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The Awakened of Brisbane find themselves in an interesting situation. The Consilium is strong, backed by a long and nearly unbroken history that goes back over a century. However, it finds itself small in its current state and it is forced to co-exist with the political power of an Assembly that controls or contests several prominent parts of the city; which is to say nothing of the other powers, mundane and supernatural, that would claim Brisbane themselves. There is much opportunity to be had here for the ambitious and capable, but danger lurks everywhere and those who do not look carefully to their defences are not likely to survive.
The Awakened of Brisbane find themselves in an interesting situation. The Consilium is strong, backed by a long and nearly unbroken history that goes back over a century. However, it finds itself small in its current state and it is forced to co-exist with the political power of an Assembly that controls or contests several prominent parts of the city; which is to say nothing of the other powers, mundane and supernatural, that would claim Brisbane themselves. There is much opportunity to be had here for the ambitious and capable, but danger lurks everywhere and those who do not look carefully to their defences are not likely to survive.
The primary locations that will be visited in-game are Customs House, the Queensland University of Technology, and South Bank. Whilst these are the most likely locations for in-game activities, players are not limited to them and are free to roam the city as they wish.
The primary [[Brisbane Awakening Locations|locations]] that will be visited in-game are Customs House, the Queensland University of Technology, and South Bank. Whilst these are the most likely locations for in-game activities, players are not limited to them and are free to roam the city as they wish.

Revision as of 20:57, 25 June 2013

Main | Player Characters | Pentacle Orders | Dramatis Personae | Locations of Note | Timeline | VSS |
The Second Consilium of Brisbane | Charter | Official History | Lex Magica Brisbanensis | Allies |
The Brisbane Revolutionary Column | Manifesto | Official History

Last updated: 2013-06-25, Highlighted text shows changes since previous version.


Order of the Sable Gallows, AUMAGE-2013-001
Part of the Domain of Twilight Alliance, AUS-002

VST & VC Names and membership numbers

VST: Karl Brannon, AU2012070001 (bris.awakening.vst@gmail.com)
VC: Nate Bickerton, AU2005102705 (nat_bickerton@hotmail.com)

Game Location, Time and Fees

Our games are currently played at Visible Ink in Fortitude Valley, the Sunday after Requiem before Changeling: The Lost. Fees are at the discretion of the VC, and currently none are levied.

Mailing lists, websites and other online resources used

Twilight Alliance does not have a dedicated website, but does have a Facebook group at http://www.facebook.com/groups/Twilight.Alliance and keeps records about characters, locations, and events on the wiki found at http://wiki.beyondthesunset.org.au/brisbane. Players should subscribe to ooc.brisbane@lists.beyondthesunset.org.au for organisational information.



Mage: The Awakening


In 2013 the city of Brisbane as we know it has continued to expand to resemble a decadent, hedonistic metropolis of vice and crime. The sprawling cityscape of Brisbane has burst its borders with non-stop urban hubs that flow into the Gold Coast to the South, the Sunshine Coast to the North and Ipswich to the West. The sunshine, the surf and the glitz and glamour of Brisbane nightlife present a ritzy lifestyle to outsiders, but the promise of a good time is only skin deep. Beneath the surface is a world of corruption and decay that clings to the city's foundations. Everything and anything can be acquired for the right price. The city isn’t in any kind of chaos or disarray, it churns onward at a steady pace, but progress is always limited by the money that fuels the fires and the hottest fires are those of industry and crime.

The Awakened of Brisbane find themselves in an interesting situation. The Consilium is strong, backed by a long and nearly unbroken history that goes back over a century. However, it finds itself small in its current state and it is forced to co-exist with the political power of an Assembly that controls or contests several prominent parts of the city; which is to say nothing of the other powers, mundane and supernatural, that would claim Brisbane themselves. There is much opportunity to be had here for the ambitious and capable, but danger lurks everywhere and those who do not look carefully to their defences are not likely to survive.

The primary locations that will be visited in-game are Customs House, the Queensland University of Technology, and South Bank. Whilst these are the most likely locations for in-game activities, players are not limited to them and are free to roam the city as they wish.



Everything is about power. Political power, arcane power, temporal power; all are the means to ends. But everyone wants power. Some want it for altruistic goals, others for themselves. Some people want to share power, others want to hoard it. Wherever you stand, whatever you believe, nothing survives or succeeds for want of power. But even still, one who seeks power must be wary, for it is said that power inevitably corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely...


The Lie, the Veil; call it what you like but the effect is the same. In the fallen world, magic is hidden and the supernatural remains a secret; which is to say nothing of more mundane subterfuge. Knowledge is power but only when it is secret, and in a world built on knowledge secrets are worth more than gold. But those who crave knowledge and dig up secrets should look before they leap, because there may yet be things that men weren't meant to know and knowing too much can get you killed...


Action and reaction; cause and effect. What you do has an effect on the world around you, and when you can change the world with a thought the effects can be staggering. Change a mind, heal a wound, alter a destiny; the world can change course entirely for good or ill with even the smallest of actions. But sometimes the world doesn't want to change, and when the world fights back it fights back hard...


"There are no moral phenomena" says Nietzsche, "only moral interpretations of phenomena". Truth is an often invoked but ill-defined idea, especially where ideas of "right" and "wrong" are concerned. What one Order sees as necessary another sees as heresy, and within Orders there is no consensus on how goals should be pursued. Then there are others, Seers and Banishers and worse, who all see things differently. But they are all wrong, right...?



Atlantis, the mythic city from which all mage society is said to descend; The Temenos, where all of humanity’s shared thoughts have been gathering since the species was born; The Shadow, a mirror realm where spirits dwell. The world you knew before awakening was full of questions about unknown worlds and uncertain history, and now that your eyes have been opened there are even more worlds and even longer histories to question. Some of those questions may never really be answered, but that has never stopped humanity from searching and yet fails to diminish the lustre of the questions in and of themselves. Who knows what wonders may be there, just waiting to be discovered.


The world is out to get you, and in the fallen world there are plenty of threats that the careless and the naïve will never see coming. Banishers wield all the same powers as you, and they want you dead. But the Seers present a worse threat; they are well organized, more numerous, and not so single-minded as to think you can’t be converted. Other threats lurk out there, from hostile spirits to astral and abyssal monsters and even rogue mages who wield powers you’ve never heard of before. And those are just the threats you know about; far worse may yet stalk the world and simply not have left any survivors to tell of its existence. It’s only paranoia if things are not really out to get you.

Preferred Character Types and Restrictions

In keeping with the themes and moods of the game, character concepts are expected to be serious in practice and genre reinforcing. In keeping with the material presented in Mage: The Awakening and supplementary books, characters will be expected to fit with both their Path and their Order. This does not mean following a stereotype, but it does mean that radical deviations from archetypal personality traits or ideals won't be approved. For example, any mage Awakened to the Thyrsus path is expected to have a personal connection to the natural world and all Obrimos are expected to have strong convictions in a higher power or ideal. Similarly, any mage wishing to join the Silver Ladder must at least acknowledge the Elemental Precepts and any Adamantine Arrow must be able to integrate the embrace of war and conflict into their own values. The aforementioned requirement of genre reinforcement will also include the particular requirement that both of a mage's path ruling arcana be amongst their highest three arcana at all times, in keeping with the flavour material presented in Mage: The Awakening and its many supplementary books. Further to this, as Brisbane has a long and defined in-game history new characters may be asked to integrate with that history if they intend to have been in Brisbane and Awakened for more than six months to a year.

Venue History Information

The in-character history of this venue can be obtained in hardcopy from the VST, or on either the Camarilla Australia website, or Venue website, as listed above.

Transport In/Out Information

Brisbane is a huge metropolitan area surrounded by the many smaller suburban areas of South-East Queensland. It is accessible by plane (flights scheduled for morning, noon and night), train and road. There are no known threats to the Awakened inherent in any form of access, although non-locals entering or leaving the city unannounced to the Concilium or the Assembly may be considered provocative.


Experience Awards


All primary characters receive their MC × 10 + 30 in experience points at creation and before entering play as per the universal addenda. In addition characters may also receive experience points for the following at the discretion of the VST:

  • 8XP for completion and submission of the relevant Character Development Document. This is considered un-typed XP and does not count against the Incremental Maximum or as Over-Cap XP.
  • 3XP for a Narrative Character Back-story. This is considered un-typed XP and does not count against the Incremental Maximum or as Over-Cap XP.
  • Up to 5XP for Character ties (1 point per Character Tie) – Players are required to communicate with VST regarding the nature and suitability, and this is considered Over-Cap XP.
  • 3XP for a Wiki Page; with one point for the basic page, one point for including a picture, and one point for a quote from another player. This is considered Over-Cap XP.

If the above documentation is suitably provided before the character enters play (i.e. along with the character sheet for initial approval), the XP awarded is applied before character creation. It is otherwise added after creation and must be spent in the normal fashion.


  • Game Attendance 3xp
  • Roleplaying 1xp
  • Costuming 1xp
  • Downtime Submission 1xp
  • Detailed Downtime 1xp
  • Post-Game Report 1xp

In order to receive the xp rewards for Roleplaying and/or Costuming, players must submit a brief written claim (No more than one paragraph or three sentences) with a justification for each. Up to two (2) additonal xp may be awarded for non-game activities at the VSTs discretion.

Custom and House Rules

Obscure Powers

Mage: the Awakening has a huge repository of pre-defined spells and abilities, some of which may be obscure or unknown. In the event that a player wishes to use a power not listed in the Core book and which has not been discussed with the VST outside of game to the VSTs satisfaction then the player must provide a legible and verifiable copy of the power write-up from the relevant sourcebook. If such a contentious power or ability, which is defined at the discretion of the VST, is attempted without a write-up available then the power or ability may not work at the VST’s discretion.

Exceptional Successes and Dramatic Failures

With regards to dramatic successes and failures, it is the VST’s discretion to decide the effects of any such situation. This may include disallowing normal written rules if they are deemed to be unbalanced or otherwise game breaking and to instead levy bonuses or penalties. These bonuses or penalties may be more generous in situations where players are dealing with their environment and NPCs, and less generous in situations where players are dealing with other players.

Downtime Mana Gathering

Mages have several options available to them for gathering Mana between games. Although narrative and story elements should be based upon the materials presented in the books for storytelling purposes, the nature of the LARP means that a simple and abstract system needs to be in place for the easy management of essential procedures. As such, the following options are available by default for determining mana at the start of each chapter:

Option 1: Legacy Oblations

Willpower + Gnosis

Any mage who has been inducted into a Legacy may perform oblations relevant to their Legacy and without the need for a Hallow. To represent the ease with which mages on legacies can perform their oblations, they begin each chapter with an amount of mana equal to their Willpower plus their Gnosis. For example: William is an Imagineer with Willpower 6 and Gnosis 3, so he begins each chapter with 9 mana is his pool.

Option 2: Hallow Oblations

(Greater of Willpower or Gnosis) + Hallow

Any mage with access to a Hallow may perform oblations at the Hallow to regain mana. To represent the consistency and greater abundance of a regular supply of mana, mages performing oblations at a Hallow begin each chapter with an amount of mana equal to the greater of their Willpower or Gnosis plus the value of the Hallow. For example: Before he was an Imagineer William had access to Hallow 2, so with his Willpower 6 he was beginning each chapter with 8 mana.

Option 3: Pattern Scouring

Greater of Willpower or Gnosis

Any mage can perform pattern scouring, ritual self-mortification often similar to oblations, to regain mana in the absence of any other source. To represent this less consistent source of mana and that involves causing oneself noticeable physical damage, a mage utilizing pattern scouring for their regular supply begins a chapter with an amount equal to the greater of their Willpower or Gnosis. For example: Before he had access to a Hallow William had to scour his pattern for mana, so with his Willpower 6 he began each chapter with 6 mana.

Option 4: Blood Sacrifice

Determined Case by Case

A gruesome and hubristic form of gathering mana, it is never-the-less a possible source for a mage desperate or deranged enough to rely on it. A mage will never be assumed to rely on this unless otherwise specified, and if specified the details will be determined at the VST's discretion.

Note 1: Tass Production

Equal to two per dot at the beginning of each downtime period (1 month), divided at player discretion.

A Hallow will be considered to produce a useable amount of tass each month equal to twice its value in dots. This system will be in place to handle a process that would otherwise require an excessive amount of micromanagement. The exact form that the harvested tass can take is up to storyteller discretion, and how it is divided in the case of shared hallows is up to the players. Note that if the form of tass is edible, it will degrade quite quickly. Any edible tass harvested is available for a single downtime period and the following chapter, then it will expire. Non-edible tass does not perish, but will require Prime magic to access.

Note 2: Multiple Sources

Use the greatest source for determining start of chapter mana.

It is easily possible for a mage to access two or more of these sources of mana during a month. In this case the amount available at the beginning of each chapter will be determined based upon the source that would provide the most mana. This is to ensure balance and prevent the game from being simply a case of "everyone begins on full mana!", as well as to accommodate for the assumed expenditures of mana during downtimes. A mage may, however, perform certain actions during the course of a chapter to recover mana though the results and requirements are at the VST's discretion.

Note 3: Mana and Downtime Actions

Same as chapter by default, actions can be used to supplement.

During downtime periods it is assumed that a mage is spending mana regularly, for example on their daily Shielding spells or on generic magical research, and gathering mana consistently via their chosen method. It is also possible that a mage will want to perform Downtime Actions that will require the expenditure of mana for specific purposes, such as employing sympathetic magic to scry on people or for utilizing Perfecting spells during other activities. For this purpose, each character is considered to have a Downtime Mana Pool with a base amount equal to the amount they received at the beginning of the preceding chapter. This may then be supplemented by using downtime actions to gather from additional sources (the mechanics being decided at VST discretion) or by using up any Tass that the mage has available.

Downtime Handling Procedure

Players must email their written downtime to the VST by the evening (17:00 / 5pm) on the fifteenth (15th) of the month. The ST is required to respond to downtime reports in writing prior to the start of the following game. Downtime reports should include how Merits are used, any actions the Mage takes between games, and any other information the player feels the ST should know. Late submissions will not be accepted without very good reason, due to time-related needs in co-ordinating with other Domain VSTs.

Availability of Firearms

Due to the nature of the Mage: the Awakening genre and the ease with which many genre-appropriate characters can acquire and maintain firearms, this venue is enacting the clause in the Universal Addendum section IX.B.1.a which allows a VSS to downgrade the default approval for firearms listed in the World of Darkness: Armory supplement to Low approval instead of Mid approval. It is expected that players will be able to provide a justification for the possession of such items, with Merits such as Armory being encouraged for this purpose.

Crossover limitations and expectations

Crossover is permitted as per the addenda. There is an expectation that any cross-venue activity is undertaken responsibly, and irresponsible behaviour may result in both in-character consequences and out-of-character black listing for future cross-venue approval submissions.


Information for New Folks (new to Cam)

New Players are encouraged to contact the relevant Story Teller at least three days before game.
For contact information please see Section 4: Administrative information.
Information relating to our specific games and White-Wolf’s World of Darkness can be found on the Beyond the Sunset Wiki - http://wiki.beyondthesunset.org.au

Information for External Folks (from other Domains)

Character Sheets for character outside of Brisbane should be sent though the relevant Story Teller channels at least three days before a game. Character sheets for character outside Australia should be sent through the relevant Story Teller Channels at least one week before game in case any conversions need to be made.