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Template:PC Summary Requiem

"Fuck off"



In his early 20's before his embrace, Bone's original features are barely distinguishable beneath the Nosferatu curse, notwithstanding that underneath the patches of scales and fur his skin occasionally writhes like there are are worms just beneath the surface. He's usually dressed casually, with a leather jacket and jeans.

More recently, he appears to be ...oozing black out of his eyes, nose and mouth, and through various cracks on his face.


Bone is crass, crude and course. On the other hand, he has a strange sense of honor, and takes his job (whatever it may be) quite seriously. In court, he's usually in a bad mood, stalking up and down the room restlessly.

Notable Traits

He's tall, very very bulky, and didn't so much get hit with the ugly stick as fall from the top of the tree and hit every branch on the way down.

Information Known by Kindred Society

Bone came into the court as Ed. Short for Edward, apparently. Also a fresh embrace with little to no explanation given by his sire. He also drunk a bottle of whisky on the same night and threw it up onto the floor. Apparently did it again later.

Some nickname him 'Puke' because of it.


Edward didn't have a great childhood, but ending up in a underground fighting ring was entirely his own doing. He loves a good brawl, and he'll take any excuse.

That life came to an abrupt end when the Nosferatu Nathan Black decided he'd make a good bodyguard. To be fair, Nathan was right. One quick embrace and a massive blood bond later, Ed was sent to Canberra to look after Nyx, who Nathan was blood bonded to in turn. Edward, now Bone, was not particularly impressed with this turn of events. Neither was Nyx, and both count the days until the blood bond wears thin enough that Bone can snap himself free from the compulsion.

Bone's time in the court has been a rocky one, and many don't expect him to make it through the year before he offends someone in a fatal fashion.

Quotes By

"Ady? The bitch is batshit."
- Bone really doesn't like Ady

"It's a shame. I'll miss ya."
- To Fatimah al-Mu'allima, before she went to sleep forever.

"Don't tell me you're about to ask about this shit too?"
- The nth time he was asked why his face had literally started cracking. He hadn't known until someone pointed it out.

*Laughs* "Well that was only a matter of time."
- Upon finding out about the death of the then current Prince, Six

Quotes About

"He's fierce and cunning, and in anyone, that's a one-two punch, let alone in a Nosferatu. If he makes it through, he will be a force of violence and will that people will shudder to reckon with. Mind you, that's a big 'if' at this point"
- Fatimah al-Mu'allima


"Stop pacing." -Hemera
"Why?" -Bone
"It's annoying me." -Hemera
"That's your fucking problem." -Bone
-And with that he goes back to pacing.

"Hey Bone. Interested in going out and probably fighting some stuff?" -Scrap
"Oh god yes." -Bone, with little patience for court.

"There enough Nos in Adelaide to Torp Manx?" -Bone
"Short answer, Yes. Long answer, Even if there wasn't, there soon would be." Terry Dunston
"Let me know if you need one more." -Bone


  • He doesn't sleep anymore
  • He's unreleased.
    • He's also the Nosferatu Priscus of Canberra
      • How does that work!?

Inspirations and Soundtrack

  • Fight Club. 'Nough said.
  • Any movie with a mob enforcer.


  • Acknowledged
  • Recognised
  • Valued

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Joshua Smith
Number: 2014020035
Domain: Canberra