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''"The question is not who will let me, but who is going to stop me."''
''"The question is not who will let me, but who is going to stop me."''
:- '''Silke''', quoting Ayn Rand.
:- '''Silke''', quoting Ayn Rand.
''"There are worse things in this world than boredom. Not many, I think, but they exist. It may be thrilling to bait the Elders, but ''some'' thrills, it is not cowardly to heed, are unwise in what they purchase."''
:- '''Silke''', when asked about her uncharacteristic caginess around '''[[Gunderic the Vandal]]'''.
==== Quotes About ====
==== Quotes About ====
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* If she's such a hardboiled bitch, then how come the Anarchs often joke, "soft as Silke"?
* If she's such a hardboiled bitch, then how come the Anarchs often joke, "soft as Silke"?
** It's ironic.
** It's ironic.
* Fears neither [[Xaviar|Justicars]], [[Jaqueline Keighley|nor]] [[Iadro Orsini|Princes]], but tones it down considerably around [[Gunderic the Vandal]]...interesting.
== Inspirations and Soundtrack ==
== Inspirations and Soundtrack ==

Revision as of 17:40, 20 February 2014

This is a CPC (Custodial Player Character) and is under the office of the VST of Brisbane


Sect: Anarch
Clan: Ventrue (Masquerade)
City: Brisbane
Pack/Coterie: None
Title: Baron
Sire: Unknown
Lineage: Unknown
Embraced: Unknown
Generation: Unknown
Player: CPC - Controlling Player: P. Saunders
Storyteller: Brisbane VST
"All eyes on me! ...I am just joking, mon chéris; I know you cannot help yourselves."

Personal Information

Silke's as smooth, predatory and strangely hypnotic as a Cheshire cat, and is widely credited with having taken the Brisbane Anarchs from a non-entity at best and joke at worst to the level of genuine threat they have for the past thirty years or so been acknowledged to represent. She's challenged the authority of Princes in their own Court, made a great deal of hay about the apparent greater respect of the Anarchs for the Tradition of Elysium than the Court of Brisbane has historically observed, has earned the acknowledgement of more than one Elder, and always manages to look as slick as greased lightning doing it.
She knows how to play protocol, politics and emotions, and is that thing all hardliners of the Camarilla find the most disconcerting; a ruthless Anarch leader successfully carving firm foot and handholds into the side of the Ivory Tower.
Her exact Generation is not publicly known, but her confidence and dynamism would seem to suggest either a particularly savvy Neonate, or a very ballsy Ancilla.


Silke's hot. There's no other term to describe it; she's not pretty, and she most certainly is not cute. She has a finely-sculpted feminine elegance that sharply contrasts with the louche masculinity of her dress and demeanour. With her short, pale blonde hair slicked wetly back from razor-sharp cheekbones, blue-grey eyes and a full, inviting mouth, she swans about in suits originally intended for a wearer, one might project, with twice her testosterone and half her balls. French cigarillos are a semi-permanent fixture, resting effortlessly between her tapered fingers - which are always moving, gesturing expansively as she holds forth on any topic you care to name - or hanging precariously from the side of her lip.
She's Dietrich, with extra damnation.


To all appearances a languid aesthete, until a situation calls for her to turn serious, Silke bleeds style and sweats arrogance. This would all be rather more intolerably obnoxious if she didn't also ooze charisma on a level that makes her unification of the Brisbane Anarchs into a fighting force at once easily understood.
Speaking with a lilting Gascon accent, she's a bitch, stone-cold, and fond of playing with people conversationally until she bores, but her Krew follow her with a loyalty born of absolute confidence, and she, in her turn, is at least partially humanised by her prioritised concern, in all things, for the welfare of her people.
Unquestionably aware and utterly in command of her own potent allure, Silke is aggressively, predatorily lesbian, and there's few Camarilla women who wouldn't feel at least a guilty stir to find themselves the focus of that smouldering gaze, with her hot breath feverishly whispering French obscenities into their ears.

Mortal World

Nothing is known of Silke's presence, if she has any, within the mortal sphere.


Figjam (Fuck I'm Good, Just Ask Me) by Butterfingers: I'm a jet-set, go-getter, but I got a vendetta; just got a death-threat over the phone - better go lay low, underground, like a bilby. Figjam! Chill, man, people wanna kill me, but I don't let that bullshit sweat me; I'm at ya mama's, if you wanna come and get me.

Information Known by Kindred Society

Silke, in Canberra, February 2014 (as portrayed by Pamela Saunders). Photo by Chris Bird.
  • A Ventrue by the nom-de-male of Florian Silke was a bushranger of some reknown and Anarch of repute throughout the North-East during the early days of the 20th Century, turning to robbing banks as the country became more gentrified throughout the roaring '20s. They then went quiet and fell off the radar around 1930. In the 1970s, Silke surfaced as a member of the Brisbane Anarch Movement, clearly directing the puppet Baron who was the then-Prince's childe as they tensely parlayed with the Court, before he withdrew, returned to the Camarilla and Silke ascended to lead the Anarchs in name. The result of the Camarilla talks was all-out war, which would last for more than ten years and claim several casualties on both sides. Throughout these events, Silke appeared to be having a wonderful time. When things calmed down in the '90s, she seamlessly returned to a cordial relationship with the local Court, even putting in appearances with her Krew, occasionally, at Court events, and easily discussing trade, and time shares on territory.
  • Silke has now been the Baron of Brisbane's Anarchs for over thirty years, and has been the first Baron ever to outlast a succession of Princes, and to make them all uncomfortable.
  • Silke appears to be generally irritated by the exuberances of her lieutenant, the gorgeous and apparently somewhat vacuous Brujah Lysander, but there is an evident rapport between the two that is as mysterious as it is rock-solid.
  • Silke appears to be performing a peculiar dance with Armand LeBlanc, where both are simultaneously as absolutely polite and as absolutely French with each other as either can possibly be. Given that it's the great Camarilla Elder and an Anarch Baron of no small consideration, there's got to be something more than simple courtesy and countrymanship going on underneath.
  • Turned up, with a small cadre of her capos, to a Justicar's Conclave. And swaggered.

Recent History


  • JUN - Details
  • JUL - Details
  • AUG - Details
  • SEP - Details
  • OCT - Details
  • NOV - Details
  • DEC - Details


Silke - practically unheard of for a Ventrue - doesn't talk about her Sire. There's a theory going that she's a Vandal, though, which would explain LeBlanc's interest.
Not everyone's buying that she's even a Lord, though; the Toreador seem keen to claim her as one of theirs, and the Tremere are convinced she's a Brujah.


Quotes By

"I remember you...you tried to Bloodhunt me once, didn't you? That must have been embarrassing."

- Silke, to former Prince Jacqueline Keighley, at the Justicar's Conclave, 2013.

"The question is not who will let me, but who is going to stop me."

- Silke, quoting Ayn Rand.

Quotes About

"Y'all think maybe those strings oughtn't ta be a li'l less obvious?"

- Terry the Gangrel, during the '70s parleys.

"My soul belongs to Jesus, but my arse belongs to that bitch right there."

- an Anarch prisoner to a Camarilla contemporary who asked about his loyalty, during the war.

"...Silke, on the other hand, is an Anarch, and doing business with an Anarch is like lending money to a Gypsy; when it's time to collect the debt, they have always disappeared."

- Giorgio Giovanni, discussing why he hadn’t bothered to give Silke a card.

"She's a tenacious little bitch, but she's a lot smarter than she looks and I'd sometimes care to admit. Showing up to the Justicar's meeting was the smartest thing she could do...she'll be a thorn in my fucking side for a long time to come."

- Theodore Donowitz, talking to his childer about Silke, and her showing up when Xaviar was in town.


"Oh, you're fun. I like you."
"And you, Silke, are not. But I like you, anyway."
- with Brisbane's Prince Orsini.


  • The Elders only tolerate her because they think she'd make a Hell of a Campire, and are hoping to convert rather than have to kill her.
    • It seems that time's running out on that; the word is that she'll need to be controlled or eliminated...soon.
  • She makes a hobby of seducing Camarilla Toreador.
    • A hobby? It's tactically enshrined in the Brisbane Anarchs operations manual...witness Lysander.
      • Bedded the ancient Goddess Vashti herself. Not a bad notch, for a young Turk of an Anarch.
        • Wait. Don't Anarchs hate Elders? Isn't that kind of their entire point?
  • If she's such a hardboiled bitch, then how come the Anarchs often joke, "soft as Silke"?
    • It's ironic.
  • Fears neither Justicars, nor Princes, but tones it down considerably around Gunderic the Vandal...interesting.

Inspirations and Soundtrack


Silke's Anarch Rep precludes her from possessing Camarilla Status [mechanic].


  • ...
  • ...
  • ...

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: P. Saunders
Number: 2003100615
Domain: Brisbane