Archived-Timothy Harland

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"I'm a holy beast, chosen in death, to ensure that mankind doesn't fuck up."


Personal Information


Creed: Westminster Creed
Faction: Hardliner
Position: Legate, Reverend


Timothy is a giant of a man with a towering, stocky build and a face marked by his rough features. His complexion is fair but etched with the tell-tale signs of hard living and his hair is dark and cut short. He's often seen dressed in the iconic black vestments of the priesthood, complimented by a crimson stole depicting holy iconography of the Lancea Sanctum. On his left hand he adorns a silver signet ring with a chalice engraved into it and a rosary made of pearls sits around his neck.


Mortal World

Information Known by Kindred Society


  • 1884: Timothy is born in Sydney to Emily & Luke Harland, a rather religious, blue-collar family who had made their homes and livelihood in the western suburbs. Timothy himself was a bright lad but never attended any particular formal schooling. Instead he found a font for his thirst for knowledge in his local priest, and family friend, Gregory Reeves.
  • 1902: Upon turning eighteen, Timothy is encouraged by Reverend Gregory to pursue his interests in Christianity and is asked to apply to the Moore Theological College to either learn more of theology or consider joining the priesthood. In September that same year his application is accepted.
  • 1910: Timothy, after spending the past 8 years studying among holy men and professors, graduates from the collage with a Masters in Theology and the relevant training to become a full member of the clergy. When he returns to the small suburb of Berala he is offered the position of Reverend by his old family friend and accepts, becoming a full member of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney.
  • 1914: Come the calls of war, Timothy signs on to serve during The Great War as a chaplain for the Australian Imperial Forces [AIF]. Not being allowed to receive combatant training, Timothy seeks learning amongst the nurses and field medics on how to perform rudimentary field surgeries should his flock ever be in need of more physical aid.
  • 1915: Timothy is assigned to the 1st Division of the AIF and was one of the first Australians to make contact in Gallipoli. Timothy was stationed in that hell hole for 8 months, serving as a voice of faith & hope amongst the terrible conditions and even managing to save the lives of some men left stranded in no-man's land.
  • 1916: Timothy is evacuated and, along with his assigned troops, is regrouped in Egypt and transferred to the AIF 3rd Division.
  • 1917: Sent to the Western Front, Timothy breaks his sworn oath as a non combatant when he impales a German troop, who had snuck into the trenches. He continues to serve and help his men rather than submit to being stripped of his position. It is during his time France that Timothy catches the attention of his sire Wilhelm Godfrey von Konigsberg
  • 1918: Timothy and many of his troops are horribly injured during the shelling of Villers-Bretonneux. Not willing to let his prospective childer pass through his claws, Wilhelm Godfrey von Konigsberg submits Timothy to the embrace and, refusing to have a crippled offspring, uses his mystic knowledge to heal Timothy's wounds.
  • 1919: Wilhelm enlists the young vampire as his squire and teaches Timothy the tenets of Lancea Sanctum, as well as his duties as a member of the Kindred.
  • 1920-1928: Timothy is released from his sire's protection and is encouraged to take a more active role in his Covenant. Seeking not to stir the ire of his lord, Timothy immerses himself the culture of the Lancea Sanctum fully, taking on positions both political and academic until finally earning the respect of his fellow Sanctified.
  • 1929-1938: Following the orchestrated destruction of a Crone sect, with a dwindling regard for the masquerade, Timothy is awarded the position of Legate. He performs his duties across most of Europe, these primarily being that of an envoy for his Cardinal.
  • 1939-1944: Service as a Legate becomes increasingly more difficult as a second World War is announced. Under the Cardinals' orders, Timothy is provided with a Paladin escort so that he may receive protection while performing his duties across the European borders. In exchange for boons, Timothy is mentored in the art of combat and martial defence.
  • 1944: Timothy is alerted of his sire's potential demise, prompting a swift return to Wilhelm's homeland of Konigsberg. His primary goal was to see if he could recover his fallen lord, however; upon discovering that his heretic brother had set his sights on the lands, decided to reclaim the research and studies of his sire before Orpheus Lestrange could uncover them.
  • 1945-1955: Timothy petitions his Cardinal to take pilgrimage and continue his sire's academic pursuits into the divine relics of the faith. He is forced to relinquish his duties as Legate but manages to leave on good terms with his court.
  • 1951: Timothy makes contact with a member of the Ordo Dracul known as Astrid Dietrich to organise an exchange of information regarding the Holy Grail. Their transfer is performed through her childe Siegfried Schwarz and Timothy is disturbed by what he finds at their "Research Camps".
  • 1956: Timothy's scholarly exploits, while intellectually stimulating, shed no light onto the location of the Holy Grail. They did however, provide a greater insight into the history of his blood concerning the great divide between the Sanctified and the Acolytes.
  • 1957-1962: Timothy makes his fruitless return to Trier, Germany, to reclaim his position as Legate. However, Timothy finds himself growing increasingly paranoid and restless; the movements and changes of the world affecting him in ways they never had before and the pressures of the court wearing at his mind leaving him ill suited for the job.
  • 1963: In his last few nights of service to the Lance, Timothy answers the call for slumber; seeking sanctuary in the catacombs of France and entering Torpor.
  • 2007: Timothy awakens from the nightmare with a powerful yearning to return to him homeland. However, knowing that in his current state he is ill suited for the modern world; Timothy spends the better period of a year acclimatising among allied kindred of the Lance in Europe.
  • 2008: Following the passage of a year and a day, Timothy undertakes the daunting voyage back to Australia and, upon arriving, begins to develop ties with Lance across the Australian Domains. It is only during his travels does he learn that his Sire had, indeed, survived the bombing of Konigsberg, and sought to claim the lands of Australia as his own. Their reunion is one of shared tales and a respect long fostered.
  • 2009-2013: Timothy, feeling confident with the lands he now calls his own, reassumes the position of Legate; acting as a functional emissary and messenger between the Australian domains.
  • 2014:

Recent History


  • September: Arrived in Sydney and established both introductions with the Governor and lodging with the Regency.



Known Sire

Known Siblings

Known Childer

Known Grand-childer


Quotes By

"You're a disgrace to both your nature and your holy duty. You shitty, fucking predator." - Timothy Harland to a fuckwit foolish neonate.

Quotes About

"For someone who calls themselves a holy man, he sure does curse a lot." - A lay priest from Trier


"Quote" - reference




Fever - The Black Keys
We Will Fall Together - Tomas Kalnoky
The Sound of Silence - Simon & Garfunkel
God's Gonna Cut You Down - Johnny Cash


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Maxin Carroll
Number: 2013090001
Domain: Sydney