Velika Pogreka

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Velika Pogreka
Concept: Baba Yaga’s lil sis
Clan: Mekhet •••
Covenant: Circle of the Crone
City: St. Louis •••
Title: Harpy
Sire: Brandon
Bloodline: Pure Clan
Group: none
Embraced: 1960's
Player: Jekca
Storyteller: St. Louis VST

Personal Information

Velika Pogreka, AKA Lee


Lee is 5'1", but appears slightly taller due to almost always wearing heeled shoes or boots. She has blue eyes, weights around 110, typical pale skinned and looks 18. She is not 18. She generally either looks bored, amused, or sullen. Hair is currently shorter than normal. Her back is crisscrossed with old scars, which to those who have seen that kind of thing before, look like a large wolf like animal attack (claws and bites).


She tends to cut to the most simple solution (IE punch it, or whatever is most direct). She is driven by boredom, and will often poke at things to see what bubbles to the surface.

Mortal World

Currently the owner of two locations of Boire (Pronounced Bwah), one in Missouri and one in Iowa. She is known as fair, but tough, and well liked among those who work nights, due to her willingness to bring a hot drink, or lend a helping hand. The mortals think her strength and speed are due to an obsession with working out, and she is seen doing so a few times a week. Lee is very fast, and good with her fists, preferring brass knuckles to other weapons. She is seen across both Iowa and Missouri. In Saint Louis, she also works part time at Hotel St. Jude as in house security. Otherwise she is sometimes seen working event security at various clubs and concerts, as a independent security contractor, known for her efficiency and effectiveness. She has both an Iowa and Missouri liquor license to personally serve and for Boire to serve alcohol. Lee usually owns and rides an odd looking motorcycle. She speaks fluent Russian.

Information Known by Kindred Society


  • 1940 - Born in late October to a Russian immigrant, in Chicago father unknown. Mother died at birth, went into foster care.
  • 1950 - In foster care, as a child bounced around often, and established connections to Russian Mafia as a child. Attended the first Kentucky Derby.
  • 1960 - Went to college. Bounced in a club that served weres, was aware they existed. Was attacked by a were, dying, was embraced by a local Mekhet. Joined Order of the Crone. Killed the were that attacked her, and was banished from her court.
  • 1970 - 1999 known details are sketchy, did not leave the Americas, but wandered a lot.
  • 2000 - known details are sketchy, did not leave the Americas, but wandered a lot, was at Ground Zero during 9-11.
  • 2010-2016 - known details are sketchy, did not leave the Americas, but wandered a lot.

Recent History


  • AUG - Scoped out where she wanted to work next, began her way to and shifted towards Iowa.
  • SEP - Got a job, moved into the area, at Club Boire, waited to see how the local court would handle the situation. Establishes that she does still travel, and is hired on temporary in various midwestern areas as event/part time security, this includes towns in Iowa, and Missouri currently.
  • OCT - Was noticed by Eleanor and drug before court. Allowed to stay.
  • NOV - Traveled to Saint Louis MO, and Columbia MO, as event security, a cover as she worked to reestabish old mafia connections.
  • DEC - Played Krampus for the amusement of it, against some humans.


  • JAN - Invited the Ames court to Boire, sat around amused watching the random events flow around her without her really doing anything to help or hinder.
  • FEB - Spent some time in Saint Louis, but was mostly in Iowa, obtained her Bartending license. Assisted Prince with cleanup after recent vampire prison break, and helped with backup and escort duties. Started Bartending at Boire a few nights a month, and spends some time working at Hotel St. Jude in Saint Louis as inhouse security.
  • MAR - Took an arrow in the neck by Bronwen Johnson. Helped capture Henry Walpesh & Isabella Moore. Ties with both law enforcement and mob strengthened. In and out of Saint Louis.
  • APR - In Saint Louis on and off. Made a deal with a local mage for info. Assisted hotel management with a break-in. Irritated the local prince, and was attacked at said neutral ground.
  • MAY- In both Ames and Missouri at various times. Worked more to try to continue tracking Bronwen, but when it appeared she might be getting tracked back, would shift out of state for awhile. Helped at hotel with another off site adventure. Saw another vamp jail be both found and opened by various parties (some known, some prob unknown), almost blinded at hotel, and suspects hotel uniforms may appear soon due to said visual disturbance. Spent time scouting down near the river, for some reason. Rumor has it she may be shifting to owning two Rave's, looking to open second location in Saint Louis, in a less than respectable neighborhood. In late May she purchased land in Saint Louis and began obtaining permits to retrofit building into a Rave.
  • JUN- Managed to meet both the Mayor, who she considers both terrifying and hilarious and offered the same entity opening night tickets (date TBA), and Calligula. Seen talking on and off with Hans, and working security at the hotel. The location for Boire was gutted, and is in the process of being retrofitted, and she has put out the word in regards to what she is looking for, for staffing (reaching out to both those in the business, those in The Families, and contacts with the area's supernatural communities). Shifted officially to the court in Saint Louis, and was surprisingly asked to step in as Harpy, and accepted. Then for no reason "fired", which amused her from all accounts. Then it turned out she couldn't be fired, due to a challenge for praxis. She hadn't changed what she was doing anyways, so she just kept on. Has also followed her connections to a meeting with some of the current underworld, and set up channels to be sure the tithed is paid (aka dues, protection money, whatever). Came out of that meeting bruised and bloodied, but in one piece.
  • JULY- was in Iowa the first weekend, checking on northern Boire location. Involved in an altercation with Brohnwyn Johnson, one of the escapees from Iowa, and her bike was blown up. Almost suffered final death, but had herself shipped to Saint Louis, where she was, with help, able to be healed enough that she was, briefly, at the charity event that burned to the ground. Lee left before the fires broke out. Was seen in several places that night, depending on the time, dealing with things associated with her duties as harpy, as owner of Boire, and as hotel security. Appeared to weather the evening fine, and remains in place at this time, as harpy. She is apparently one of Lucian's new sparring partners, along with some of Clan Petrov. Amy Kim was hired on as her business manager.

More info to follow.


Known Sire

Sired by Brandon, mekhet Chicago in the 60's, current whereabouts unknown. Brandon is also of unknown age. Lee does know he was fairly old, and that she was able to control herself much much faster than average new vampires can.

Known Siblings/childe

  • is unaware if her human parents had any other children, or if her sire has fathered any other vampires. Does not believe either to be the case, but has no proof one way or another.


Quotes By

  • "For the love of the gods, did anyone try, I don't know, ringing the damn doorbell? I swear, you all make everything infinitely more complicated."
  • "And here I thought I was going to be the reason we all got stuck wearing uniforms..... Lucien, PANTS!"

Quotes About

Caligua, eyes Billy. "Lost a fight with a freight train, did we?" "A very small and very focused train yes sir," he says diffidently....


Lee makes a decidedly childish gesture at his back, but carefully gets up and follows. Bowman, "I saw that."


  • Odd scars on her back, rumor has they are were bites and scratches, and that she killed the one that gave them to her.
  • Possible connections organized crime, to Russia, and some really old Nosferatu, and the Russian mafia.
  • Has way less fear and respect than one might expect, of certain beings that others tend to fear/respect, rumor has it she once ran into somethings worse.
  • Has mob/mafia connections in multiple states.
  • carries odd old coin(s), martin on one side, and faded words on the other.
  • Some say she has a Family name, Likho
  • was accused of having a pet recently


  • Cruxshadows, The Seraphs

My body's made of fire; black and deep and cold; burning for the choice i made so many years ago; And love will keep me tethered; for my wings are stripped of flight; but into my mad deluded world; they cross the battle lines

  • Cruxshadows Citadel
  • Neil Gaiman's Endless, esp Death and Destruction
  • Baba Yaga
  • John Marcone ala Dresden


  • Major boon owed by Lee to Amri for reasons, July 1st.
  • Minor boon owed by Marcus Trask to Lee, July 2017.
  • 5 more days of booze owed to Bowman

Old paid/resolved boons

  • Trivial boon owed by Lee to Bowman for tracking of something that's being carried by someone. [PAID IN FULL]
  • Minor boon owed by Shaper to Lee for use of a building. [PAID IN FULL] 6/2017
  • Minor boon owed by Lee to Marcus Trask. [PAID IN FULL] 7/2017

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Jekca
Number: GWB2016100101
Domain: Mid-MO

For Lee's Letters, a bit of OOC amusement: Imagine if Baba Yaga had ever maybe had a younger sister, and that sister happened to be a vampire. Yeah, that.