Archived-Brother Batholomew

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Template:PC Summary Requiem

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Personal Information


Stocky dark skinned man of about thirty year. He always wears religious garb, either a blood red shirt and clerical collar when at court, or gardening overalls when out of court working in his gardens. He almost always has a Testament of Longinus on hand. On the rare occasion to wear formal robes, he wears the black robes of an inquisitors trimmed with silver to demark his house [Silverthorn] He usually wears a red stole with the Daeva rose emblazon. For more sombre occasions he wears a red or black cape.


Always polite and respectful in speech and always with a smile, though the smile does get fixed when d

Mortal World

Br. Bart still strongly associates with the mortal tasks that were routine for him. He is a gardener in various gardens and does a lot of work with the Brisbane City Council for maintaining and renewing public gardens. He also has been known to tidy up messy gardens if they offend his sense of aesthetic.

Information Known by Kindred Society

Br. Bart is a well meaning if predominantly reclusive preferring the company of humans, plants and books to vampires or court.

There are several short courses that Bart has created that are worthy of further study that he can assist with if people require. The can be done in short intensive courses at Brisbane can be done individually over a longer term.

  • Practical Code breaking,
  • Basic Cryptography
  • Applied Linguistics: Dead Languages
  • Basic Form and Function: Recognising Rituals
  • Basic Esoteric Geomancy, This related to the study in Dragon Lines
  • Basic Identification of Ghosts, This can lead to Advanced Study in Para Reality Sciences.
  • Basic Identification of Spirits, This can lead to advanced study in Multi Dimension Sciences.
  • Basic Identification of Demons, This usually leads to bad things if not careful, sometimes even then.
  • Basic Rituals for Abjuration (Ghosts, Spirits), Intermediary Rituals for Abjuration (Summoned creatures, Elemental, creatures not of this world)
  • Basic Ritual for Exorcism (Ghosts), Intermediary Ritual for Exorcism and Advanced Rituals for Destruction of Ghosts.

Research projects in various stages. (ooc aka plot that you are very welcome to participate in)

  • Study in Occult 1 Geomancy: Dragon Line Mapping to identify sacred spaces (Partial assistance required)
  • Study in Occult 2 Cross dimentinal interactions: Things not of this world (always in progress)
  • Study in Medicine 1 Basic Kindred Psychology: Nature and Stages of Denial in Kindred
  • Study in Medicine 2 Basic botany and kindred chemistry. [Linked to most of the studies in blood]
  • Study in Supernaturals 1: Vampiric Neural Biochemistry (In conjuction with Ariana Trentworth, Teresa Tarcare, limited input from Teresa Tarcare)
  • Study in Supernaturals 2: Covenant Study: Understanding the Unconquered (mostly complete)
  • Study in Supernaturals 3: Covenant Study: Cracking the Carthians (mostly incomplete)
  • Study in Supernaturals 4: Covenant Study: Understanding the Dragon Mindset (mostly incomplete)
  • Study in Sanctified Theology: Fatima's research project: Still in progress awaiting Karlin (mostly incomplete)
  • Study in Blood 1: Addictions and Disease in Kindred (completed)
  • Study in Blood 2: Blood bonds in Kindred, (First and Second Stage completed only)
  • Study in Blood 3: Blood and the Affinity for disciplines. (partially completed)
  • Study in Blood 4: Blood of our Ancestors: Genealogy of Kindred
  • Study in Blood 4.1: Blood of our Ancestors: Genealogy of Kindred Clan Daeva Families
  • Study in Blood 5: Blood of the Clans: Markers and genetic (recently started, still in set up phase)
  • Study in Blood 6: Adaptations and Bloodlines: unlocking the genetics of bloodlines (recently started, still in set up phase)


Recent History


  • JUN - Details
  • JUL - Details
  • AUG - Details
  • SEP - Met an enigmatic Frenchy call Enric Lequesta and started his study in blood attempting to crack and recreate SynthBlood.
  • OCT - Organised the Gran Ballo Conclave. Shortened Alder Duchess Roxanne Eupraxus Lorainne, Prince of Brisbane, Councillor of Queensland, Grand Meister of the Sanguine Quill, Notary, Librettist to 'Princey Prissy Pants' to fit her name on an inch of paper. It did not go well. Prosed that SynthBlood could prove an alternative to feeding of humans, as the Testament commanded the Sanctified to be predators. That did not mean that they had to exclusively feed on humans, just prey on them in not just the most literary fashion. After a few other bad idea including give weapons as a gift to the Invictus, he got stuck in a box by the nuncio Nyx.
  • NOV - Given to Estavan Booth to train and learn some manners after another run in with PPP that involved a quick staking, torpor and blood bonding. Pietro considers disowning Bart but relents to having him in indentured servitude for a year. Started restoring the Brisbane Botanic gardens and with the assistance and backing on Rinn, Chase, Alder Rose, Mr Parker and started a three month a gardening battle with some local mages over what the final design of the garden would look like.
  • DEC - Details


  • JUN - After skipping classes for drug management program, Lucky is escorted to the classes by nominal parents Randy Priest and Roxanne Eupraxus Lorainne. Lucky is cured of vitae addiction as well as some nasty conditioning.
  • JUL - Nerded, did some gardening.
  • AUG - Nerded, did some gardening.
  • SEP - With the city facing a blood shortage, on the orders of Bishop Pietro Navishenko the Black Cathedral opens it's doors to kindred offering a sip of blood from Black Mass Apostolica to all kindred who attend. Travels to Roxxby Downs via gold plated private jet of Mr J. Chase with Viktor Kristoph and Randy Priest to visit Maddalena Palma to assist with overcoming some brainwashing with mixed results. Starts to build a garden feature for the Elysium with Tatiana Miasnivena also starts to build a garden for the Prince Isobel Bryce-Ashmore.
  • OCT - Travels to Canberra for the Conclave. Successfully argues but for for Fatimah to be stripped of her respected status for her actions of dabelerie, and also have her raised to Sainthood with backing (only slightly coerced for some) of multiple Bishops. Has a very interesting conversation with the Crone Heirohoant Arwen Chandler and convinces her to come to Black Mass.
  • NOV - Travels to Roxxby Down for the coronation party for Prince Isobelle with a present of a bouquet of rare Halfetti black roses that sends many mixed messages at to it's meaning.
  • DEC - Details



    • Harmony Rose but with the personality of Rose Mary the no responsibility alter ego who loved to damage, destroy and cause chaos, predominantly in this specific case by not informing Br. Bart of the other personalities she had, or that he had been sired as a way to punish one of her other personalities.... or that he had been sired without permssion... or possibly by accident .... and she forgot about him while in a different personality...... it's all very complicated...

Known Siblings

  • Justin Thyme, hardly got to know him before his unfortunate disappearance returning from Toowoomba May 2015. Should look into it eventually.
  • Emily Rhea, is always so busy caught up in the whirl of life, the latest car, something about a pilot's license, being a nosey parker.. err Harpy, err OD.. err concerned citizen of the night. She has no time for boring mundanes such as myself.


....'YOU'VE FUCKED UP!!!!' ...the loud voice of Pietro Navishenko at the October 2015 Gran Ballo.

....'You are the stupidest Daeva I've ever met...' ...Nyx after a conversation regarding the giving of gifts in order to show appreciation.

....'What has my idiot grandchilde done this time' ...Pietro Navishenko

Quotes By

"I was told by my sire that I needed to stay underground and only feed on rats. So I did."

"So I need to go ask who else beside the Gangrel Primogen can break a boon? Okay" A cheerful neonate's first quest at court.

"As my grandsire wills."

"I thought it would inject some levity to the gathering" - On being asked why Alder Duchess Roxanne Eupraxus Lorainne, Prince of Brisbane, Councillor of Queensland, Grand Meister of the Sanguine Quill, Notary, Librettist had... been referred to ans 'Princey Prissy Pants' for short.

"Yours in enforced servitude, from whom all has been stripped, and numerous seems to command or demand recompense from, and has is nothing else left to loose, save a requiem filled with loss. Yours in Damnation. Brother Bartholomew, Confessor".... in a letter.

Quotes About

"Oh, you're from THAT family... " Berengaria Lange before turning and leaving.
"Someone's going to have to step up to take my place once I'm gone, and it looks like it's going to be Brother Bartholomew. I hope he can carry it. He's smart enough, let's hope he's got enough wisdom hidden in there somewhere." Fatimah al-Mu'allima
"Worst kind of religious fuckhead that uses big words to make himself sound all smart and important when he's really just another church dude what no one listens to" - Aisha


"Why do elders fear Neonates grand childe?"
"Is it because Neonates have nothing to loose?"
"This is where I blood bond him"
"If Grandsire wills it then I will submit".

"No the task that you have been set is impossible for you"
"But not for you?"
"I didnt say that Seneschal"
"Then fix it"

Conversation with Rinn


  • Is really mentally deranged, something he got from his sire.
  • Got Lucky.
  • He is completely Naked under his robes. He likes to swing in the breeze.
  • He is secretly growing Ghouled marijuana in his Garden.

Inspirations and Soundtrack



  1. Granted as a Kindred in good standing.


  1. Given by Character on date for details.
  2. Given by Character on date for details.
  3. Given by Character on date for details.


  1. Given by Character on date for details.
  2. Given by Character on date for details.
  3. Given by Character on date for details.


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: [mailto: Dan Jag]
Number: 2015010001
Domain: Brisbane