Ardent Compass

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"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far... go together.
African Proverb



The Ardent Compass, while being an efficient and recognized cabal within Brisbane, was originally a group of Mages put together in the hopes they could work together, only to find that a common purpose united them all. Perhaps fate was looking kindly on them - the new cabal of young mages happened to have a great set of complimentary skills, ranging from combat, to research, to survival. Even better, however, they had similar tastes, and before long they were becoming a dynamic young force within Brisbane, running around and finding new things, accomplishing tasks, and getting things done.

They've been described by one or two Mages obsessed with pop culture as being a bit of an 'adventuring party', and the metaphor's apt: unlike their more detached mentors, they're frequently jumping into tombs, chasing down rogue spirits and supporting each other with their adventurous zeal. They've found themselves to be very well-balanced with each other, even if they don't have a Moros. It's not like Brisbane is lacking in them, anyway.

So far, they've operated for the last four or so years, mostly without incident save for the tragic event that claimed one of their own - Achilles. With the recent recruitment of Fus into the cabal, they hope they'll be able to continue to stand strong.


The Cabal has one goal, one that united them and has been their focus for the past three years. They're looking for the Garden of Eden - one of the last undiscovered places of the world, protected by a celestial guardian and hidden beyond anyone's capability to discover it. It's the home of the Tree of Life, and the Tree of Knowledge. It's the birthplace of all life, the greatest, most powerful place in all of existence - but it's impossible to reach or discover, so the stories say.

However, rumors do exist throughout history of an artifact known as Ezekiel's Wheel, ancient as the world itself, and created with the divine powers of Atlantean Magic. Some tales say that it's the only item capable of leading someone to the Garden of Eden. Others say that it can lead someone wherever they need to go, and there's even tales that it's merely a vehicle. The Cabal believes, based on their own research, that Ezekiel's Wheel is a Compass, and they've based their symbolism around that idea.

What is known that it's fractured and splintered into pieces and the Cabal hunts these down wherever they may be in the hopes of rebuilding and using it.


The concept of being an adventuring troupe is an apt one - the group's easily the Mage equivalent of a D&D party of heroes, wandering around, fighting monsters, finding treasure and exploring ancient secrets as they look for pieces of a powerful artifact that can save the world.

There's also a little bit of a Five-Man Band feel to them.


  • Watchlight, Acanthus Mystagogue - Needle
  • Fus, Mastigos Arrow - North
  • Guard, Obrimos Mystagogue - South
  • Dornelia, Thyrsus Libertine - East
  • Toranaga, Obrimos Arrow - West
  • Jessie's Character, Mystagogue - Center

Former Members

  • Achilles, Obrimos Arrow - North