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The Court of Adelaide

Ruling Council

Prince: Walter Nelson Benedict Ovingham-Talbot III
Seneschal: Timothy Ward
Primogen: Thrace
Primogen: Lorenzo Penthièvre
Primogen: Timothy Ward

Court Positions

Priscus Harpy: Walter Stadtler
Prince's Harpy: Lorenzo Penthièvre
Sheriff: Jack Raven
Keeper of Elysium: Abigail Reiniger
Scourge: None officially

Priscus Council

Gangrel: Anton Wolff
Daeva: Dexter Burbridge
Mekhet: Thrace
Nosferatu: Florence Pankhurst
Ventrue: Timothy Ward

KIndred of Adelaide

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Character Covenant Clan/Bloodline House Position City Status Player
Walter Nelson Benedict Ovingham-Talbot III Invictus Ventrue Ward Prince 5 Alex Thomson
Timothy Ward Lancea Sanctum Ventrue Ward Seneschal, Primogen, and Priscus 3 Christopher Bond
Thrace Circle of the Crone Mekhet Egeriae Primogen and Priscus 3 Andrew Watson
Lorenzo Penthièvre Invictus Daeva Penthièvre Prince's Harpy and Primogen 3 Damien Hunter
Abigail Reiniger Lancea Sanctum Ventrue Ward Master of Elysium 1 Lucy Haas
Florence Pankhurst Invictus Nosferatu - Priscus 2 Susannah Whitney
Kendrick Tyger Lancea Sanctum Ventrue - - 1 Jake Sammut
Dexter Burbridge Invictus Daeva Penthièvre Priscus 1 Kristian Zirnsak
Jack Raven Unaligned Mekhet - Sheriff 1 Simon Macrow
Bulldock Invictus Ventrue Ward - 1 Arlen
Grayham Hamilton Unaligned Mekhet - - 1 Brendan
Anton Wolff Carthians Gangrel - Priscus 2 Thomas Whitney
Gordon Uzinov Ordo Dracul Gangrel - - 1 Jeremy
Walter Stadtler Carthians Daeva - Priscus Harpy 1 Jason Ly
Celeste Stonyfell Unaligned Mekhet - - 1 Rebecca
Jack West Unaligned Gangrel - - 1 Bear
A. Rat Unknown Rat - Acknowledged Rat 1 NPC
Your character here Covenant Clan - - 1 Player Name

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