Scions of Prometheus

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History of the Cabal

Founded in 2011, the Scions of Prometheus were bound together on the idea of Perfection, whether it being metals, gems, life or society.

The founding members have all remained with the Scions, and together they have formed a fine little Sanctum house and workshop on the Tamar River.



'Farseeker (“Scrounger”)' — The mage whose chief duty is to gather needed resources for the cabal. Another common name for this position is the “Hand.” In the Scions, this is Crucible

'Doorwarden (“Bouncer”)' — The mage whose chief duty is to protect the cabal. Mages also call this position the “Fist.”

'Hearthmaster (“Guide”)' — The mage tasked with maintaining (and perhaps even finding) the cabal’s sanctum. This position is sometimes called the “Heart.” In the Scions, this is Rifling

'Lorekeeper (“Scribe”)' — The mage in charge of keeping the cabal’s history and knowledge intact. He is also known as the “Head” (which sometimes results in a spate of predictable jokes). Mara is this for the Scions

'Edgetender (“Hexer”)' — The mage who nurtures the mystical resources of the cabal. The Edgetender is also called the “Eye.” The Scion's Hexer is Wander

Practices and Protocols

Creed: To seek the perfection of all things, and to take no action to interfere with the path to perfection.

Duties: A binding Oath when joining the Scions states that each member must work towards their own perfection, whether it is Metals, Spirits or otherwise. Each member must swear to protect and speak well of all other members, and to support the Diamond, and the Awakened Nation.

Directed Protocols: Great Rights respected by the Scions are Emeritus, Crossing, Nemesis and Sanctuary. There are no Lesser Analogues known to those outside the Cabal.

Interdicts: This portion deals with activities banned by the cabal.

Addendums: These cover anything added after the Protocols are set in place

We, the Scions of Prometheus, set upon ourselves the task to shape and hone our selves as we do our world, to work for the betterment of the Awakened Nation, the defence of the sanctum known as Prometheus's Forge. And may we, through our actions, lead our kind to a new renaissance and the rebirth of that which we hold in our hearts, the true home of all mages, Atlantis. In our lifetimes may it rise again. As we toil, so must it be



Your Sigil goes here along with a brief description of what it means

Few modern mages see the benefit in making individual sigils, but most cabals devise one. Heralds or ambassadors carry cabal sigils as an introduction to the people they meet, for a properly constructed sigil isn’t just an artistic showpiece. Like the knightly coat-ofarms, a sigil transmits fundamental information about the cabal: its experiences, its values and its intentions. Many claim that a sigil is more than a physical object — it represents Supernal concepts, actualized by the force of the cabal’s collective will.

Modern cabal sigils are used in most official transactions. 'At Consilium gatherings, a person carrying the sigil acts as a de facto voice for the cabal. When the bearer travels to another’s territory, the sigil shows that the bearer is a sanctioned representative of the sigil’s cabal.'

Having a Sigil allows others to identify the Cabal as a unit. These can be as complex or as simple as the players devise however the complexity or simplicity reflects upon the cabal as a whole.

For example: A Cabal which has a simple single colour badge may subscribe to a single ideal where they are steadfast however require internal debate on any other issue.

A Cabal with a extremely complex sigil is likely to have a highly codified set of Protocols, Interdicts and Addendum.