Tatiana Miasnivena

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Template:PC Summary Requiem

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Personal Information


Short to average height, tangled mess of red hair, weathered pale skin, strange yellow hawk-like eyes. Apparent age 25-30, difficult to discern as her skin does not heal the general wear and tear of the ages during daysleep. Hands are calloused, old scars leave her skin slightly distorted. Plants and vines woven/tangled in her hair. Normal casual dress is loose overalls, the top half tied about her waist rather than covering her arms etc. Decorative shawl covers her shoulders. Simple blouse underneath. Sunhat with a flower upon her head, or simply left off with the plants in her hair have gotten too wild to keep a hat on top of that week. Vines and leaves in her hair. Secateurs in pocket, along with various gardening items. A Shashka (Russian light sword) sits at her hip.


Mortal World

Tatiana has very few direct ties in the mortal world - her bright yellow eyes and broken, pointed teeth making that next to impossible. The vast majority of her interactions are via her retainer - Lincoln Isayev, a sweet old gentleman that runs a florist-shop, through which Tatiana sells her plants.

Information Known by Kindred Society

  • Elder Gangrel, of the Vedma bloodline. She's fairly creepy according to most of the Neonates, but she never seems particularly malicious - unless you damage her plants.


Very bare-bones at present, just little bits of info to help with building character ties.

  • 1637 - Born in Russia
  • 1662 - Meets her Sire, and Ghouled for her troubles.
  • 1805 - Visits 'New Holland' on a scientific expedition as an assistant Gardener-Botanist with her Regnant/Sire.
  • 1812 - Returns to Russia.
  • 1857 - Having left her Sire, moves back to Australia with her own Ghouled retainer, to explore this land she visited briefly many years before.
  • 1900 - Returns to Russia for a time
  • 1920 - Meets Kostya
  • 1960 - Returns to Australia, travels around for a while
  • 1990 - During her travels she meets with Rex Giles, and is curious to see this new city out in the middle of the desert.
  • 1991 - Takes up the position of Master of Elysium

Recent History



Known Sire

  • Tatiana never mentions her Sire's name, and her general attitude towards her varies depending on her mood. People generally get the idea they were not on good terms.

Known Siblings

Known Childer

  • Nyx of the Ordo Dracul


Quotes By

  • "I don't care if I'm called Babushka, I'm only four and a half centuries old. I am too young to be a grandmother!" - to a very blank-faced and unsympathetic Dame Threadgold

Quotes About

  • "There is a reason she remains Keeper of the Elysium. Not withstanding her attention to the gardens, she is a fierce defender of this sacred tradition. You do not want to get on her bad side." - Isobel Bathory
  • "A fellow scientist in a world of mystics. I know people worry about what I get up to- maybe they should have a thought for what we would get up to together? Snapdragons indeed!" - Jocasta Flamel
  • "Greaaaat, another crazy Russian." - Aisha
  • " My little duck's honesty brings me comfort in a time of chaos " Joey Johnson
  • <inclined head> "Matushka..."
  • "...with each flower she adorns, she captures my widening gaze; each time she rebukes my advances, the more I want to be in her dance." Joey Johnson


"I... really can't give the details at the moment..."
<smiles> "Pity"
<shakes her head slightly> "Da, such a pity."
<smile gets sunnier> "You'd be disappointed if I didn't try..."
"I will admit I would be at least a touch disappointed if you did not."
"Not to worry, I'll be more subtle next time."
- Tatiana thwarting Dame Threadgold fishing for information


Inspirations and Soundtrack


If you want character ties involving old debts, either owed or owing, I'm happy to chat.

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Vanessa
Number: 2015020001
Domain: Adelaide