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(Add some more concepts that had been posted to facebook)
(135 intermediate revisions by 22 users not shown)
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:'''Name''': [[Fus]]
:'''Name''': [[Smithy]]
:'''Path''': Mastigos
:'''Titles''': -
:'''Legacy''': -
:'''Cabal''': The [[Ardent Compass]]
:'''Concept''': The Dragonborn
:'''Player''': Becca Pring
:'''Name''': [[Toranaga]]
:'''Path''': Obrimos
:'''Titles''': -
:'''Legacy''': Brotherhood of the Demon Wind
:'''Concept''': Wandering Samurai
:'''Player''': Nathan Bickerton
:'''Path''': Obrimos
:'''Path''': Obrimos
:'''Titles''': Councillor of the Golden Key
:'''Titles''': Councillor of the Golden Key
:'''Legacy''': -
:'''Legacy''': -
:'''Cabal''': "Boondock Mages"
:'''Cabal''': [[Saints of Grace]]
:'''Concept''': Nasty irish bastard, makes items in field
:'''Concept''': Nasty irish bastard, makes items in field
:'''Player''': Sean Dennis
:'''Player''': Sean Dennis
Line 39: Line 23:
:'''Titles''': -
:'''Titles''': -
:'''Legacy''': -
:'''Legacy''': -
:'''Cabal''': "Boondock Mages"
:'''Cabal''': [[Saints of Grace]]
:'''Concept''': Catholic Blue-Collar Vigilante
:'''Concept''': Catholic Blue-Collar Vigilante
:'''Player''': Nick Wittman
:'''Player''': Nick Wittman
Line 47: Line 31:
:'''Shadow Name''': [[Gopher]]
:'''Path''': Acanthus
:'''Legacy''': None
:'''Cabal''': "Boondock Mages"
:'''Concept''': Pub Owner
:'''Player''': Corwin Wright
:'''Name''': [[Dornelia]]
:'''Path''': Thyrsus
:'''Legacy''': Orphan of Proteus
:'''Cabal''': The [[Ardent Compass]]
:'''Concept''': Explorer and Ambassador of New Worlds
:'''Player''': Charlie Kay
:'''Name''': [[Dresden]]
:'''Name''': [[Dresden]]
:'''Path''': Moros
:'''Path''': Moros
:'''Titles''': -
:'''Titles''': Heirarch
:'''Legacy''': Uncrowned Kings
:'''Legacy''': Uncrowned Kings
:'''Cabal''': [[Architects of Amun-Ra]]
:'''Concept''': Finder and Politician
:'''Concept''': Finder and Politician
:'''Player''': Cameron Meiklejohn
:'''Player''': Cameron Meiklejohn
:'''Name''': [[Mason]]
:'''Path''': Moros
:'''Titles''': -
:'''Legacy''': Tamers of Stone
:'''Cabal''': [[Architects of Amun-Ra]]
:'''Concept''': Architect
:'''Player''': Martin
:'''Name''': [[Benu]]
:'''Path''': Moros
:'''Titles''': -
:'''Legacy''': -
:'''Cabal''': -
:'''Concept''': Tumblr Witch
:'''Player''': [[user:Rubbrducky|Stef Jacobs]]
:'''Shadow Name''': [[Hiemy]]
:'''Path''': Obrimos
:'''Titles''': -
:'''Legacy''': Transhuman Engineers
:'''Cabal''': [[Architects of Amun-Ra]]
:'''Concept''': Mad Scientist
:'''Player''': [[user:Pronata|Daniel Crabb]]
Line 76: Line 68:
:'''Name''': [[Cuffs]]
:'''Path''': Mastigos
:'''Titles''': Councillor of the Iron Gauntlet
:'''Legacy''': Votaries of the Ordained
:'''Concept''': Beat cop
:'''Player''': [[User:Jmage|Shaye McCarthy-Atkinson]]
:'''Name''': [[Trueblood]]
:'''Path''': Thyrsus
:'''Concept''': Crazy hippie shaman
:'''Player''': Nathan Lewis
Line 97: Line 73:
:'''Name''': [[Watchlight]]
:'''Path''': Acanthus
:'''Titles''': Councillor of the Lunargent Thorn
:'''Legacy''': -
:'''Cabal''': The [[Ardent Compass]]
:'''Concept''': Professional Student and Wandering Teacher
:'''Player''': [[User:Jocularity|Fletcher Gooley]]
:'''Name''': [[Guard]]
:'''Name''': [[Guard]]
:'''Path''': Obrimos
:'''Path''': Obrimos
:'''Legacy''': Eyes of Ain Soph
:'''Cabal''': The [[Ardent Compass]]
:'''Cabal''': [[Ardent Compass]]
:'''Concept''': Hipster Magical Theorist
:'''Concept''': Hipster Magical Theorist
:'''Player''': Callan Davis  
:'''Player''': Callan Davis  
:'''Name''': [[Trisandry Dajamos]]
:'''Name''': [[Trueblood]]
:'''Path''': Obrimos
:'''Path''': Thyrsus
:'''Titles''': Knight of the Crystal Court
:'''Legacy''': DreamSpeakers
:'''Cabal''': Architect of Amun-Ra
:'''Concept''': Crazy hippie shaman
:'''Player''': Nathan Lewis
:'''Name''': [[Freak]]
:'''Path''': Thyrsus
:'''Concept''': Daydreaming bookworm teenager.
:'''Concept''': Forensic Pathologist/Evolutionist
:'''Player''': Jessie Davis
:'''Player''': Harrison
:'''Name''': [[Freak]]
:'''Name''': [[Lara Jones]]
:'''Path''': Moros
:'''Path''': Acanthus
:'''Concept''': Forensic Pathologist/Evolutionist
:'''Concept''': Relic Hunter
:'''Player''': Nevyn'Kelan Vas'Alarei
:'''Player''': [[Dee Pettigrew]]
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:'''Name''': [[Maximillian]]
:'''Path''': Moros
:'''Titles''': Hierarch of Brisbane and Councillor of the Lead Coin
:'''Legacy''': -
:'''Player''': Owen Sillence
:'''Name''': [[Strider]]
:'''Path''': Mastigos
:'''Titles''': Disciple of Space (maybe Adept of Space)
:'''Legacy''': Considering: Reality Stalker/Pure Sovereign/Threnodist
:'''Concept''': Cryptopoly information provider
:'''Player''': Sly Gryphon
Line 156: Line 116:
:'''Name''': [[Scratch]]
:'''Name''': [[Roger]]
:'''Path''': Mastigos
:'''Path''': Thyrsus
:'''Player''': Lily Gordon
:'''Player''': Daniel Jenner
:'''Name''': [[Dornelia]]
:'''Path''': Thyrsus
:'''Legacy''': Walker in Mists
:'''Cabal''': The [[Ardent Compass]]
:'''Concept''': Explorer and Ambassador of New Worlds
:'''Player''': Charlie Kay
== Summary ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:left; width: 100%;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"
! Character
! Status
! Path
! Order
! Legacy
! Aw.
! Cabal
! Player
|| [[Aequitas]]<br>''Councillor of the Lunargent Thorn''  || {{3bdots}} || [[Acanthus]] || [[Adamantine Arrow]] {{3bdots}} || Perfected Adept || 2011 || The Saints of Grace || Nick Wittman
|| [[Dornelia]]  || {{1bdots}} || [[Thyrsus]] || [[Mysterium]] {{1bdots}} || [[:Category:Walker in Mists|Walker in Mists]] || 2005 || [[Ardent Compass]] || Charlie Kay
|| [[Dresden]]<br/>''Hierarch''<br/>''Councillor of the Lead Coin''  || {{4bdots}} || [[Moros]] || [[Free Council]] {{3bdots}} || [[:Category:Uncrowned Kings|Uncrowned Kings]] || 1988 || [[Architects of Amun-Ra]] || Cameron Meiklejohn
|| [[Elly]]<br/>''Councillor of the Iron Gauntlet'' || {{3bdots}} || [[Mastigos]] || [[Free Council]] {{1bdots}} ||  ||  ||  || Elizabeth
|| [[Freak]] || {{1dots}} || [[Thyrsus]] || [[Mysterium]] {{1bdots}} ||  || 2000 || [[Architects of Amun-Ra]] || Harrison
|| [[Lara Jones]] || {{1bdots}} || [[Acanthus]] || [[Mysterium]] {{1bdots}} ||  || 2015 || Apprentice to [[Architects of Amun-Ra]] || [[Dee Pettigrew]]
|| [[Mason]]<br/>''Liegeman''<br/>''Provost to the Lead Coin''  || {{1bdots}} || [[Moros]] || [[Free Council]] {{1bdots}} ||  || 2013 || [[Architects of Amun-Ra]] || Martin
|| [[Shepard]]<br/>''Councillor of the Stone Book'' || {{3bdots}} || [[Thyrsus]] || [[Adamantine Arrow]] {{1bdots}} ||  ||  || [[Archons]] || Tamala
|| [[Smithy]]<br/>''Councillor of the Golden Key''  || {{3bdots}} || [[Obrimos]] || [[Adamantine Arrow]] {{2bdots}} ||  ||  || [[Saints of Grace]] || Sean
|| [[Trueblood]]  || {{2dots}} || [[Thyrsus]] || [[Mysterium]] {{2dots}} ||  ||  || [[Architects of Amun-Ra]] || Nathan Lewis
=== Past Characters ===
The following characters are deceased, departed, missing or otherwise not in play.
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:left;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"
|| [[Veritas]]  || [[Mastigos]] || [[Adamantine Arrow]] {{1bdots}} ||  || [[Saints of Grace|The Saints of Grace]] ||
|| [[Watchlight]] || [[Acanthus]] || [[Mysterium]] {{2bdots}} ||  || [[Ardent Compass]] ||
|| [[Wynters]] || [[Obrimos]] || [[Adamantine Arrow]] {{1bdots}} ||  || [[Saints of Grace]] ||
|| [[Strider]] || [[Mastigos]] || [[Silver Ladder]] {{1bdots}} || [[:Category:Reality Stalker|Reality Stalker]] || [[Archons]] ||
|| [[Toranaga]] || [[Obrimos]] || [[Adamantine Arrow]] {{3bdots}} || [[:Category:Brotherhood of the Demon Wind|Brotherhood of the Demon Wind]] || [[Ardent Compass]] ||
|| [[Trisandry Dajamos]]  || [[Obrimos]] || [[Mysterium]] {{0dots}} ||  || [[Ardent Compass]] ||
|| [[Siyah]] || [[Mastigos]] || [[Mysterium]] {{0dots}} ||  ||  ||
|| [[Ricochet]]  || [[Acanthus]] || [[Free Council]] {{1bdots}} ||  || [[Saints of Grace|The Saints of Grace]] ||
|| [[Roger Moon]] || [[Thyrsus]] || [[Adamantine Arrow]] {{1bdots}} ||  || [[Saints of Grace]] ||
|| [[Sarge]]  || [[Moros]] || [[Guardians of the Veil]] {{1bdots}} ||  || [[Archons]] ||
|| [[Fus]]  || [[Mastigos]] || [[Adamantine Arrow]] {{1bdots}} ||  || [[Ardent Compass]] ||
|| [[Guard]]  || [[Obrimos]] || [[Adamantine Arrow]] {{1bdots}} ||  || [[Ardent Compass]] ||
|| [[Kevin White]] || [[Obrimos]] || [[Apostate]] {{0dots}} ||  ||  ||
|| [[Agent Shrike]]|| [[Moros]] || [[Silver Ladder]]{{2bdots}} ||  || [[Archons]] ||
|| [[Apple]]  || [[Moros]] || [[Guardians of the Veil]] {{1bdots}} ||  ||  ||
|| [[Cuffs]]|| [[Mastigos]] || [[Guardians of the Veil]] {{2bdots}} ||  || [[Archons]] ||
|| [[Patch]] || [[Thyrsus]] || [[Free Council]] ||  || [[Cogs Mentis]] ||
|| [[Smiles]] || [[Acanthus]] || [[Guardians of the Veil]] ||  ||  ||
|| [[Ragmar]] ||[[Obrimos]] || [[Free Council]] ||  ||  ||
|| [[Scratch]] || [[Mastigos]] || [[Silver Ladder]] || || ||
|| [[Ascelpius]] || [[Mastigos]] || [[Silver Ladder]] ||  ||  ||
[[Category:Awakening Characters]]

Latest revision as of 01:53, 27 December 2015

Main | Player Characters | Pentacle Orders | Dramatis Personae | Locations of Note | Timeline | VSS |
The Second Consilium of Brisbane | Charter | Official History | Lex Magica Brisbanensis | Allies |
The Brisbane Revolutionary Column | Manifesto | Official History

To create a page for your character, copy the content from Sample Awakening Character.

When adding a character to this page, please be mindful of the formatting. It is there to maximize the use of display space and make information more easily accessible at a glance.

For a list of all character pages nationally see Category:Awakening Characters.

Adamantine Arrow

Name: Smithy
Path: Obrimos
Titles: Councillor of the Golden Key
Legacy: -
Cabal: Saints of Grace
Concept: Nasty irish bastard, makes items in field
Player: Sean Dennis
Name: Aequitas
Path: Acanthus
Titles: -
Legacy: -
Cabal: Saints of Grace
Concept: Catholic Blue-Collar Vigilante
Player: Nick Wittman

Free Council

Name: Dresden
Path: Moros
Titles: Heirarch
Legacy: Uncrowned Kings
Cabal: Architects of Amun-Ra
Concept: Finder and Politician
Player: Cameron Meiklejohn
Name: Mason
Path: Moros
Titles: -
Legacy: Tamers of Stone
Cabal: Architects of Amun-Ra
Concept: Architect
Player: Martin
Name: Benu
Path: Moros
Titles: -
Legacy: -
Cabal: -
Concept: Tumblr Witch
Player: Stef Jacobs
Shadow Name: Hiemy
Path: Obrimos
Titles: -
Legacy: Transhuman Engineers
Cabal: Architects of Amun-Ra
Concept: Mad Scientist
Player: Daniel Crabb

Guardians of the Veil

The Mysterium

Name: Guard
Path: Obrimos
Cabal: Ardent Compass
Concept: Hipster Magical Theorist
Player: Callan Davis
Name: Trueblood
Path: Thyrsus
Titles: Knight of the Crystal Court
Legacy: DreamSpeakers
Cabal: Architect of Amun-Ra
Concept: Crazy hippie shaman
Player: Nathan Lewis
Name: Freak
Path: Thyrsus
Concept: Forensic Pathologist/Evolutionist
Player: Harrison
Name: Lara Jones
Path: Acanthus
Concept: Relic Hunter
Player: Dee Pettigrew

Silver Ladder

Apostates / undecided

Name: Roger
Path: Thyrsus
Player: Daniel Jenner
Name: Dornelia
Path: Thyrsus
Legacy: Walker in Mists
Cabal: The Ardent Compass
Concept: Explorer and Ambassador of New Worlds
Player: Charlie Kay


Character Status Path Order Legacy Aw. Cabal Player
Councillor of the Lunargent Thorn
••• Acanthus Adamantine Arrow ••• Perfected Adept 2011 The Saints of Grace Nick Wittman
Dornelia Thyrsus Mysterium Walker in Mists 2005 Ardent Compass Charlie Kay
Councillor of the Lead Coin
•••• Moros Free Council ••• Uncrowned Kings 1988 Architects of Amun-Ra Cameron Meiklejohn
Councillor of the Iron Gauntlet
••• Mastigos Free Council Elizabeth
Freak Thyrsus Mysterium 2000 Architects of Amun-Ra Harrison
Lara Jones Acanthus Mysterium 2015 Apprentice to Architects of Amun-Ra Dee Pettigrew
Provost to the Lead Coin
Moros Free Council 2013 Architects of Amun-Ra Martin
Councillor of the Stone Book
••• Thyrsus Adamantine Arrow Archons Tamala
Councillor of the Golden Key
••• Obrimos Adamantine Arrow •• Saints of Grace Sean
Trueblood •• Thyrsus Mysterium •• Architects of Amun-Ra Nathan Lewis

Past Characters

The following characters are deceased, departed, missing or otherwise not in play.

Character Path Order Legacy Group Reason
Veritas Mastigos Adamantine Arrow The Saints of Grace
Watchlight Acanthus Mysterium •• Ardent Compass
Wynters Obrimos Adamantine Arrow Saints of Grace
Strider Mastigos Silver Ladder Reality Stalker Archons
Toranaga Obrimos Adamantine Arrow ••• Brotherhood of the Demon Wind Ardent Compass
Trisandry Dajamos Obrimos Mysterium -- Ardent Compass
Siyah Mastigos Mysterium --
Ricochet Acanthus Free Council The Saints of Grace
Roger Moon Thyrsus Adamantine Arrow Saints of Grace
Sarge Moros Guardians of the Veil Archons
Fus Mastigos Adamantine Arrow Ardent Compass
Guard Obrimos Adamantine Arrow Ardent Compass
Kevin White Obrimos Apostate --
Agent Shrike Moros Silver Ladder•• Archons
Apple Moros Guardians of the Veil
Cuffs Mastigos Guardians of the Veil •• Archons
Patch Thyrsus Free Council Cogs Mentis
Smiles Acanthus Guardians of the Veil
Ragmar Obrimos Free Council
Scratch Mastigos Silver Ladder
Ascelpius Mastigos Silver Ladder