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: - Voce about his Childe
: - Voce about his Childe
;''"Hell hath no fury like a Harpy scorned."''
:''"Hell hath no fury like a Harpy scorned."''
: - [[Miss Abyss]]
: - [[Miss Abyss]]

Revision as of 16:26, 10 October 2013

Iadro Orsini
Sect: Camarilla ••••
Clan: Toreador (Masquerade) •••
City: Brisbane ••••
Pack/Coterie: Tradition Enforcers
Title: None
Embraced: 1820
Generation: 10th
Player: Callan Davis
Storyteller: Brisbane VST
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Personal Information

Iadro Orsini arrived in Brisbane shortly after it became a Camarilla city and quickly set himself up as an indispensable asset to newly arriving Kindred. His passion and his utter devotion to the Camarilla have gathered him many allies over the years and he has recently formed a Coterie devoted to enforcing the Masquerade and teaching newly embraced Kindred in the Traditions. He is most commonly known to Kindred of the Brisbane court as the one who greets the newcomers. As soon as Kindred arrive in Brisbane, Iadro is invariably the one to greet them and ensure they have a safe place to feed until they find a haven.


Iadro is dressed in a business suit and coat. He has slicked back hair and dark eyeliner. He carries a black cane.


Iadro alternates between two dispositions. One is passionate oratory on the many virtues that Kindred should be striving towards. The second is serious shrewdness and a businesslike approach to everything he does.

Mortal World

Iadro Orsini is known as a well accomplished composer during his time. He was famous for his great masquerade balls, but was eventually betrayed by his best friend and committed suicide.

Information Known by Kindred Society

Arrived in Brisbane suddenly in 1912 following his Sire, and spent his time getting to know the Kindred of the Court. He is well known and liked by the Court, having set up most of them in the city when they first arrived. He has served as Sheriff during his time in Brisbane, however fell into torpor in 1958 after a Sabbat ambush in a supposedly secret meeting. Since he has woken up in 1980, he has been more focused than ever, almost ignoring his Guild Duties.


  • 1820’s – Embraced in Rome
  • 1845 – First failed embrace
  • 1850’s – Started a Composer’s Guild in Rome
  • 1895 – Fought against Sabbat in Rome
  • 1910 – Failed to defend Grandsire
  • 1912 – Arrived in Brisbane
  • 1915 – Became the Sheriff of Brisbane, invited Armand LeBlanc to the city
  • 1939 – Invited Mason to the city
  • 1940 – Embraces Peyton Constanica Halliwell
  • 1958 – Ambushed while investigating the Sabbatt, never learnt if it was planned. Fell into Torpor
  • 1981 – Woke up from Torpor, formed Tradition Enforcers Coterie with Teddy and Dr. Karl
  • 1991 – Coterie met with Anarch Baron secretly to discuss defecting to the Camarilla.
  • 1992 – Accepted Anarch Baron into Coterie.
  • 2002 - Invites Vicktor to the City, he joins the Coterie
  • 2008 – Ronan and Jacqueline join the Coterie
  • 2013 – Help Kindred relocate after Sabbat fight

Recent History


Known Great Great Grandsire

Known Great Grandsire

Known Grandsire

  • Jacqueline (NPC - torpor)

Known Sire


Known Siblings


Known Childer

Known Grand-childer


Quotes By

"No! You must put more effort into it! Be passionate about everything you do. Strive for greatness! Then, and only then will you be vindicated and achieve your goal." - Iadro to a potential Guildmember

"Listen to me well now. All my friends are here and after your cock up in the CBD they really, badly want to break your face. The only thing standing between you and incomparable pain is my word that you are a redeemable Kindred. So right now, the only thing you should be thinking about is how valuable I am to you." - Iadro, surrounded by his Coterie, talking to a Tradition breaker.

Quotes About

"He helps keep me in check, but on the other hand, he's also the one he lets me off the leash when you break the rules" - Teddy explaining the rules to rebellious neonate

"It's a shame he's such a gentleman. A sophisticated, Masquerade-abiding, deliciously well-behaved one at that. It means he won't tear your head off for your wanton disregard of the Camarilla way. I don't particularly mind that you've caused a scene, no... I do it all the time. The only difference is, I am allowed to end your evening for it. Possibly - hopefully more than that."
- Jacqueline, at an Elysium.
"He is a Childe to be proud of, probably my favourite of the two, it is a pity that he lets so much be put in the way of what is clearly of importance, his art. For one so passionate still, it is a pity to see it wasted so mundanely"
- Voce about his Childe
"Hell hath no fury like a Harpy scorned."
- Miss Abyss
"You rewrote the laws of Elysium? Yourself? How... creative"
- la Belle Dame d'Lumiere, on being presented with an "updated" copy of the laws of Elysium
"How delightful. He has just left his childe unattended..."
- Gunderic the Vandal at the Justicars Conclave


  • He has some mystical power that allows him to always know when a Kindred is entering the city.
  • His embrace of Peyton Constanica Halliwell was a mistake, Iadro thought she was someone else.
    • Despite this, he still dotes on her tremendously



  1. Acknowledged as a Member of the Camarilla from the Prince Mr Stone
  2. Ancillae given by Clan Head for recognition of age and services.
  3. Respected from Teddy in recognition of social court standing
  4. Influential from Vicktor in recognition of Iadro's assistance during the Sabbatt attack
  5. Exalted by right of position as Prince of Brisbane
  6. Famous by right of position as Prince of Brisbane
  7. Well-known by right of position as Prince of Brisbane


  • Trivial boon owed to Jacqueline for gathering some important information.
  • Minor Boon owed to Mason for Assistance in protecting the city.
  • Minor Boon owed by Jacqueline for setting her up in the city.
  • Trivial Boon owed by Armand LeBlanc for setting him up in the city.

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Callan Davis
Number: 2010030007
Domain: Brisbane