Riley Cordova

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Template:PC Summary Requiem


Personal Information


Riley stands at 5’11 when she isn’t wearing heels, and weighs 78kgs. She has natural red hair, that’s quite thick, and has nice soft waves, which she often enhances or straightens, depending on her mood. She has hazel eyes, fair skin, and for all intents and purposes appears to be around 25 years old. Favouring timelessness, she has no tattoos or any other distinguishing features such as piercings that she may one day live to regret.
Riley dresses to kill. Well, not really. She has a great body, and she loves to show it off, rarely being caught out of tight fitting clothes. She favours a fairly chic style for everydaywear, and will always dress up to the nines in insanely glamourous fashion when she’s going out anywhere. She’s almost never out of heels.


Riley is highly self-important, she always believes herself to be the centre of attention even if that’s not the case. She’s quick to anger, and nothing angers her more than being ignored. When she’s bored she’ll zone one out with her phone out She twirls, twists, and tugs on her hair when she’s deep in thought. Since the mobile phone became a popular mode of communication, she’s never been without one on her person.
Riley’s greatest strength is her chameleon like ability to fit in with whatever group she’s with at the time. She’s also fairly adept at making people like her.

Mortal World

The only child of Damon Cordova and Amelia Cordova nee Ackleson, Riley came from two wealthy families. Jason and Catherine Ackleson, her maternal grandparents, were nouveau-riche, unlike Cadmius and Riley Cordova, her paternal grandparents. Jason worked hard from the bottom up to become the manager and then owner of a five-star hotel in London, while Catherine, a brilliant chef, worked her way up in the kitchens. One hotel soon turned into a chain, as they began their empire. When Jason passed away in 2001, seven years after his wife and only daughter were killed in a car accident, his controlling stock of the chain went to Damon, his son-in-law.
Cadmius Cordova came from an already wealthy family. Related (distantly) to royalty, he always thought he was better than everyone else. When his only son married the daughter of the nouveau-riche, he disinherited him. When Riley was born, the same year as his wife passed away, he turned to his granddaughter as a last desperate bid to make the Cordova name mean something again. After starting school, Riley spent all of her holidays with Cadmius, who instilled in her a great sense of self-importance.
Riley grew up having every desire she wants met. Her mother tried to instill in her some of the work ethic that she grew up with, though she and Damon had that desire crushed by Cadmius, who would go around their back to always make sure that Riley would grow up knowing she was a Cordova. She was important.
When she was old enough to go to school she spent her holidays with Cadmius, and began to grow distant from her parents. She went to Oxford Tutorial College when she was 15, fully paid for by Cadmius, and with the exception of a few parent teacher interviews, she didn’t see her parents again until after she graduated.
Riley has been all through the UK, and most of Europe. Cadmius always insisted on showing her the old world splendour throughout Europe and taking her on grand holidays when she was with him.
Riley finished high school in 1991, when she was 18 years old. Her mother tried to urge her to study something at university, she was smart enough to get in for almost whatever she wanted, and certainly had the connections, but Riley was bored with schooling life, and instead settled into the life of a socialite after school.
In 1993 she moved to London with her best friend Holly Grant. While Holly worked for her father's friend, Riley went to luncheons and relaxed with various Socialite friends. She and Holly went clubbing as often as they could, and eventually in 1996 her friend got distracted, and a became a little aloof, though they became closer as lovers, and friends. Sex with others was never as fulfilling as it was with Holly, especially when she bit her the way she did.

In 1998 she was offered a chance at something new and exciting by her friend and she jumped at the chance. Since then she has remained in the high graces of Kine society.

Information Known by Kindred Society

A part of the Kindred court since 1998, she was introduced to the London court as one whose sire had left them to their own devices all but immediately after Embrace.
She quickly inserted herself into court life, making friends, indulging in intrigue. She was rather close with Judith Doulton for a time, though it faded when she decided to go clean from drugs.
She sided with Randy Priest in his Praxis claim, though her friend Holly Grant got her out of most trouble with the then Prince.
When Holly left she still thrived, but missed her friend. There was a misstep in a conversation with an Invictus in September of 2016 however, and she was forced to leave the country. Seeing as she had been in communication with Holly she decided to go to where she was, Roxby Downs, and see what court life was like in Australia.


  • 1973 - Born 14th of April
  • 1980 - Details
  • 1990 - Details
  • 2000 - Details
  • 2010 - Details

Recent History


  • SEP -
    • Gets into a heated show of one-uppmanship with an Invictus Ventrue. Loses, unfortunately, and is forced to leave the country.
  • OCT -
    • Arrives in Roxby Downs, SA.
  • NOV -



Opinions Of Family Members


Quotes By

"Quote" - reference

Quotes About

"Quote" - reference


"Quote" - reference


Inspirations and Soundtrack


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Marlee McDougall
Number: 2016100001
Domain: Southern Cross