Eve's Supplication

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Eve’s Supplication is an exclusive sorority and professional development group for women only. It recruits alumni from the best and brightest lawyers, doctors, and other high society professionals, offering a place where they can get encouragement and support from other likeminded females.

The society is rumoured to have some elaborate membership rituals as you join and rise in rank, often related to the “goddess avatar”, and they have a tinge of pagan, new age or other occult practices. Membership is still highly sought after for those who want to excel, although the society can ask a lot in return.

The Public Facade

The advertising brochures for Eve’s Supplication strongly promote the networking benefits of the female-only professional development community, and there is rarely a high society event without at least one of its member’s present. Many prominent female lawyers are members, or rumoured to be members, of varying degrees, and the group also contains at least one, possibly more, of the female judges. Likewise, if you are treated by a female specialist or doctor, especially at the Mater hospital, there is a good chance they were a member of the group.

The group boasts a reasonable pedigree, having been started in the middle of last century, initially as a social club for high society women, but progressing to its current professional development focus as society became more progressive and opportunities opened for women. The society was often at the forefront of such developments.

The group is structured along the lines of a traditional mystical friendly society, currently local to Brisbane only. Members are known to swear an oath of secrecy and membership rituals are rumoured to become increasingly complex as one rises in the ranks, with full members joining for life. Some of the known levels of title are High Queen, Honoured Priestess and Worthy Matron, although the details are not revealed to outsiders. The current High Priestess, and leader of the group, is Lilith Romero, an accomplished lawyer who started out as a specialist in family law and child adoption. Under her leadership the organisation steadily and quietly achieves its goals, only recruiting the elite of the city.

It’s “chapter house” is based in West End, near where Lilith’s firm has its offices. Lilith also lives in the area, so meetings run quite regularly, both formal ones at the organisations official rooms, and unofficial meetings at the cafés and restaurants in the area.

The group has had a few scandals in the past, with the most notorious one in 1982 when Rachel (Rani) Singh, the High Priestess at the time, was found murdered and horribly mutilated at her house in western Brisbane. The murder was never solved and rumours persist that for some reason it was the group that had the event covered up.

Recently (March 2014), the little known elderly patron of the group, some say their matriarch, Constance O’Hara, passed away. There was a brief mention of it in the group’s newsletter. Although most members would not know who she was, it was clear that Lilith and possibly some others of the inner circle knew and respected the woman.