Georgiana Turpin

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Georgiana Turpin
Concept: Governess
Clan: Nosferatu
Covenant: Invictus ••
City: Adelaide
Title: Madame Au Pair, Interpreter
Sire: Sire
Bloodline: Pure Clan
Group: Lineage/House/Coterie
Embraced: 1950s
Player: Eva Cavallaro
Storyteller: Adelaide VST

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Personal Information


Georgiana is generally seen wearing a white cotton 50's style dress, sometimes with a green blazer. One side of her face appears horrifically burnt and is usually covered by a sheer green veil.


Mortal World

On her free nights Georgiana runs night classes at her very own School of Etiquette and Charm and has courses tailored for Kine as well as Kindred.

Information Known by Kindred Society


  • 1916 - Born at the Adelaide Women's Destitute Asylum. Her mother passes away shortly after the birth.
  • 1917 - Georgiana is adopted by Lucille and Richard Turpin
  • 1933 - Georgiana meets and later marries affluent businessman William Cavendish
  • 1948 - Divorces William for adultery
  • 1950s - Embraced and joins the Invictus
  • 1965 - Sets up Madame Turpin's School of Etiquette and Charm while training as an Au Pair. Initially classes are for Kine only but Georgiana starts taking on Kindred students as soon as she is qualified.
  • 1968 - Travels to Sydney for a brief visit. Meets Helena at Court where they discuss her work as an Au Pair and Helena promises to contact Georgiana if the need arises for her services.
  • 1976 - Starts to take an interest in working as an Interpreter as well as an Au Pair
  • 1988 - Takes on a young Daeva student's early education. The student tests the limits of her patience and after a while stubbornly persevering in her attempts to teach him she finally sends him away, declaring him unteachable.
  • 2006 - Makes a significant anonymous donation to the South Australian Heritage Council, to be put towards converting the surviving buildings of the Adelaide Destitute Asylum into a museum.
  • 2011 - Takes Wicked-V on as a student
  • 2017 - Details

Recent History


* JUN - Details
* JUL - Details
* AUG - Details
* SEP - Details
* OCT - Details
* NOV - Details
* DEC - Details


Known Sire

Known Siblings


Known Childer


Known Grand-childer



Quotes By


:: - reference.

Quotes About


:: - who said it.


:Person 1 -  "quote."
:Person 2 -  "quote."
:Person 1 -  "quote."
:Person 2 -  "quote."
:: - reference.



Inspirations and Soundtrack

  • Geraldine McEwan as seen in Agatha Christie's Marple
  • Dolores Umbridge

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: [mailto: Name]
Number: 00000000
Domain: Domain