Archived-Alim Al Rashid

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Template:PC Summary Requiem


Personal Information


He is reasonably tall, his hair is dark brown and his beard is neatly shaped and short. When not wrapped and packaged in salt, he is found wearing punjabi pants, turban adorned with a dark jewel brooch and blue and silver thawb held closed with a black sash and black 14th century Persian archer boots. He is often accompanied by a scimitar.


Mortal World

The mortal world knows little, if anything about him as Alim Al Rashid, however they may know him as the Salt Man, or via the exhibition, Salt Man: Lost Prince of Assyria. When Alim realised he was of an age where he risked eclipse, he made preparations and went to torpor in a tomb he knew of in his homeland. Discovered in 1993 by miners near the city of Zanjan, Salt Man was found in a sarcophagus, packed in salt, with long hair, a beard and some artifacts. Radiocarbon dating of different samples of bones and textiles, dated him to about 1,500 years ago and the clothes, artifacts and inscriptions have determined that the Salt Man was a hereto unmentioned Prince of Assyria under the Sassanid Empire. Recovered by the University of Tehran, the Salt Man himself in the Sarcophagus he was found in, photographs and reconstructions of the tomb walls, as well as some of the artifacts found in the tomb or replicas of them are now part of an exhibition that is travelling around the world under strict conditions and security.

Information Known by Kindred Society


  • 1725 - emerges from torpor in England to find much has changed, animals do not sustain him, and he remembers nothing of his former Requiem, bar some unclear battles, unspecified horror, his indomitable faith and affiliation with the Lancea Sanctum.
  • 1726 - 1728 - ?
  • 1729 - encounters Pietro Navishenko when investigating Oxford Methodist's Holy Club Anglican Reform proposals, and discovering he is a first-hand source for his study of the effects of the Thirty Years’ War petitions the Court of Bristol to acknowledge Pietro.
  • 1730 - he and Pietro become known as the 'Crimson Blades' after their defence of the city from attacks of the Welsh Circle of the Crone and their kine acolytes.
  • 1731 - 1734 - ?
  • 1735 - embraces Garrick Smith
  • 1736 - 1749 - ?
  • 1750 - releases Garrick so that he may discover more of his 'condition' in Egypt.
  • 1751 - stakes Pietro whilst in frenzied grief of childe's death, and travels Germany to return his body to his family home. and without a first hand source, continues his study the effects of the Thirty Years’ War on Germany after the last mortal who might remember it is dead from within the Country.
  • 1752 - 1829 - ?
  • 1830 - cannot fight off the pull of sleep and fails to wake for 50 years.
  • 1880 - emerges from the sleep of ages.
  • 1881 - 1900 - ?
  • 1901 - travels to the Netherlands, meeting Berengaria Lange in Maastricht Court, through her is introduced to the Valdyr Aksel Vinter and Alvyss Langrif for common interests.
  • 1902 - 1929 - ?
  • 1930 - travels to North America, settling in Detroit, and begins manipulating the Kindred to accept other Creeds.
  • 1931 - ?
  • 1932 - meets Tamara Abagail Wilks in Detroit, who agrees represent his project and himself him to the First and Second Estates of the area.
  • 1933 - 1939 - ?
  • 1940 - notices that he is effected by sunset lethargy and makes preparation for torpor.
  • 1941 - 1945 - ?
  • 1946 - discovered by Lupo to be behind the Detroit adoption of the Iblic Creed and Tamara convinces him to join her in the Middle East in search of texts from the Biblical eras.
  • 1947 - completes preparation with the assistance of Fatimah al-Mu'allima, and goes to eclipse in Iran with help of Tamara Wilks to wake in 2023.
  • 1993 - first of the Salt Mummies is discovered in Chehrabad mine, Iran, thought to be a victim of tunnel collapse.
  • 2004 - second of the Salt Mummies is uncovered at same site.
  • 2005 - third and fourth Salt Mummies, one a teenage boy are discovered at Chehrabad in what appear to be burial sites, causing much academic debate to the historical use of the site.
  • 2006 - fifth Salt Mummy, dubbed 'The Prince' is discovered in intact sarcophagus, Chehrabad is now recognised as an archaeological burial site, and mining operations are stopped.
  • 2007 - Professor Thomas Stöllner, from University of Bochum in Germany commences his study and preservation of the Salt Mummies at Rakhtshuikhaneh Museum.
  • 2008 - Iran declares Chehrabad an archaeological research centre so more work could be done to look for and preserve other salt men.
  • 2009 - 'The Prince' and some artefacts are moved from Rakhtshuikhaneh Museum to the University of Tehran by Professor Alenoush Terian, daughter of Rakhtshuikhaneh's curator for preservation and continuation of her father's work.
  • 2010 - sixth Salt Mummy found, but left in place for preservation.
  • 2011 - University of Tehran commission the exhibition - Salt Man: Lost Prince of Assyria, and send Professor Alenoush Terian along with the display on a world tour.
  • 2013 - the exhibition - Salt Man: Lost Prince of Assyria - arrives in Australia.

Recent History


  • JUN - The Exhibition, Salt Man: Lost Prince of Assyria, arrives in Sydney, Australia.
  • AUG - The Exhibition, Salt Man: Lost Prince of Assyria, arrives in Armidale.
  • SEP - Lancea Sanctum awaken him, travels to Brisbane to discover the Dark Prophet's plan for him,


Ghair Ma’loum (Unknown, Sire)

Known Sire

Ghair Ma’loum (Unknown)

Known Childer

  • Garrick Smith - melancholy that he could not fulfil his child's needs nor direct his Requiem,but parted amicably.
  • Karlin - unreleased, key to helping Alim understand this modern century.

Known Grand-childer

Known Great-Grandchilder


Quotes By

"Allah's Dark Prophet chose you in the most difficult of circumstances. He chose you while you were in sin, while you were His enemy. You can be sure that His association with you does not depend on your choice but entirely upon His desire for your Jyhad."

Quotes About

"I had never encountered an adherent of the Iblic Creed until Alim Al Rashid. Our first encounter, I considered him a potential heretic. After, I considered him a fellow Sanctified." - Lupo, reviewing his inquisitorial records.

"He appeared in the Armidale court, sending ripples through the covenants and the clans. Will his inevitable exit be just as explosive?" - Bertrand Hills

"Friendly for an Elder. Even friendlier for a hajji." - Connie Gambrell


"Do you need a bible during your prayers? No? Islamic? I'm sorry, I do not have a Koran handy" - Father Constantin to Alim just after his awakening when he went to pray.

"Hey, Al! Allahu Akbar, am I right?" - Rodney Teaspoon, Greeting Alim.


None so far...

Inspirations and Soundtrack



  1. Given by Prince Cortes in November 2013 for acknowledgement in Armidale.


  1. Given by Character on date for details.
  2. Given by Shaitan or Shaitan's Childe around 1569 for an unrecalled reason.


  1. Given by Character in 1725 for being acknowledged as blood of the Mekhet.




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OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Conrad White
Number: AU2002100383
Domain: Armidale