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{{PC Summary Requiem
{{PC Summary Requiem

Latest revision as of 21:04, 19 March 2017

Tombstone.png This article is about a character that is deceased or otherwise no longer in play.

Template:PC Summary Requiem

LogoGangrel 70x70.png
LogoCovenantCircleoftheCrone 70x70.png

Personal Information


Manx is 193cm tall and 103kg. He has Wild orange hair he cuts short every time he wakes with his claws. He has emerald green eyes and looks to be around 35. He has a visible scar on his upper lip as well as claw scars all over his chest and back. He is also always wearing a strange wrist band

Manx has a couple of ways he dresses, the first is when he’s wearing his Leather vest over a wife beater with some ripped jeans in summer and a hobo coat with a dark olive green shirt and a beanie in winter, regardless he wears a collar around his wrist. He will also always carry around a tin of catfood and will smell distinctly like fish.


Manx's personality can be closely resembled to a Feral Cat. When he needs to fight he will without hesitation, when he's backed into a corner he'll stare down his enemies without blinking or flinching. When met with smaller Gangrel his instincts tell him to nurture and help grow, to try and steer them into the right direction and when met with a bigger stronger Gangrel he knows when its time to let them take over.

His thoughts on the other clans are varied and biased. He also tends to give everyone a nickname in order to remember them.

Mortal World

As far as the Mortal world is concerned Manx is a Hobo who lives on the streets, he likes to keep things this way.

Legally he's declared Missing and possibly dead under his real name

Information Known by Kindred Society


  • 1882 - Manx is born in Palmerston (Port Darwin)
  • 1916 - Manx is Embraced
  • 1917 - Manx is Declared Missing by the Police of Port Darwin
  • 1918 - Manx Sires his first childer without the Prince's permission. She is Destroyed
  • 1920
  • 1930
  • 1940 - Gives up on Kine and Kindred in favour of Cats, Decides life is better that way.
  • 1950
  • 1960
  • 1970
  • 1980
  • 1990
  • 1993 - Manx draws a rune on a young girl as she wanders the streets in Broken Hill after dark
  • 2000
  • 2007
  • 2010
  • 2012 - Manx Embraces a Childer whom the dark mother blessed 19 years prior
  • 2016

Recent History


  • PAST FEW MONTHS: Manx arrives at Adelaide, He joins with the other members of his covenant and takes the position of Haruspex.

Manx then gets involved in a weird spooky mirror, helping killing the monster it created, Getting angry at many neonates, wanting to fuck many neonates, taking the position of Gangrel whip, Larvae and much much more.

Oct: Manx is shown the incompetence of the Adelaide Gangrel, The annoyance of the Carthians as well as the venom inside many kindred. He takes Priscus for the Gangrel after hearing the previous one had left the city and wonders how the hell he's going to deal with a werebear.


Known Sire

Known Siblings

Known Childer

  • Saskia Winters - She is Weak, Couldn't bear the death of her kine mother. When we turn we must cast away life for our masquerade

Known Grand-childer


Quotes By

"Who's a cool cat, Who's a Pussy cat. Its Manx Baby" - Manx

"There is nothing more terrifying than a monster that can not only do what you can do. But also what your enemy can do and better" - Manx

"again, Again, AGAIN! I cannot Fail! I promised her I would learn her technique and pass it on to the new generation. The Gangrel must be more than fighters, we have a right to protect others, a right to protect everyone, Just let me learn this damn fucking devotion so I can give HER the last promise I gave her" - Manx screaming to his cats as he fails to merge with them into the soil

Quotes About

  • "If Berengaria is the owl in the trees outside, then Greymalkin is another cat, walking the streets as I sit in the window above. In another lifetime, we may have been true siblings. In this one, though, he makes me smile, and teases me gently, but I have seen him kill a man for nothing but his amusement. When I tell him that the Prophet thought cats blessed by the Most Merciful, he laughs. May Allah keep him well." - Fatimah al-Mu'allima
    • "I hope, in my dreams, in the dark places where only Allah may see me, I'll always be dancing with you." Fatimah, on her last night
  • "I like this Gangrel, no bullshit and tells how it is.The very essence of how a Gangrel is. I like him alot." Viktor
  • "He looks like he's going for the backpacker, crazy cat lady, sly tomcat look. It suits him." - Reyna Lane
  • ((Upon seeing Manx almost shirtless covered in runes and being strangely attracted to it)) "Well, that is certainly an interesting look. It's definitely you." - Saul Rodrigues
  • "There's a bit of Daeva in him. Pun... not intended. I think." - Lucky
  • "I'm sorry pussycat. If you're looking for someone to hurt, why not take it out on the one who put her in her grave? I'm right here and I'll take it." - Nyx, comforting him after Fatimah is torpored.
  • "Fatimah liked him I know that much but from what I've heard from what I've seen ... I don't know maybe I have to many elders in my life already," - Karlin
  • "I would greatly appreciate if you could cease this outright and offensive slander of my person. I am not one of your whores nor will I ever be." -Elizabeth Saint-Matthew rebuking Manx for insinuating that he had set his sights on her.


"Quote" - reference


  • Is fucking the Lancea Sanctum Inquisitor in Adelaide (and loves it)
  • Manx is desperately reaching out and trying to satisfy himself with his own vices, confused why they just don't have the same thrill for him any more.

Inspirations and Soundtrack


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Caleb Prince Brotherton
Number: 2015070011
Domain: Adelaide