Gunderic the Vandal

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Gund text.jpg

Please note the great, big, honking TRIGGER WARNING for references to torture and sexualised violence.

Sect: The Camarilla ••••• •
Clan: Ventrue (Masquerade) ••••• •
City: GST
Pack/Coterie: Chaturanga
Sire: Severus
Lineage: House Vandal
Embraced: 455 AD
Generation: 6th
Player: CPC - custodian: Corey
Storyteller: GST VST

This is a CPC (Custodial Player Character) and is under the office of the GST Masquerade

Gunderic the Vandal - ooc: thanks to Ali for the picture!

Defining Quote:

"Power does not corrupt. Fools, however, if they get into a position of power, corrupt power."

Defining Song: Demons

"Don’t get too close
It’s dark inside
It’s where my demons hide"

Information Known by Kindred Society

Sire: Severus (CotN, pg. 49)
Cosanguinous: Lucinde
Embrace: 455AD
Apparent Age: unknown
Mortal Religion: Arianism

  1. Acknowledged as a Member of the Camarilla
  2. Elder by virtue of Blood
  3. Venerated as an Elder
  4. Established by virtue of Age
  5. Just by Severus, Former Justicar
  6. Stalwart by Hardestadt the Elder

Ventrue only

Position: Strategoi


  • Magnus Dux
  • Archdux
  • Strategoi
  • House
  • The Distinguished Champion

A former Justicar, the Kindred now known as Gunderic was born to the East Germanic Vandals who had settled and conquered the Roman Africa province. Whether he was born before or after the conquest of Carthage, along with much of what occurred of his mortal life within those walls, is largely unknown.

What is known is that Gunderic was involved in the Vandalic sacking of the city of Rome. It is here that he met his end, though by no mortal man. Specifics remain closeted, but during the sack of Rome, Gunderic disappeared. The next time Gunderic was seen was close to half a century later, as the Elder Ventrue Severus publically released him as his childe in Rome.

As the Ventrue Justicar in central Europe, he servered for several terms from 1777 to 1803. His tenure as Justicar was known to be rather stable, and he has been described as a mostly genial - but strict - Justicar.

Gunderic is a believer in the theological teachings attributed to Arius, exceedingly cultured and known to speak over 10 different languages fluently, including many extinct languages or dialects such as Carthaginian and many Germanic derivations.

Gunderic is a prolific and public supported or the arts, and more than several great masterpieces through the centuries - whether by mortal or kindred - have been rumoured to have had his patronage. His apparent "closeness" with the Toreador Clan, and his own extensive collection, attest to this fact.

Gunderic is exceedingly terse with those that use the term "Vandal" in the derogatory sense, particularly to describe any senseless destruction or defacing of artworks. Those who persist in using the term to Gunderic... have been none.

There are quiet whispers in the dark corners of the room that the civil facade of Gunderic conceals a sadistic predator with violent appetites. Allusions to broken or damaged kindred in the past, shattered unlives, and the unflattering moniker of "Gunderic Bad Touch" remain all but unspoken...


Gunderic’s appearance has varied through the ages, though for the past few centuries he appears as an attractive male, late 20's in age, approximately 5'8" in height, with blonde hair and blue eyes.

His dress is usually immaculate - tailored suits flavoured slightly towards gothic influences. He usually wears a long-coat and richly coloured schnyrer in accompaniment.


Gunderic, when he appears in public, exudes a genial and welcoming front. His demeanour is relaxed amongst all stations and generation of Kindred, and he will engage pleasantly with those seeking his attention. This facade is finite, however, and those that take up too much of his time that offer little or no advantage to Gunderic usually meet with a concise dismissal.

There are exceptions to this, of course. It is generally known that Gunderic enjoys the pursuit of ladies, and he has been known to leave cloistered groups of Ancients to casually pursue a new Ancilla or Neonate who has caught his attention. Observers have described his pursuits as quite charming.

Those that use the term of "Vandal" in the derogatory sense within earshot of Gunderic find that they have acquired the ancient’s undivided - and undesired - attention. Few instances of this have been recorded to have occurred over the last several centuries. After somewhat lengthy private discussions with Gunderic, none of these Kindred have maintained use of the term.


Arianism is the theological teaching attributed to Arius (ca. AD 250–336), a Christian presbyter in Alexandria, Egypt, concerning the relationship of the persons of the Trinity ('God the Father', 'God the Son', and 'God the Holy Spirit') and the precise nature of the Son of God as being a subordinate entity to God the Father. Deemed a heretic by the First Council of Nicaea of 325, Arius was later exonerated in 335 at the First Synod of Tyre,[1] and then, after his death, pronounced a heretic again at the First Council of Constantinople of 381.[2] The Roman Emperors Constantius II (337–361) and Valens (364–378) were Arians or Semi-Arians.

The Arian concept of Christ is that the Son of God did not always exist, but was created by—and is therefore distinct from—God the Father. This belief is grounded in the Gospel of John passage “You heard me say, ‘I am going away and I am coming back to you.’ If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I." (verse 14:28)[3]

Arianism is defined as those teachings attributed to Arius which are in opposition to mainstream Trinitarian Christological doctrine, as determined by the first two Ecumenical Councils and currently maintained by the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Churches, and most Reformation Protestant Churches. "Arianism" is also often used to refer to other nontrinitarian theological systems of the 4th century, which regarded Jesus Christ—the Son of God, the Logos—as either a created being (as in Arianism proper and Anomoeanism), or as neither uncreated nor created in the sense other beings are created (as in Semi-Arianism).

Mortal World

Gunderic is all but hidden to the mortal world. His barest of contact comes in the form of feeding and the use of his Ghouls.


  • 439 - Tunis (Africa) - Born;
  • 455 - Rome - Embraced by Severus during the sacking of Rome;
  • 502 - Rome - Released by Severus;
  • 767 - Frankish Empire - Meets the Toreador Vashti and her childe Evangeline. Pursues Vashti, however, Evangeline is placed in the way whilst her sire makes herself scarce. Gunderic takes Evangeline, leaving 7 denarius behind with her. Vashti disappears and can not be called to Gunderic.
  • 772 - Frankish Empire - Capture and embrace of Gitte
  • 806 - Holy Roman Empire (Vienna) - Creation of House Vandal with embrace of twins Balthasar and Fieke.
  • 1231 - The Inquisition starts.
  • 1240 - Anarch Revolt starts.
  • 1350 - Balthasar and Fieke, and their broods, somehow break Gunderic's bonds and conditioning and set upon him. Gunderic, Aldous Kohler, Armand leBlanc and Mr Stone manage to turn the tide. Balthasar is destroyed, whilst Fieke and some of their Broods escape.
  • 1450 - Camarilla Formation, Gunderic present
  • 1493 - Convention of Thorns, Gunderic present
  • 1496 - Treaty of Tyre is signed
  • 1528 - The Giovanni and the Camarilla sign The Promise
  • 1777 - Elected as Justicar of the Ventrue
  • 1790 - Re-elected as Justicar of the Ventrue
  • 1803 - Not re-elected as Justicar of the Ventrue
  • 2000 - Australia - holds the domain of Melbourne


  • Caine
    • Enoch
      • Ventru
        • Nefer-meri-Isis
          • Severus

Known Siblings

Known Childer

  • Balthasar - Destroyed
  • Fieke - Antitibu - Current Location Unknown
  • Gitte - Current Location Unknown

Known Grand-childer

  • Piotr Olienko - Missing
  • Armand LeBlanc - Brisbane
  • Cedric Huber - Destroyed

Known Great Grand-childer

  • Mr Stone - Brisbane
  • Pieter van Est - Missing
  • Elsa von Lichtenstein - Canberra

Those of greater Descent


Quotes By

"I shall slowly poison everything she holds dear, until there is naught but one solace for her."
"I can not give you what you seek, for I am no longer capable of possessing such gifts... as much as it pains me to wish it differently."'

Quotes About

"The devil always uses sweet words. Beware his forked tongue"
- Vashti, said privately to her lineage
"Not...not that one. Put it back. Put it back now."
- an uncharacteristically serious Silke, when one of her capos offered her a chair...taken from Gunderic's table, at the Justicar's Conclave, 2013.
"There are worse things in this world than boredom. Not many, I think, but they exist."
- Silke, in Canberra, 2014, when queried about her continued caginess - inconsistent with her usual flamboyant irreverence - around Gunderic.
"An unruly cad who cannot be trusted."
- La Belle Dame d'Lumiere


"Did you hear? Gunderic will be visiting next month."
"Truly? Oh, it's so splendid to hear that such an honoured Elder will be gracing our with his presence, isn't it? I'm sure everyone here will enjoy his company."
"Indeed - you're not going to be there?"
"Sadly, no; I have a potential childe up North I need to observe further, before I consider discussing the topic with his Majesty."
"Truly? I had no idea you were considering siring. When did you first start contemplating the prospect?"
"About fifteen seconds ago."
- Unknown conversation

"If that's the case then what's separating him from the Sabbat?"
"A chasm so vast that uncountable centuries could not breach it - he is one of the founders of the Camarilla"
"...and he still does...that?"
"Indeed. Do not be fooled, the oldest amongst us, they are not kind"
"There is a difference between being kind and being evil"
"He is not evil, sir"
"Sounds like he is..."
"He is a monster, yes, but he is a man of his word. And a staunch defender of our sect. You may have whatever opinion of him you choose. I merely warn you that you may adequately safeguard your sister, should she join you for Conclave. You have lost two women in your life, I would not see you watch the last turned into something else through a lack of proper attention"
- La Belle Dame d'Lumiere and Theodore Donowitz discussing Gunderics impending arrival.

"Are you going to undertake the tradition of Greater Accounting?"
"May I think on it? Such an action is usually reserved for our Elders."
"Very well. Would you like me to undertake the tradition of Greater Accounting?"
"...May I think on it?
- Mr Stone and Gunderic the Vandal discussing the future of Miss Abyss.


  • Has grown soft on the Sabbat
    • And the Anarchs
      • Same thing, aren't they?
        • AND independent scum
          • Probably the real reason why he wasn't re-elected Justicar
  • And did you see the look on Vashti's face when they walked out of the side room at her salon? What the hell did he do to her?

OOC Information


Major owed to Luther Major owed to Armand leBlanc

Minor owed to

Trivial owed to

Major owed from Lucien Nevue Major owed by Meg St.John

Minor owed from Göksel Ahmet

Trivial owed from







  • Position: Justicar, Europe (1777-1803) - SPI-MAS-20130918001


  • Road of Kings - TOPAUS0161
  • Merit: Prestigious Sire - TOPAUS0162


  • Age - MASQ-H-006
  • Generation - MASQ-H-007
  • XP >100 - MASQ-H-053

OOC Information

Very happy to form OOC ties, childer, enemies, etc for this CPC... Please do contact the GST

Member Information
Player: CPC - Corey
Domain: [[]]