Brisbane Awakening Past Games

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The Second Consilium of Brisbane | Charter | Official History | Lex Magica Brisbanensis | Allies |
The Brisbane Revolutionary Column | Manifesto | Official History

Past games, detailing the recent history of the city.


Historical Game (played in May 2013)

1994: The Signing of the Pax Brisbanensis

In 1994 the Second Consilium of Brisbane and the Gardens Point Assembly had been engaged in a cold war for three years, but both factions had grown weary of the conflict. Meeting in the newly renovated Customs House, Hierarch Harp and Strategos Wavelength negotiated an agreement that would enter the laws of both as the Pax Brisbanensis. The final signing of the agreement was made in public to reinforce to everyone that even though they didn't all see eye to eye they were all a part of the Pentacle Orders and that the conflict was over.

1997: The Death of Councilor Grimm

In 1997 an unusual sleeper death caught the attention of the then Councilor of the Lead Coin, a Moros and Master of Death known as Grimm. Not long after the investigation began, Grimm disappeared. It was the Awakened who first found him, or rather what was left of him, discarded near the domestic airport. An investigation was conducted but turned up nothing, going cold after the announcement to the Consilium that this had happened. His apprentice and Provost, a mage by the name of Shrike, was quickly appointed to take up the now vacant seat.

2010: The Brisbane Concord

In 2010 the awareness of the Brisbane Concord, an arrangement ratified in both the Lex Magica Brisbanensis and the Novus Lex Brisbanensis, was known but hadn't been referenced in many years. An unexpected turn of events suddenly renewed its relevance to both the Assembly and the Consilium.

2013: The Death of Councilor Zaphkiel

In 2013 the Consilium had changed much since its founding 23-years prior, and it was to undergo one more severe change. One sunny day in March the then Councilor of the Golden Key, an Obrimos Master of Prime known as Zaphkiel, was caught in a fatal car crash on Waterworks Road heading back into the city. By the time her next of kin had been notified she had already passed away, and was beyond even Harp's ability to heal. As a well loved and long-standing member of the Consilium, Zaphkiel's remaining cabal mates held a wake for her at Gaslight Mansion with permission granted to any recognized mage of the city to come and pay their respects.


June 2013

The end of June has arrived, and so has the time for the Consilium Council to host its open meeting for the month. It is still a time of transition for the Consilium, with Councilor Smithy having been officially announced as the new holder of the Seat of the Golden Key just last month. It is also a time of transition, or potential transition, for Brisbane as the mayoral election is fast approaching and numerous candidates put forward their promises to encourage the sleepers to vote for them. Rumour has it that the Assembly have been discussing the matter, though nothing official has been announced from them. The doors to the Forum at Customs House are open for the awakened to attend and discuss local matters, and the Council is available for those who wish to petition them.

July 2013

The last month has been quite eventful for Brisbane. The various political parties have begun their campaigns for the upcoming election, with the most prominent candidates thus far being the incumbent Mayor Jamie Jones with the Centrist Party and "Barnacle" Bill Morgan with the Fishing Party. Along with this, news of Brisbane's serial killer has officially been made public by the Queensland Police and has left the city in a gentle grip of fear. More pertinent to the Awakened community, news of events in Armidale is still trickling in and rumour has it that representatives of their Consilium are planning to visit. There is also news coming from Gardens Point, with word on the street suggesting that the Assembly have been extensively discussing the matter of politics and are happy to see relations with the Consilium being maintained by officials from both sides. More sinister rumours lurk about, however, and it seems that the Consilium may soon be facing its most serious threat in many years...

August 2013

We last left the mages of Brisbane’s Second Consilium, they had just been informed of a Seer threat to the city.

Meanwhile, political rumbles with the Assembly are heating up, threatening the Pax and causing the more broadminded mages to worry, while the warlike sharpen their swords.

The Assembly are not happy, and they are getting ready to flex their muscle.

One wrong move could blow this open, and see Brisbane descend into a mage war.

The organ thief is still at large, and more mutilated bodies have been found in Brisbane. Do these mutilated corpses relate to the person who attacked Dresden, stabbing him multiple times and leaving him for dead?

Or is it unrelated?

The Hierarch has called the Consilium to meet at Customs House, as is usual, to discuss these events.