Kendrick Tyger

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Personal Information


Young and youthful, Scholarly, Strangely high beast, Healthy with the blush of life. (picture to come)


Mortal World

He would have a reputation amongst academic circles of being a rather learned professor of Philosophy and Classical English literature.

Information Known by Kindred Society

An Avid member of the faith, Enjoys vast conversations with Crone about faith and philosophy, Tolerant of belief of other kindred and has been known to be quite advantageous to have around, Though will freely admit that he is not a leader, and is generally willing to pass on Political power to those whom he works with, It having been noted that those on his good side generally have been known to get a free meal ticket for services rendered.

Honest to a T, and friendly as hell unless one would get on his badside, then He would bring not just his fury, but that of his clan down upon transgressors. Has been known to have been reformed from merely a few limbs to full body in a matter of mere seconds, when asked, He will insist it is one of the Dark Miracles.


  • 1910 - Born in Sydney to a pair of very unassuming parents given the name Scott Weiss
  • 1915 - Both Parents died in a boating accident, Scott was recovered and sent into the public system
  • 1920 - he got his first taste of violence and depravity as he joined a youth gang, whom united to teach a particularly vicious priest a lesson for abusing kids under his care.
  • 1922 - A pair of intellectuals decide they want to adopt a child because of the mother being barren, they decided to skip the younger ages as they wanted to raise a man, not just a kid because of their relative older age, they felt they did not have the years to really see him through so they went after Scott, despite him being 12. They took him into their house and started to give him a education. He took to it like mad, somehow being a natural when it comes to numbers and Enjoyed poetry and Philosophy, Clinging to the ideas of artists and philosophers in particular developing a love for Epicurus, Blake, Byron and Keats.
  • 1925 - Tragedy sets in as his adoptive mother dies of consumption, A woman whom he had grown to love, and he and her husband sat alongside her table and watched her die. Scott was an aside. He had not felt this emotion in him ever, Not even upon hearing of his parents demise. This set upon him a darker bent. His adoptive father was much the same. they both shared vices, Drinking, whoring and gambling during night, whilst trying their damnedest to remain to the ideals that the adoptive mother had set upon them during the day time.
  • 1928 - Despite his now love of losing and gaining money at baccarat chemin de fer, He had killed a man in cold blood whom he had owed money to and earn his way into the university of the Arts. with a Classical English Major.
  • 1930 - Having now killed once more, this time A teacher whom was a little to observant and had seen Scotts night-life of gambling, whoring and general evilness. It was at this stage, Scott gathered his money and insisted on leaving the country, He and his adopted father moved up towards England, and this is where the Dramas really started to arise.
  • 1933 - He spent the next couple of years since moving to England and beyond that supporting his father, It was during this time He got the attention of Konigsberg whom watched from afar, whilst during his duties of his faith, Recognizing such potential within this monster. It only after a couple of weeks of watching and guiding the human to put the noose around his neck, did Konigsberg confront scott, and saved him before suicide, Embraced him then and there. to continue the work of god. From that point onward, Scott was shown the ways of the blood and of the sacred journey of the Chalice, He was taught the ways of Longinus. Scott took over his sires estates and lived to serve his lord and leige, his master of faith till a day that he could become a free kindred of his own.
  • 1944 - He was out on the world, taking new name, Kendrick Tyger after his favored authors, after eventually loosing touch with his sire and the last traces of the humanity which had left him bound to the mortal world He moved back to Australia, making arrangements to move to Queensland Where he would stay and remain a member of the Vampire Court of Townsville, Australia, Spending time there off and on as the harpy, Scourge and Sheriff of the quiet city.
  • 1950 - Met with Christopher Merrick, where the two became fast Friends.
  • 1952 - Decided to move on, Reaching Canberra.
  • 1955 - Ascended to the Priscus of the Ventrue of Canberra when Kaida made the first Kindred court of the city.
  • 1968 - Kaida's Praxis ends and he steps down from the position to return to his duties to the lancea Sanctum.
  • 1970 - His years in the court were quietly uneventful, and after time he moved upon after giving his notice to the City and took up a Nomadic life, travelling up the northern end of Australia then down across the various minitowns between travelling from stop to stop, taking his time, adapting himself to the communities he moved in and remaining for years at a time.
  • 1995 - Met up with Christopher Merrick, and upon talking decided that Adelaide needed all the help it could get, Kendrick was convinced to move to Adelaide.
  • 2000 - These years found in him in Adelaide, where he discovered the presence of the Livian heresy here. He spent the next while trying to Route them out, only to be captured and torpored away by them.
  • 2003 - In the Crusade, He was Reunited with vampire society after his body was recovered and awakened.


Recent History


  • JUN - Details
  • JUL - Details
  • AUG - Details
  • SEP - Details
  • OCT - Details
  • NOV - Details
  • DEC - Details


Known Sire

Wilhelm Godfrey von Konigsberg

Known Siblings

Known Childer

Known Grand-childer


Quotes By

"Quote" - reference

Quotes About

"Brothers and Sisters, here we find a Paladin, sworn to the service of his Bishop, responding to what he perceives to be a challenge. He has responded with passion, with vigor and with determination. He has responded without fear, without regret and without remorse. He has the fire of a predatory in his heart." - Lupo, over the Sanctified Email list

"I met him in the Gawler Casino once, he told me to seek out Reverend Ward... Boy was that a bad idea" - Mikhail Torre


"Quote" - reference


Inspirations and Soundtrack

William Blake



  1. Given by Character on date for details.
  2. Given by Character on date for details.
  3. Given by Character on date for details.


  1. Given by Wilhelm Godfrey von Konigsberg Upon Taking the Vows
  2. Given by Character on date for details.
  3. Given by Character on date for details.


  1. Given by Wilhelm Godfrey von Konigsberg Upon his release
  2. Given by Kaida Priscus of Canberra, Helping Establish the first Court
  3. Given by Character on date for details.


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Jake Sammut
Number: Au200810007
Domain: Adelaide