Brisbane Awakening Dramatis Personae

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The Second Consilium of Brisbane

The Lighthouse

Warlock of the Adamantine Arrow and Fist of the Lighthouse

Path: Mastigos
Order: Adamantine Arrow
Cabal: The Lighthouse
Legacy: Mimir's Voice
Recognized Apprentices: Fus

Cricket is an older man, perhaps in his late forties or fifties; clean shaven and with short greying hair. His skin bears the scars of many years of war, and his physique belies his age. Those who have trained with him, whether as fellow Warlocks or fellow Arrows, will know that he is a stern but careful teacher with a knack for pushing people to their limits and then encouraging them to take that final step further. He speaks softly outside of battle, a mannerism that some might say belies his obvious power, and refuses to lead people directly and only offers advice and guidance. He justifies this by asserting that he is an Advisor and his voice is not one used to control, only to teach.

Shaman of the Silver Ladder, Head of the Lighthouse, and Councillor of the Stone Book

Path: Thyrsus
Order: Silver Ladder
Cabal: The Lighthouse
Legacy: Keepers of the Covenant
Recognized Apprentices: None

Harp is perhaps the nicest looking old woman you’ve ever seen. Though she bears enough of age’s marks to show her to be over seventy years old time has treated her like fine wine, refining her beauty rather than diminishing it. Those who have met her and listened to her stories, or who have had the good sense to acquaint themselves with the history of Brisbane, will know that she has been here for a very long time. In fact, she has been here since before there was even the First Consilium. She is old, wise, powerful, and deeply invested in the world of the Spirits. More than happy to take on students and teach with tempered compassion, she never the less has little time for trifling and those who have studied with her will know well that she is a passionate believer in the Elemental Precepts. Her status as a Keeper is one she shares only just enough about, stating bluntly that deeper secrets are only for those who would take up the mantle to learn.

Enchanter of the Guardians of the Veil and Eyes of the Lighthouse

Path: Acanthus
Order: Guardians of the Veil
Cabal: The Lighthouse
Legacy: Votaries of the Ordained
Recognized Apprentices: Cuffs

Cassandra is a middle aged woman whose face bears marks of more aging than time should have wrought upon her. A shadowy figure, she is known to the Consilium but appears rarely and then usually only to deliver terse verbal reports to her cabal-mates. She is willing to teach newly Awakened Acanthus mages the important aspects of walking their Path, but will say almost nothing regarding her Order save for the same tenets that everyone already knows. She will likewise share little about her Legacy save that she is a protector of destiny.

The Stonemasons

Theurgist of the Mysterium and Head of the Stonemasons

Path: Obrimos
Order: Mysterium
Cabal: The Stonemasons
Legacy: Eyes of Ain Soph
Recognized Apprentices: None

Fossura is a rugged, slender woman who appears to be in her middle years. Her skin is rugged and tanned, indicative of a life spent predominantly outdoors and in the field. Her eyes, however, display her keen intelligence and compassionate nature. Those who have met her will know that she is a hard-headed rationalist with little tolerance for pseudoscience and foolish superstition. They will also know that she is a through-and-through teacher who delights in the opportunity to speak to those who show a genuine interest in what she has to say.

Libri Recondo
Necromancer of the Mysterium and Heart of the Stonemasons

Path: Moros
Order: Mysterium
Cabal: The Stonemasons
Legacy: None
Recognized Apprentices: None

Libri is a slightly scruffy looking man in his late thirties, whose appearance may to the casual observer belie his intellect and passionate nature. His chin is typically covered in a two-day growth and though clean his suit bears the marks of age and use. Those who have met him and talked at any length can tell that he is a rather cynical person when it comes to business transactions, believing that everyone has a price, but when the subject turns to literature and libraries he becomes incredibly passionate to the point of seeming obsessed.

Enchanter of the Mysterium and Eye of the Stonemasons

Path: Acanthus
Order: Mysterium
Cabal: The Stonemasons
Legacy: None
Recognized Apprentices: None

Numerus is a conservative and geeky looking young man with a bearing and attitude that suggest he is barely over twenty years old. An intense yet optimistic young man, Numerus makes no secret of his considerable self-confidence and openly believes that he is destined for greatness. At the same time, though, he does not belittle the skills or dreams of others and this combined with his ability to back up his own attitudes makes him well admired by those who know him.

Enchanter of the Mysterium and Eye of the Stonemasons

Path: Acanthus
Order: Mysterium
Cabal: The Stonemasons
Legacy: None
Recognized Apprentices: None

Fractal is a mousey-looking woman in her mid-twenties with an impeccable if simple appearance, well groomed but not draped in fineries like make-up or jewellery. Her manner of dress is likewise well considered and practical without looking rugged or as though she mucks about with the latest fashions. Given to being quiet and reserved in public, those who have had the chance to meet Fractal one-on-one know that when the subject turns to mathematics she can become outspoken, passionate, and even flirtatious if she is engaged with intellectually.