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Muralimanohar Vishakhadatta
Sect: The Camarilla ••••• ••
Clan: Ventrue (Masquerade) ••
City: Brisbane --
Pack/Coterie: None
Title: Seneschal
Sire: Mr T. Stone
Lineage: House Vandal
Embraced: Presented in Chennai, 1895
Generation: 10th
Player: Frank
Storyteller: Brisbane VST

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Personal Information

Vishakhadatta values propriety, manners, etiquette and the Camarilla; though not necessarily in that order. Having survived the trials of his Neonate years, he values perseverance and commitment. He has been trained in the recent decades, to be a Court Officer; growing the skills and facility to navigate the complex relationships of the Camarilla as well as understanding the tools at his disposal in whichever Station he may occupy.

While he is referred to occasionally as Manager, those Ventrue doing so rarely can be drawn on what it is Vishakhadatta is responsible for. To the observer he seems like a facilitator, a fixer in the modern vulgar argot. He clearly has a talent for identifying the issues at hand, what skills might be applied to the situation and who holds those needed skills. While he may assist in the resolution, he rarely seems to take an active hand himself.


A tall Kindred of solid build, he favours dark suits and business-like attire. he nearly always carries a ledger with him and a writing instrument.


Vishakhadatta is a social Kindred; he is frequently seen conversing with a wide cross-section of Court. When he acts, or communicates with those around him, he uses an elegant economy of expression. Occasionally he consults colourful spreadsheets, written meticulously by hand in a flowing script unfamiliar to most Kindred.

Mortal World

As CEO of Coldex P/L, he is known as Mr Murali Rajen, an Australian entrpreneur with diversified holdings. A private company, Mr Rajen holds the controlling interest in shares.
Mr Rajen appears as a well-dressed manager, he often seems to know more about people than they do about him.

Information Known by Kindred Society

Aloof and cool in his treatment of even his closest confidants, he has a piercing mind capable of teasing apart the knotty, nightly politics of the Camarilla. Thoroughly educated in the Traditions, the Protocols and the history of the Camarilla, he is a formidable opponent when it comes to Courtly intrigue.

Known Associations In Court

Information Known by Ventrue

Vishakhadatta holds the title of General Manager, of House Vandal.
He also holds the award of Oak Cane of Brisbane.


Recent History

  • Served the interests of the Ventrue during World War II
  • Completed his higher training as decreed by the Clan of Kings
  • Served in various courts, in varying positions
  • Served as a Lesser Harpy of Brisbane
  • Retired from Lesser Harpy to take up Primogen, Clan of Kings in Brisbane Court

Information Known by Members of Clan Ventrue


Known Great-Grandsire

  • Gitte (Childe of Gunderic Vandal) - Current Location Unknown

Known GrandSire

  • Piotr Olienko - Last known Location Hong Kong, presumed deceased

Known Sire

Mr Stone is a hard taskmaster however Vishakhadatta seems to thrive on the challenges his Sire presents him with.

Known Siblings

Known Childer

Alexander Grey Victoria Black

Known Grand-childer



Quotes By

"Frederico...I am so sorry. May angels wing you to a better place."
- Overheard in an unguarded moment
"You have brought a problem to me, one which it is well within my powers to solve for you. The question is, what value do you place upon that solution?"
- Victor Creed
"When we are colleagues, only then may you abbreviate my family's name."
- To any number of people who presumed to shorten his name before being invited
"If we are looking back to the past, then there are some Primogen of this Domain that should probably be Bloodhunted, some Clan Heads that would consign their entire Clans in Australia into shame and disgrace and some holders of Station that can probably only properly be investigated by an Archon....or we can look forward to a better future, rather than back into sordid history."
- To the Brisbane Primogen Council when asked to speak on the matter of the harpy's support of the new Chief Harpy, Mr Parker

Quotes About


"The matter of the Prestation, and its value, is not the issue as I see it. The agreement before the Prestation seems key in this regard."
- Visha to Mr Parker
"I would not gainsay your word, Nicolette duQuesne, after all you are older than me by thirty years"
- Vishakhadatta and Nicolette in various forms at intervals that seem important to them both
"Let it rest then, I have learned what I need to know. Anything else might be dangerous should it be wrested from me by powers of the Blood."
- To Michael
"I understand some matters have been let slide; there is, after all, the very real threat of the wolves of the Sabbat snapping at the south. Still, standards must be maintained."
- Mr Vishakhadatta to Calibrac of the Nosferatu
"We have five minutes before the Primogen meeting, forgive me if I am blunt."
"Be blunt. "
- Mr Vishakhadatta speaking to Elder Austrakas of the Tremere
"And how much, precisely, is that vengeance worth to you?"
- Mr Vishakhadatta swoops in to assist a furious Gangrel.


  • Served on various sides during World War II
  • Trained as a Seneschal
  • Has served as a Lesser Harpy in London, a decade ago
  • Was able to uncover Scandals in London with uncanny accuracy
  • Has served as a Keeper of Elysium
  • Obtained access to remarkable sources of information while in Paris
  • Has served as a Hound to several Sheriffs
  • Sent as a Sweeper to Domains with problems

Inspirations and Soundtrack

  • Music
Lawyers, Guns and Money by Warren Zevron
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap by AC/DC
Lorca's Novena by The Pogues
Killing Strangers by Marilyn Manson
Bloodletting (The Vampire Song) by Concrete Blond



  1. Acknowledged as a Member of the Camarilla in the past and again on his receipt of Hospitality in Brisbane
  2. Ancillae by Gitte in recognition of his age and service to Clan Ventrue.
  3. Well-Connected by Lord Archon Stone
  4. Efficient by Scotty, Prince of Brisbane
  5. Revered as Ventrue Primogen of Brisbane


Owed By Vishakhadatta

Owed To Vishakhadatta

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Frank
Number: 2001090372
Domain: Brisbane