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|| [[Artemis]]  || [[Invictus]] || [[Ventrue]] || - || - || 1 || Charlie Kay
|| [[Artemis]]  || [[Invictus]] || [[Ventrue]] || - || - || 1 || Charlie Kay
|| [[Emily Rhea]] || [[Ordo Dracul]] || [[Daeva]] || [[Pietro Navishenko|Silver Thorn]] || - || 1 || [[Dee Pettigrew]]

Revision as of 19:29, 12 April 2015

Template:Brisbane Requiem

The Brisbane Court


Court Positions

Prince: Lothar

Seneschal: Florence Miller

Herald: Edward Cronkite

Sheriff: Nastasya Usoltseva

Scourge: Asha Dominae

Prince's Harpy: Esteban Booth

Keeper of Elysium: Father Constantin

Keeper of the Rack: None

The Primogen Council:

The term Primogen denotes a Kindred of age and/or power, of good standing in the court. The Primogen act as adviser to the Prince of the city.

Berengaria Lange
Ulrich Volmark
James Price

Non-Court Positions

Daeva Priscus: Roxanne Eupraxus Lorainne
Gangrel Priscus: Muninn Whyte-Crowe
Mekhet Priscus: Viktor Kristoph
Nosferatu Priscus: Godric Volmark
Ventrue Priscus: (Daniel Jenner's character)

People's Harpy: Tybalt

Ascendance and Eminence

The Eminent Clan are the Daeva.

The runners-up are the Mekhet.

The Ascendant Covenant is the Ordo Dracul.

The runners-up are the Invictus.

Laws of the Domain

Govermant House.jpg

Prince's Laws

  • All Acknowledged Kindred are held to The Four Traditions.
  • None may bring the final death to one Acknowledged without leave of the Prince.
  • None may embrace without leave of the Prince.
  • The crimes of the unreleased Child shall be those of the Sire; the crimes of the Guest, those of the Host.
  • Those who spread disease shall be curtailed.
  • All Acknowledged are bound by the Concord with the Exotics.
  • New kindred unaware of their lineage seeking acknowledgement must first be accountable to a kindred of the court until they prove themselves worthy.


If you want to murder someone, just ask for permission - you might be pleasantly surprised. This law exists to protect you. If you are the type that bristles at having your wanton murder sprees curtailed then believe me - this law is protecting you. If you cannot work out how to get restitution without resorting to murder, then perhaps you are out of your league.

If you want to embrace someone, just ask for permission - you might be pleasantly surprised. New childer are new mouths to feed - permission will only be granted if the city is deemed capable of supporting them. Embrace without permission and you will be punished first, your childe may live to inherit the remains of your estate.

Rules of Elysium (Government House)

The Brisbane Elysium is a 4th Tradition Elysium.

Rules of the Keeper of Elysium - Father Constantin

1.The Elysium is to be seen as neutral territory for all kindred to gather, regardless of standing.
1.1. Barring the entry and exit of another kindred is to be considered an attack on that kindred. Likewise for forcing the entry or exit of another kindred.
2.Violence of any kind against another kindred is expressly forbidden, committing such an act is a Sin Against the City, and shall be punished appropriately by the Master of Elysium or the Prince.
3.The location of Elysium is to be protected, bringing undue attention to the site of an Elysium, either through arrival or departure or actions taken nearby.
4.The carrying of weapons is permitted, but keep in mind the following:
4.1. Mortal laws and rules need to be taken into consideration. If the building owner institutes a security check, refusing to comply can be construed as "drawing attention".
4.2. Getting caught in breach of those laws potentially raises questions and situations which endanger the Masquerade and you will be considered to have drawn undue attention to Elysium, and punished accordingly.
4.3. Possessing a weapon within Elysium implies that any breach of Elysium's laws which occur may have been premeditated.
5.Use of disciplines, rituals or devotions, without appropriate permission or request, on another kindred, shall be deemed an attack against that kindred.
5.1. This rule extends to any other power or method of attack not expressly mentioned within these rules.
6. As Elysiums may be hosting events that have different rules or requirements, the Master of Elysium for that location may have additional Laws to follow, or may relax certain ones laid out here.
6.1. For clarification on any Law regarding Elysium, the Master of Elysium has the final word.

Recent History

March 2015

The Hunt

  • The court of Brisbane was issued and invitation from Alder Estragon Belvedere, Baron and Advocate of Australia, Orion of the Most Noble Fellowship of Artimus to attend a hunt on North Stradbroke island.
  • Five groups participated in the hunt, each group were given 20 minutes to hunt the biggest trophy kill they could find at blue lake on North Stradbroke Island.
  • The third group comprised of guests from Toowoomba gained victory by returning with two enormous saltwater crocodiles.

Members of the Court

LogoCovenantCarthianMovement 70x70.png LogoCovenantCircleoftheCrone 70x70.png LogoCovenantInvictus 70x70.png LogoCovenantLanceaSanctum 70x70.png LogoCovenantOrdoDracul 70x70.png LogoCovenantUnaligned 70x70.jpg

Character Covenant Clan/Bloodline House Position City Status Player
Lothar Volmark Lancea Sanctum Nosferatu Volmark Prince 4 Michael O'Dempsey
Ulrich Volmark Lancea Sanctum Nosferatu Volmark Primogen 4 Nathan Bickerton
Berengaria Lange Circle of the Crone Gangrel Valdyr Primogen 4 Bec Pring
Godric Volmark Invictus Nosferatu Volmark Priscus 4 Owen Sillence
Tybalt Ordo Dracul Mekhet - Pricus Harpy 3 Justin Walduck
Florence Miller Carthian Movement Mekhet - Priscus 4 Elise Read
Muninn Whyte-Crowe Circle of the Crone Gangrel Valdyr Priscus 3 Fletcher Gooley
Nastasya Usoltseva Ordo Dracul Gangrel Valdyr Sheriff 3 Charlotte Kippax
Roxanne Eupraxus Lorainne Invictus Daeva House Penthièvre Priscus 2 Shaye McCarthy-Atkinson
Nikolette_Douglas Unaligned Ventrue - - 1 Mem
James Price Ordo Dracul Mekhet Dampierre Primogen 3 Jacob Middleby
Father Constantin Ordo Dracul Mekhet - Master of Elysium 3 Beau Grace
Lolah Rostov Invictus Nosferatu - Keeper of the Rack 2 Dow Jaemjamrat
Estavan Booth Invictus Daeva Children of the Rose Prince's Harpy 1 Ben Gilders
Rick Hammond Lancea Sanctum Nosferatu Volmark - 3 Ben Vershain
Teresa Tarcare Carthian Movement Ventrue House Tarcare - 1 Skyelark
Pietro Navishenko Lancea Sanctum Daeva Silver Thorn - 2 Dan Tranter
Yū Mizushima Lancea Sanctum Nosferatu - Deputy Sherriff 3 Cameron Meiklejohn
Asha Dominae Lancea Sanctum Daeva Silver Thorn Scourge 2 Lily Gordon
Dr. Delilah Drake Ordo Dracul Daeva Silver Thorn - 3 Molly Butler
Darrien Arnholt Ordo Dracul Daeva - - 3 Shay McAulay
Ace Haraldsson Circle of the Crone Ventrue - - 3 Peter Gilmore
M Ordo Dracul Gangrel Valdyr - 2 Tamala Beer
Arwen Chandler Circle of the Crone Ventrue - - 1 Marie Gilders
Lucy Luck Ordo Dracul Ventrue - - 1 Natasha Wright
Felix van Laar Ordo Dracul Mekhet - - 1 Chris Gough
Clinton von Ostenwalde Invictus Mekhet - - 3 Andrew McCulloch
Leandra Mills - Nosferatu - - 0 Claire Stroebel
Edward Cronkite Invictus Daeva - Herald 3 Martin Flanagan
Viktor Kristoph Carthian Movement Mekhet - - 3 Cameron Stewart
Mana - Nosferatu - Ghoul Volmark - 0 Larissa Clarricoats
Wayne Holmes Ordo Dracul Daeva House Penthièvre - 1 Hayden Baulch
Morrigan McNamara Circle of the Crone Gangrel Valdyr - 1 Maddie Black
Rae Mundr Unaligned Gangrel Valdyr - 1 Rachel Armstrong
Gawain Unaligned Mekhet - - 1 Gavin Earl
Jeremiah Smithton Unaligned Gangrel - - 1 Kenyon Lawson
Tyler Ogaki Ordo Dracul Mekhet - - 1 Timmy Euchida
Xander Lancea Sanctum Daeva House Penthièvre - 1 Dallas Fogarty
Jackie Stiles Lancea Sanctum Daeva - - 1 Corwin Wright
Drake Grimm Invictus Mekhet House Grimm - 0 Matt Martin
Margaret Grimm Invictus Mekhet House Grimm - 0 Nicole O'Hare
Sakura Grimm Lancea Sanctum Mekhet House Grimm - 0 Contessa Ashes
Azazel Grimm Invictus Mekhet House Grimm - 0 Nathan Russell
Marcus Grimm Invictus Mekhet House Grimm - 0 Alexander J. Vardabasso
Horatio Gordon Unaligned Mekhet House Grimm - 0 Robert McKenna
Mark Anderson Invictus Mekhet House Grimm - 0 Phillip Jones
Lena Grimm Unaligned Mekhet House Grimm - 0 Rachel Armstrong
Alexander Agonistes Ordo Dracul Mekhet - - 0 Daniel Crabb
Anita Crowley Ordo Dracul Mekhet House Grimm - 0 Elizabeth Churchward
The DJ Carthian Movement Ventrue - - 1 Brad Jackson
Artemis Invictus Ventrue - - 1 Charlie Kay
Emily Rhea Ordo Dracul Daeva Silver Thorn - 1 Dee Pettigrew

LogoDaeva 70x70.png LogoGangrel 70x70.png LogoNosferatu 70x70.png LogoMekhet 70x70.png LogoVentrue 70x70.png

Deceased, Departed or Missing

The following members have died, departed, gone missing or are otherwise not in play.

Character Covenant Clan/Bloodline House Position City Status Player
Vladimir Carthian Movement Gangrel Valdyr Scourge 0 Jackson Sullivan
Orpheus Lestrange Circle of the Crone Ventrue - Seneschal 2 Damian Reddan
Eira Carthian Movement Gangrel Valdyr - 2 Charlie Kay
Henry Lassiter Carthian Movement Mekhet - - 2 Sean Dennis
Mary Circle of the Crone Nosferatu - - 2 Nikki Carter
Harmony Rose Invictus Daeva - - 2 Contes Ashes
Cornelius Grant Circle of the Crone Daeva - Herald 3 E Luke Clarricoats
Vilhelmiina Circle of the Crone Gangrel Valdyr - 0 Shaye McCarthy-Atkinson
Adrian Dansk Circle of the Crone Gangrel Valdyr Hunted 0 Karl Brannon
Dr. Alina Yaga Ordo Dracul Ventrue - - 0 Renee Dillon
Daisy Day Circle of the Crone/Invictus Daeva - - 1 Charlotte Kippax
Selk de Winter Circle of the Crone Mekhet - - 1 Lynne Gryphon
Mykhail Rasputin Ordo Dracul Mekhet - - 1 Rob Allison
Rasmus Armfelt Invictus Gangrel Valdyr - 2 Callan Davis
Lauchlan Circle of the Crone Gangrel - Missing 1 Hayden Baulch
Alvyss Langrif Unaligned Gangrel Valdyr - 1 Daniel Jenner
Victor Valdyr Circle of the Crone Gangrel Valdyr Prince's Harpy 2 Harrison Robb
Sebastian Volmark Invictus Nosferatu Volmark - 2 Corwin Wright
Luka Mundr Circle of the Crone Gangrel Valdyr - 0 Matt Martin