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(Created page with "{{Brisbane}} Please Note the Following is a Draft DSS for 2017. = BRISBANE DOMAIN STYLE SHEET = == ADMINISTRATION INFORMATION == === '''1: '''Domain Name, Number, City'''...")
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Relevant Storyteller Emails are As Follows –
Relevant Storyteller Emails are As Follows –
vst.sabbat@brisbane.beyondthesunset.org.au <br>
vst.camarilla@brisbane.beyondthesunset.org.au <br>
vst.lost@brisbane.beyondthesunset.org.au <br>
vst.requiem@brisbane.beyondthesunset.org.au <br>
vst.awakening@brisbane.beyondthesunset.org.au <br>

Latest revision as of 17:57, 12 December 2016

Brisbane | X CofD · Forsaken CofD · Lost CofD | Camarilla

Main | DSS | Playstyle | City Setting | Brisbane News | Locations & Services | CofD News & Publications

Please Note the Following is a Draft DSS for 2017.



1: Domain Name, Number, City

Twilight Alliance, AUS-002, Brisbane

2: DST & DC Names and membership numbers

Shaye McCarthy-Atkinson - 2011120002 dst@brisbane.beyondthesunset.org.au

Daniel Jagannath - ?? DC@brisbane.beyondthesunset.org.au

3: Game Location, Time and Fees


Twilight Alliance Games are played in a number of Venues across Brisbane.

Commonly used venues include but are not limited to –

  • Please see VSSs


Brisbane Games operate within the frame of a standard monthly time-table. However, sign on, game start and game finish times may vary depending on venue limitations.

2nd Friday of the Month, Afternoon – Vampire the Masquerade: Sabbat

2nd Saturday of the Month, Evening - Vampire the Masquerade: Camarilla

Last Saturday of the Month, Afternoon – Changeling the Lost

Last Saturday of the Month, Evening – Vampire the Requiem

Sunday after Requiem, Afternoon – Mage the Awakening

Note: Although the Sunday which MtA is played on is quite often the last Sunday of the month, this is not always the case. During months in which the VtR and CtL Games are played on the very last day of the month the MtA game is played on the first day of the following month. In these circumstances the domain considered the MtA game to be part of the previous month’s game cycle for reporting and experience purposes.


Twilight Alliance has no standardised reoccurring fees. Costs for attending particular games are up to the discretion of the respective Venue Coordinator.

4: Mailing lists, websites and other online resources used

Twilight Alliance has no dedicated website although most of our information can be found on the wiki at http://wiki.beyondthesunset.org.au/Brisbane

Members of Twilight Alliance should subscribe to ooc.brisbane@lists.camarilla.org.au.

Information about our games can also be found on our facebook at http://www.facebook.com/groups/twilight.alliance/

Story Tellers are encouraged to utilise google drive to share game recourses and should contact the DST for more information.

Relevant Storyteller Emails are As Follows –



1: Setting

The setting for both Classic and New World of Darkness Brisbane are viable to alternations at the discretion of the VSTs. It is assumed that the settings will be altered by plots and the player’s actions. As such, this section is likely to change as the chronicle progresses. Failing an amendment to this document, VSTs can be contacted for a current description of the setting.


In 2013 the city of Brisbane as we know it has continued to expand to resemble a decadent, hedonistic metropolis of vice and crime. The sprawling cityscape of Brisbane has burst its borders with non-stop urban hubs that flow into the Gold Coast to the South, the Sunshine Coast to the North and Ipswich to the West. The sunshine, the surf and the glitz and glamour of Brisbane nightlife present a ritzy lifestyle to outsiders, but the promise of a good time is only skin deep. Beneath the surface is a world of corruption and decay that clings to the cities foundations. Everything and anything can be acquired for the right price. The city isn’t in any kind of chaos or disarray it churns onward at a steady pace. But progress is always limited by the money that fuels the fires and the hottest fires are those of industry and crime.

The political powers in Brisbane rest on their morals, happy to balance in the middle instead of taking sides. They are neither conservative nor liberal. They take few risks, avoiding the gamble of rash action that might halt the flow of money. They fear the mistakes made by the previous administration, whose actions are still fresh in the minds of anyone that values their job.

The previous political group were the ones that bit of more than they could chew, hoping to rid the city of crime and lead the city into the modern era with a multi-billion dollar transport system, hundreds of new public buildings and more room for the thriving corporate monoliths. The Deen Brothers demolished half the city under the cover of darkness and in the place of the heritage buildings where supposed to be shinny new beacons of an industrialised, modern and efficient future. But soon the money ran dry and instead of a silky slick web of subways zipping about the cooperate couple they got grungy warrens infested with the scum of society cowering like rats. Instead of shimmering skyscrapers and testaments of modern engineering they got scared and shatter shells littering the skyline like the husks of an apocalypse. Instead of a powerful new police force, armed with weapons to deal with the underworld, they got more corrupt cops and deadlier armaments in the hands of criminals.


The Classic World of Darkness

Brisbane's in game history mirrors that of the real world up until the mid 1980's. From there it deviates merely by a matter of degree. There are supernatural interferences, undercurrents and secrets both historical and current but by and large the result is a city that is very much the same as you experience today.

NOTE: What follows reflects darkly the recent political history of Queensland. Historical figures have been replaced by fictional ones, and while the former inform the later in the broadest of broad strokes they are just fantasy constructs. The intent is never to denigrate anyone's beliefs - political, religious or otherwise.

A Brief Mundane History

In the mid eighties Queensland politics and police were rife with nepotism and corruption. A series of newspaper exposes lead to the formation of the Fitzgerald Inquiry and ultimately the fall of the incumbent National Party after 32 years in power.

In the political turmoil that ensued emerged the voice of Peter Dunn, a young Labor backbencher and former Anglican Priest. Peter's calls for genuine reform across all areas of government and beyond was at first derided as naivety but he struck a chord with the public and eventually rode a wave of popular support into the office of the Premier. He then surprised both his critics and supporters by actually enacting his campaign promises.

The police force and state bureaucracy were ruthlessly cleansed of corruption. Where in 1985 it had been difficult to find an honest cop in Queensland, by 1990 it was almost impossible to find a dirty one. The police force underwent a massive change. Heavy recruiting saw it expand despite losing so many to corruption charges, serious money was put into modernising and improving efficiency and efficacy. Quietly Queensland became a police state, with no objections raised as the public sentiment was that the government and the police had moral authority.

Other areas of the State and City were also heavily invested in - Infrastructure, culture and the arts. As a former priest Peter Dunn also consulted with religious leaders of many denominations and promoted the church's place in his vision for a healthy society.

In 2009 Peter Dunn announced his retirement from politics. His successor, Susanne Wolfe, continued his legacy but never achieved the popularity or reputation of Dunn. In the wake of the Global Financial Crisis and a series of natural disasters the electorate turned against Wolfe and elected the Liberal Carter Burke in 2012.

Carter Burke ran on a platform of fiscal responsibility and strong family values. His campaign tried to invoke the moral values and certainty that took Peter Dunn to power 20 years before. However once in power the public learned Carter was a very different animal.

Public service, infrastructure and cultural spending were slashed. The Police Ethics Board was disbanded and in mid 2012 police were used to meet a protest by union workers on the streets of Brisbane. While there was no reported violence, there were three police officers for every protester present. The show of overwhelming police force was demoralising to the protest and confronting for the public.

Carter's family values also turned out to be of a more fundamentalist bent. Church leaders, formerly welcomed into political discussions, were suddenly marginalised.

As is stands now:

Politics: After twenty years of stability Queensland has been put into new hands. A whole generation has grown up with no need to question the honesty of their leaders, now they are confronted with a stereotypical politician. Whether Carter Burke will lead the state back into the bad old days of corruption, or that his radical conservatism is what is required in these times of uncertainty has yet to be decided.

Police: The Police force is massive and well funded, with 20 year history of being incorruptible. However recent across the board pay cuts for officers and the disbanding of the Police Ethics Board may allow corruption a new foothold in the force.

Underworld: For the last twenty years the police have been powerful and efficient. Open crime has been eradicated. What organised crime still exists is underground, vicious and efficient. Criminals with any hope of longevity cannot afford mistakes and do not suffer fools. It is rumoured that most organised crime in the state is managed from inside prisons.

Street: The gap between rich and poor has never been wider, and the life on the street never harder. The police have perfected the moving along of the destitute and homeless to keep city streets neat. The poor have been herded into industrial estates where they are out of sight and mind. With social services recently being slashed and the police becoming more forceful, pressure is building in these ghettos. Where it will be released nobody knows.

High Society: The rich have benefited greatly from decades of prosperity and the latest regime promises to continue that prosperity, at least for the one percent. They relax in their riverside apartments, meet at their exclusive clubs and dine at $10,000 a plate fund raisers. Still the economy is not what it once was, who knows what the rich might be forced to do to stay on top.

Church: The church has enjoyed great prominence over the last twenty years but now they are on the outer with the state. Do they throw in with the black and white, fundamental conservatism of the new government, or do they oppose them as a moral alternative? The churches need to choose a side and make a stand or risk becoming irrelevant.

Finance, Industry and Transport: Finance and industry are shrinking. Unions are reacting and meeting resistance. Brisbane is a transport hub for the state and that will not change in the near future, still the economic downturn and rising fuel prices places pressure even here.

3: Theme(s) (Listed and described)

For particular themes appropriate to the various Genres please refer to the Venue Style Sheets.

4: Mood (Listed and described)

For particular moods appropriate to the various Genres please refer to the Venue Style Sheets.

5: Preferred character types, and restrictions (Examples of the exemplar)

Character should be suited to their particular genre, conforming to the themes and mood. As such, players should consult the appropriate Venue Style Sheets or discuss concepts with their Venue Story Tellers before seeking approval.

Players are encouraged to make long lasting characters that are involved within the structure drama and action of the various games. “Throw-away” or “Once-off” character will not be considered for approval.

Players are encouraged to have one character only per genre and to play this character consistently until its death or retirement.

Secondary Characters, Second Primary Characters or having more than one character in a Classic World of Darkness Venue is strongly discouraged and will only be approved under exceptional circumstances. Wanting to “try something different” or simply wanting a rage of occasional characters at your disposal is not an approvable justification.

Instead, players will be able to request a particular style of NPC to fulfil the role of what would be a secondary PC. In these cases Story Tellers should be more option to negation in the creation of the NPC. If the player in consistent in their portrayal of the NPC then the character it likely to be considered for Custodial Player Character status or transferral to PC status if the players current PC is retired or destroyed.

This process is to assist the Storytellers in creating a stronger universe of Non Player Characters and to ensure that Player Characters are developed and interesting rather than two dimensional cardboard cut-outs.

6: Location of Domain history information )

Domain History will be available on the Beyond the Sunset Wiki at - http://wiki.beyondthesunset.org.au/index.php?title=Brisbane_New_World_of_Darkness_Historic_Timeline


1: Experience Awards


All primary characters receive their MC x 10 + 30 in experience points as per the universal addenda.

In addition characters may also receive experience points at creation for the following at the discretion of the VST–

  • 5XP for completion and submission of the relevant Character Development Document
  • Up to 5XP for Character ties (1 point per Character Tie) – Players are required to communicate with VST regarding the nature and suitability.
  • 3XP for a Narrative Character Back-story
  • 3XP for a wiki page including a picture and a quote from another player

Note: These XP bonuses are considered creation XP and are not subject to the Incremental Maximum


Each month characters can obtain the following Experience Points at the discretion of the VST –

  • 3XP for attending the majority of a game session
  • 1XP for a Report detailing major events that occurred during the game or a reflective journal from the character perspective
  • 2XP for a Narrative Downtime with significant detail or 1XP for a simple dot point downtime

Players may also claim up to an additional 2XP for costuming and exceptional Role-Playing. This claim should be made within the monthly downtime submission.


All characters receive the standard XP amount as per the relevant addenda.


Each month character can obtain the following Experience Points as the discretion of the VST –

  • 2XP per Game
  • 1XP Discretionary Role-Playing Award
  • 1XP for the submission of a Downtime

Note: It will be unlikely that players will earn the maximum amount of experience points for every game and submission. The amount of experience can always be reduced with impunity by the VSTs and can never exceed monthly cap without exceptional circumstances such as national events or exemplary over-cap awards.

2: Custom Rules


No Write-Up? No Power!

White-Wolf has published literally hundreds of book each with its own set of powers and unique rules. In lieu of this fact, if a player utilises a rule or power that does not come from a core book, that player must bring a legible copy of rules. If the player does bring copies of an obscure rule and it is brought into question then the power simply will not work or the rule will not apply. Story Tellers are the final arbitrators on what constitutes as an obscure rule.


Dramatic Successes and Failures

Although the rules for dramatic successes and failures as per the write-up in the core World of Darkness material are not sanctioned within Beyond the Sunset’s New World of Darkness chronicle, VSTs within Brisbane will have some narrative flexibility in situations that would normally be considered a dramatic success or failure and may levy minor mechanical bonuses or detriments based on the situation. VSTs will be more generous with penalties and rewards in player versus environment situations as opposed to player versus player situations.

Example (Dramatic Success): Barry character is attempting to track down Don’s character with his heightened senses but Don’s character who is a master of Survival has covered his tracks and rough weather is making visibility near impossible. As a result Barry’s character is reduced to a chance draw and Barry has drawn a one. The Story Teller decides that rather than simply failing in his attempts to find Don’s character, Barry’s character is lead into a cave full of snakes.

Example (Dramatic Failure): Barry’s Character is in a tussle with a cave full of snakes. Fortunately his character is armed with his faithful cutlass and Barry manages to draw two tens in a row. Since the small snakes only have two health levels and are inconsequential antagonists the Story Teller decides that rather than Barrys character only killing one of the snakes he manages to cut through two of them in a single swing.

Blood Feeding/ Glamour Harvesting/ Mana Gathering (Supernatural Resource Obtaining)

Brisbane utilises a simplified method for determining the quantity of magical resources a character starts game with. A Character adds his relevant merits (such as Haven Location, Harvest, ect.) to a randomly rolled number (1-10) and the resulting number is the amount of magical resource that the character starts game with.

Example: Vlad the Vampire has an average sized Herd and a Haven that is located in the middle of the thriving night-club district (2 Herd + 5 Haven Location). He draws a 5 for his card and adds this to his total.

2 + 5 + Card 5 = 12

Vlad starts the game with 12 Blood in his blood pool or the maximum his blood pool will allow if it’s less than 12.

Certain powers give bonuses to feeding and these are applied with the discretion of the VST. VST may also alter the amount of supernatural recourses a Character begins the game with based on Plot and the general state of the city.


Please see relevant VSS for rules specific to genres

3: Downtime Handling Procedure


Downtimes are due the Second Monday after the game. This gives players a full week, including weekend, to submit downtimes. It encourages players to submit downtimes while the events of the game are still fresh in their mind.


All downtimes are due on the 15th of the Month

This is a strict deadline and will be enforced unless an exceptional reason for lateness can be provided. “Forgetting to send it in” or “accidentally not attaching a file” are not acceptable reasons. Downtimes sent in after this date WILL NOT BE PROCESSED and characters will receive no XP for the submission of a downtime that month.

XP expenditures, and maintaining skills do not require a set number of downtime actions. XP expenditures will be approved based only on the justifications given by the player and the VSTs professional opinion. Understand that some XP expenditures will required significant character development before being approved.

4: Crossover limitations and expectations.

Brisbane 2013 Chronicle is building towards a set of complete, extensive and entwined World of Darkness games.

New World of Darkness will be story-told as one game rather than three separate isolated genres. Each game will play to its own themes and moods, with a separate VST arbitrating what makes it in and out of their games but ultimately the games will be connected by the fact that they are all set in the same universe. VSTs and the DST will meet every month shortly after downtime submissions in order to discuss the cross-over ramifications of their player’s actions and possible plots that could be affecting multiple games. Cross-over is likely to be common in one way or another, although antagonism between genres is something story tellers will discourage. Especially in areas that conflicts of interest and meta-gaming might be present. At the end of each year the domain will attempt to host a cross-genre event specifically for the purpose of exploring common ground across the genres in a safe controlled environment.

Venue Story Tellers will take advantage of the Low Approval (Soft Role-Play with little consequences) aspects of cross genre and encourage players to approach cross-genera with a narrative, role-play focus rather than a mechanical focus.

Classic World of Darkness will also feature more cross-genera activity than that current chronicle has permitted. There will be no fire-wall between games and the antagonism inherit between the Vampire genres will not be removed. Instead it will be carefully monitored and controlled through the use of plot and strong in character consequences. Wraith the Oblivion is unique in that it will have limited cross-genre as the PCs inhabit essentially a different world to that of the other genres. However, some cross-genera will be permitted through the interaction of NPCs and specific merits. For more details please read the relevant VSS.


1: Information for New Folks (new to Cam)

New Players are encouraged to contact the relevant Story Teller at least three days before game.

For contact information please see Section 4: Administrative information.

Information relating to our specific games and White-Wolf’s World of Darkness can be found on the Beyond the Sunset Wiki - http://wiki.beyondthesunset.org.au

2: Information for External Folks (from other Domains)

Character Sheets for character outside of Brisbane should be sent though the relevant Story Teller channels at least three days before a game. Character sheets for character outside Australia should be sent through the relevant Story Teller Channels at least one week before game in case any conversions need to be made.