Moon Greene

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Also known as Elisy Williams

Moon Greene
Concept: Stubborn/rebellious computer nerd
Parent: Gaspar Acosta da Blanca
Parent's Clan: Ventrue
Covenant: None as of yet
City: Geelong
Born: December 21, 1993
Player: Cynthia Ostuni
Storyteller: Geelong VST

Personal Information


Moon is a taller than average woman (5'8), with light olive skin, and piercing green eyes framed by black curls. She resembles her Father in her cheekbones, and carries herself with dignity, and an air of calculating arrogance that often makes humans feel inferior. Her wardrobe consists of Gothic aesthetics, ranging in styles from Aristocratic, Vampire, and Corporate goth, all the way to Lolita, depending on her mood, and the occasion. Her sleeves are always long, and no matter what she wears, her thighs are always covered. In professional settings she's seen wearing tasteful, thin black gloves. (Striking looks 2)


She has a lip twitch, speaks her mind as often as she can, stubborn, and doesn’t take shit. In professional settings, she laces her fingers, and tilts her head slightly. Moon is a strong spoken, strong willed young woman who's presence draws, and demands respect and admiration.She has a sharp mind, and sharper tongue, and wields both with precision, both in social settings, and in the corporate world.

Mortal World

Moon Greene is the founder, and CEO of the fast growing Greene Technologies, a cutting edge tech firm. She's got a reputation in the business world for being ruthless, and efficient, as well as an incredible business woman. Elisy Moon is the head programmer for Greene Tech. She's known to be gentle, and polite, but distant.

Information Known by Kindred Society

The daughter of Gaspar, she has just recently moved to Geelong. Kindred Society as a whole knows her only as Moon Greene.


  • 1990 - Born July 29, 1993, in Postman’s Ridge, Queensland, Australia. December 21, 1993 is Moon's 'birthday'. Born in Manhattan, New York, USA. September, 1993, her Mom takes her and runs away to America.
  • 2000 - 2009, graduates high school, creates Moon Greene, starts college
  • 2010 - 2013, starts up Greene Technologies. 2014, finishes degree, and certs in computer sciences, meets Jakob in London.
  • 2018 - Moves herself, and the company to Geelong

Recent History

Greene Tech has begun to grow rapidly, and as such, Moon as put out a public statement that they are moving to Australia.


Quotes By


- reference.

Quotes About


- who said it.


Person 1 - "quote."
Person 2 - "quote."
Person 1 - "quote."
Person 2 - "quote."
- reference.


Inspirations and Soundtrack

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: [mailto: Name]
Number: 00000000
Domain: Domain