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Concept: Cheshire Cat
Clan: Gangrel
Covenant: Circle Of The Crone
City: City
Title: Title
Sire: Daequo
Bloodline: Pure Clan or Bloodline Name
Group: House of Roe
Embraced: 1980
Player: Mary Tyler
Storyteller: City VST
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Personal Information


Bengal Cat.jpg
Eurasian eagle-owl 02.jpg
Jaguar 03.jpg

A slim, athletic young woman with dark hair, and plain features, Tresalda appears to be 20 years old. For those that know her, or tickle her funny bone, Tresalda possesses a quick smile that lights up her face. Usually sporting a relaxed attitude to fashion, Tres enjoys dresses in alternative styles, her favourite looks over the last 10 years being punk rock, leather, gothic and hippy. Of course when engaged in worship to the Great Mother Tresalda prefers to be naked to the elements, opening up herself to the Mothers gaze completely. It is at these times that she dresses in a white dress, green cloak, and various amulets, all easily removable.

Tresalda is blessed with a number of animal forms, the most frequent being that of a black Bengal cat. She often rides on the shoulders of Jakob, Rick or Jayne, using her voice, body and claws to get her message across. It can be a rather interesting experience for unwary kindred to realize a tiny cat is running the show. When in Europe with Ljónynja, she was taken to pit herself against nature in the Arctic Circle. While there Tres came to possesses the form of an Eurasian Eagle-Owl. With the recent attacks by Strix on Perth, the owl form has proven its worth time and time again, despite its distasteful appearance to all survivors of the battles. Finally, the most recent acquisition is the form of a Jaguar. Gained at much personal peril in the jungles of Peru, however this form is not frequently made known to outsiders.


Very much an Aquarian, Tresalda sees the world a little differently than others. She enjoys stirring the pot, often playing pranks on her family, teasing mortals and elders alike. However behind the joker is a kind and nurturing nature.

Caitlin Stasey 02.jpg

Mortal World

Tresalda runs an occult shop with two fronts, the first caters to mortals and fools with inane crystals, incense, talsmen, dream catchers and interesting items from spiritual cultures such as Native American, Tibetan, and Eskimo. The second entrance is only found by those in the know and carries all a supernatural could possible need. A patron of the arts, Tresalda is a frequent attendee in the underground club scene, art shows of up and coming artists and an avid student of history. She also runs a nightclub in Perth via external management, as she cant go back at the present moment.

Information Known by Kindred Society


  • 1960 - Born
  • 1973 - Sent to a boarding school in Switzerland
  • 1976 - Ran away from home
  • 1977 - Meet Jakob Roe and Rick
  • 1980 - Embraced in Perth by Daequo
  • 1980 - Released
  • 1982 - traveled to Europe with Ljónynja while training
  • 1988 - Returned to Australia
  • 1990 - Traveled to China to train with the Black Masters
  • 1992 - Rick calls Tresalda to France, where she meets Lacey
  • 2000 - Meet Kane in Aphganistan while he was on duty, once he was discharged she convinced him to work for her
  • 2002 - Ghoulded Kane and made an oath that she would respect his wishes to never be embraced
  • 2010 - Details
  • 2015 - In an attack by the Strix, Kane was killed. Tresalda abides by her oath despite the pain it causes her to loose her long time companion. However Kane rises as a revenat. Following his wishes, Tresalda allows him to be embraced in to the Mekhet by Bastion where he takes the name Able. Bastion and Tresalda come to an agreement regarding the training of Able and raise him as though they both sired him.
  • 2016 - Finding herself lost with out a companion, Jakob introduces Tresalda to Jayne. Finding in each other a kindred spirit, Jayne and Tresalda quickly become inseparable.
  • 2016 - Tresalda travels to Peru with Jakob, Meredith, Crystal, Bastion, Jayne, Rick and Katie. While there she successfully hunts, drains and melds with a Jaguar.
  • 2017 - On her request, Tresalda ghouls Jayne, binding her to herself and the pack.
  • 2017 - Perth falls to the Strix. Her pack and people destroyed, Tresalda is forcefully made to leave with the family instead of taking herself down in revenge.

Recent History


  • JUN - Details
  • JUL - Details
  • AUG - Details
  • SEP - Details
  • OCT - Details
  • NOV - Details
  • DEC - Details


Known Sire

Originally being groomed by Jakob Roe during her travels in Europe, Tresalda was rashly embraced by Daequo, an unreliable gangrel with a strong beast. The circumstances of her embrace where less than desirable, Tresalda was at a party in a Perth bikie bar with friends when Daequo took a liking to her, by the end of the night she fond herself one with the undead. He then quickly released her, finding the pressure of raising a childe not to his liking. Tres has not seen her sire in the last few years, and is unsure as to what has happened to him.

Since her embrace Tresalda has been effectively adopted by Jakob Roe, often seen in the company of him and his childe.

Known Siblings

Known Childer

Known Grand-childer


Quotes By


- reference.

Quotes About

"She is...une telle merveille. I couldn't have asked for someone better to help get me on my feet after my embrace."

- Lacey

'" family. Sure we don't always agree, sometimes we bicker - but when the chips are down she's got my back and I have hers."

- Meredith Winchester-Roe

'"I don't care that she is not of my blood, has that of a pure Gangrel in her heart. I too was stolen from what I was meant to be, she shows the passion worthy of a Daeva and she is a part of my chosen Family."

- Jakob Roe when talking to the Roe family Ventrue about the possibility of adopting Treselda


Person 1 - "quote."
Person 2 - "quote."
Person 1 - "quote."
Person 2 - "quote."
- reference.


  • Pitied Jakob Roe and took him on a treasure hunt in South America. The guy messed up every trap, almost killed her and picked up the goddamn cursed item in the treasure chamber. Worst. Treasure hunt. Ever.

Inspirations and Soundtrack

  • The sounds of Nightwish

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: [mailto: Name]
Number: 00000000
Domain: Domain