simply by their very existence. Elder Generation characters should detail more rivals than allies, as the World of Darkness does not lend itself to long standing “friends”. Today's ally might have been last century's enemy, just as the reverse is likely. Characters should have no less than 2-3 long-standing rivalries and 1-2 current allies. These may, in fact, be the same person but should largely be different characters.

Playing the Game

The play style of an Elder is different from all other Generations in the game. Surviving is the only thing that matters. Avoiding risk becomes a way of life. There are others out there, as old, as powerful, as risk averse as you. Self interest and self preservation drives you all to work towards similar ends.

“Public” Elders (those of the 7th or 8th Generation) are likely to be more personally active in their social / political interactions with the court than their millennial old Sires and Grandsires, however, even they prefer to move through cats-paws and pawns.

In game, Elders will abide by several commitments:

  • DO involve other players in the game – this is what minions are for
  • DO cultivate a following of childer and agents to do your bidding – use them and their networks
  • DO encourage use of the Protocols - through examples of reward and punishment.
  • DO uphold the Traditions/Code of Milan - through examples of reward and punishment.
  • DO uphold Elysium - through examples of reward and punishment.
  • DO solve problems with your minions and networks
  • DON’T teach Disciplines – why teach a Discipline yourself? Have a minion do it

The Anarch Rebellions

Consider your interaction with Neonates and Ancilla, how they may perceive your involvement with events and the threat they may pose to you if they unite and act against you as a group. Your Elder is either old enough to have existed during one or more of the Anarch Rebellions or to have horror stories told to you by your Sire who certainly did live through those times.

As an Elder, your character should be terrified of what Neonates and Ancilla in organised and motivated groups can do to an Elder.

Summary of requirements

  • Discuss your IC plans with your VST
  • Responsible for setting the example to newer members who will learn from your playing style
  • Act with grace and maturity OOC, no matter the outcome
  • Must have antiquated abilities
  • Have at least three trivial, two minor, and one major in play at character creation
  • 2-3 long-standing rivalries
  • 1-2 current allies.
  • Two or three distinct one-step blood bonds to and from your character

Consider the following

  • Antiquated specialisations in abilities
  • Your actions and how they may be viewed by other Elders
  • Avoiding involvement in fights – risk averse is a way of life, and fair escape is your friend


If a player is found by the VST to have breached this agreement, it is the Storyteller’s responsibility to speak with the player OOC and provide corrective advice. If a player continues to break the agreement, then they will face withdrawal of approval and their character will be de-sanctioned. Should this occur, the character will be written out of the chronicle.


Venue Document Approval Number: MASQ-H 173