Brisbane Sabbat See

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Current See

Pack Ducti

Members of the See

Character Clan Pack Position Status Player
Aunty Nancy Nosferatu Antitribu Black Kiss Bishop and Ductus 5 Molly Butler
Hyena Gangrel Antitribu Black Kiss Paladin 3 Corwin Wright
Jackie Malkavian Antitribu Black Kiss Pack Priest 2 Natasha Wright
Tye Jarlsson Lasombra Black Kiss - 4 Cameron Meiklejohn
Jared Jackson Lasombra Black Kiss - 1 Martin Flanagan
??? Toreador Antitribu? Black Kiss - ? Sean Dennis
Sebastian Lasombra Black Kiss - 2 Phillip Jones
Heinrich Eisen Toreador Antitribu Crimson Steel Bishop and Ductus 5 Nick Wittman
Nicholas Harbinger of Skulls Crimson Steel Pack Priest 4 Ben Gilders
Antonius - Crimson Steel - 1 Chris Earl
Amelia Toreador Antitribu? Crimson Steel - 1 Nikki Carter
Alex Brujah Antitribu Crimson Steel - ? Martin Brown
Crazy James Malkavian Antitribu Crimson Steel Paladin 5 Hayden Baulch
Aaron Ventrue Antitribu TLSO - 4 Michael O'Dempsey
Big Rodgers Ventrue Antitribu TLSO Pack Priest 3 Owen Sillence
Vic Brujah Antitribu TLSO Abbot 4 Callan Davis
Miesha Tzimisce TLSO - 3 Rebecca Pring
Terry Tate City Gangrel Antitribu TLSO - 4 Jeremy Broom
Elizabeth Ventrue Antitribu TLSO - 1 Tamala B.
Vulpe Malkavian Antitribu TLSO - 3 Charlotte K.
Marcus Gormley Gangrel Antitribu TLSO - 2 Liam Baulch
Carbon Nosferatu Antitribu TLSO - 1 Shaye McCarthy-Atkinson
Azazael Assamite Antitribu TLSO - 2 Robert McKenna
Beth Gangrel Antitribu Insanctis Peribat - 1 Renee Dillon
??? ??? Insanctis Peribat - 1 Brhi Stokes
??? ??? Insanctis Peribat - 1 Jeremy Peres
Jonesy Pander ? - ? Peter Gilmore

Pack and Personal Feeding Areas

Location Type Owner
Logan Tier One Crimson Steel
Calamvale Tier Three Crimson Steel
West End Tier Two The Black Kiss
Woolloongabba Tier Two TLSO
Coorparoo Tier Three TLSO
Camp Hill Tier Three TLSO
Carina Tier Three TLSO
Carina Heights Tier Three TLSO
Norman Park Tier Three TLSO
South Bank Tier One TLSO
Mt Gravatt Tier Two Tenebrous Sanguinus
Toohey Forest Tier ? ?
Morningside tier Three Klang
Highgate Hill Tier One ???
Indooroopilly Tier Three Insanctis Peribat

Known NPCs


Klang is a pack of the Sabbat consisting of the unwanted shovelhead survivors of the Crusade. Scrappy and vicious, they're eager to please and prove themselves to their fellow members of the sect - an eagerness that frequently borders on nigh-suicidal.

The pack is led by a member of the Sabbat who acts as both Pack Priest and Ductus to the new recruits, training and preparing them for initiation to the Sect. Jokingly known as Panda, a lame pun based on her Clan, she's known to fill in and assist the Sabbat in their rituals, when needed.

The Cops

Among the variety of police officers operating around Mansfield, one particularly hardened and strong-willed pair has been sighted - sporadically, but consistently - when the Sabbat attract too much attention. They've been identified as Juliette Barrat and Joel Colton.

Church Cult

Located at a local church, an unusual group seemed to be engaged in some form of ritual. Thanks to the actions of Trashed, Lost and Strung-Out, they were identified as Infernalists and destroyed or diablerized. Their actions successfully eliminated the problem.

Dust and Ashes

A nomadic pack of Feral Heart, Dust and Ashes was operating in Australia prior to the formal invasion of the Sabbat in the eighties. They've been considered dead for some time, though they recently re-surfaced in Brisbane, bringing some conflict along with them.

They're known to be viciously independent and notoriously difficult to communicate with, though their Pack Priest, Adolf, has visited the Temple once, along with their Ductus. Thanks to the work of the new Bishop, they have moved on, and are not expected to return.

Honor Roll of the Fallen

Character Clan Pack Gen Position Status Player
Leopold Schtolz Malkavian antitribu C# Minor 9th Ductus 4 Sean Dennis
The Darkness Lasombra C# Minor 13th - 2 NPC
Graham Grimm Nosferatu antitribu C# Minor 12th - 2 NPC
Amonia Malkavian antitribu C# Minor 13th - 2 NPC
Desdemona Toreador antitribu The Black Kiss 12th - 3 NPC
23 Malkavian antitribu The Black Kiss 11th Pack Priest 6 NPC
Cutlass Ventrue antitribu The Black Kiss 10th - 3 NPC
Markus Nihls Toreador antitribu TLSO 11th - 1 Ben Jeffreys
Banshee Assamite Antitribu - - - 3 Charlie Kay