Archived-Timothy Harland

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"I'm a holy monster, chosen in death, to ensure mankind doesn't fuck up."


Personal Information


Creed: Westminster Creed
Faction: Hardliner
Position: Legate, Reverend


Timothy is a giant of a man with a towering, stocky build and a face marked by his rough features. His complexion is fair but etched with the tell-tale signs of hard living and his hair is dark and cut short. He's often seen dressed in the iconic black vestments of the priesthood, complimented by a crimson stole depicting holy iconography of the Lancea Sanctum. On his left hand he adorns a silver signet ring with a chalice engraved into it and a rosary made of pearls sits around his neck.


Mortal World

Information Known by Kindred Society


  • 1884: Born in Sydney and raised out of the suburb of Berala.
  • 1902: Joined the Moore Theological College and studied to become a part of the priesthood.
  • 1910: Timothy graduates to a full member of the clergy and operates out of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney.
  • 1914: Signs on to serve during The Great War as a chaplain for the Australian Imperial Forces. Not being allowed to receive combatant training, Timothy seeks learning amongst the nurses and field medics on how to perform rudimentary field surgeries.
  • 1915: Timothy is assigned to the 1st Division of the AIF and was one of the first Australians to make contact in Gallipoli, where he was stationed for 8 months before his evacuation.
  • 1916: Regroups in Egypt and is transferred to the AIF 3rd Division.
  • 1917: Sent to the Western Front to serve at the trenches in France and Belgium. Timothy catches the attention of his sire Wilhelm Godfrey von Konigsberg
  • 1918: Timothy is embraced after receiving a severe injury in the northern French commune of Villers-Bretonneux. He is presumed to have died in service.
  • 1919: Wilhelm Godfrey von Konigsberg enlists Timothy as his squire and teaches him the tenets of Lancea Sanctum, as well as his duties as a member of the Kindred.
  • 1920-1928: Released from his sire, Timothy is encouraged to take a more active role in his Covenant.
  • 1929-1938: Timothy is awarded the position of Legate, and performs his duties across most of Europe.
  • 1939: Service as a Legate becomes increasingly more difficult as a second World War is announced.
  • 1940-1944: Under the Cardinals' orders, Timothy is provided with a Paladin escort so that he may receive protection while performing his duties across the European borders. In exchange for boons, Timothy is mentored in the art of combat and martial defence.
  • 1944: Upon being alerted of his sire's potential demise, Timothy returns to Konigsberg to recover whatever he can from the ruins of Wilhelm's haven
  • 1945-1955: Petitions the Cardinal to take pilgrimage and continue his Sire's academic pursuits.
  • 1951: Timothy makes contact with a member of the Ordo Dracul known as Astrid Dietrich to organise an exchange of information regarding the Holy Grail. Their transfer is performed through her childe Siegfried Schwarz and Timothy is disgusted by what he finds at their "Research Camps".
  • 1956: Timothy's scholarly exploits, while intellectually stimulating, shed no light onto the location of the Holy Grail. They did however, provide a greater insight into the history of his blood (Primarily, the divide between the Acolytes and the Sanctified.)
  • 1957-1962: Returning to his duties in Germany, Timothy finds himself growing increasingly paranoid and restless; the movements and changes of the world affecting him in ways they never had before.
  • 1962: In his last few nights of service, Timothy answers the call for slumber; seeking sanctuary in the catacombs of France and entering Torpor.
  • 2007: Timothy awakens from Torpor with a powerful yearning to return to him homeland. He spends the better period of a year acclimatising to the modern world.
  • 2008: Making voyage back to Australia, Timothy travels for a time introducing himself to the Sanctified across the country and eventually reuniting with his sire.
  • 2009-2014: Timothy reassumes the position of Legate and establishes a foothold in the Domain of Sydney.

Recent History


  • September:


Known Sire

Known Siblings

Known Childer

Known Grand-childer


Quotes By

"You're a disgrace to both your nature and your holy duty. You shitty, fucking predator."

Quotes About

"For someone who's considered a holy man, he sure does curse a lot."


"Quote" - reference


Inspirations and Soundtrack


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Maxin Carroll
Number: 2013090001
Domain: Sydney