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'''NOTE: This character is now deceased and no longer in play.'''
<!-- INSTRUCTIONS AND NOTES - can be deleted after template has been used -->
{{Archived-PC Summary Requiem
<!-- Character information template, enter in details as relevant -->
|character = Inquisitor Emmanuel De La Seirra (Deceased)
<!-- Title relates to the most widely relevant title from court, clan, covenant, or other -->
<!-- Group relates to the most relevant lineage, house or coterie -->
<!-- Player name 'mailto' link can be over written by [[User:UserName|PlayerName]] on page -->
<!-- Storyteller name generated from 'City' to accommodate changes in storytellers -->
{{PC Summary Requiem
|character=Emmanuel De La Seirra
|covenant=Lancea Sanctum
|covenant=Lancea Sanctum
|title=Primogen of the Lancea Sanctum, Knappe of the Black Cross
|sire=[[Archived-Esteban Cortes]]
|bloodline=Pure Clan
|bloodline=Pure Clan
|group=[[Archived-House Volmark]], Order of The Black Cross
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<!-- Character image, set to 250px wide to match character block-->
<!-- Character image, set to 250px wide to match character block-->
[[Image:Sneak Attack FINAL small.jpg|250px|right|link=Special:Upload|Upload your own picture and replace this section with your own]]
== Personal Information ==
== Personal Information ==
<!-- Basic overview of the character -->
<!-- Basic overview of the character -->
==== Appearance ====
==== Appearance ====
<!-- Description of how the character looks including notable traits and quirks -->
<!-- Description of how the character looks including notable traits and quirks -->
Appearing to be in his late 20s with a somewhat athletic build (5”6’, 75kgs) Emmanuel has jet black eyes and pale skin, with short brown hair. He tends to favour wearing black and red clothing that give off an air of professionalism and speaks straight-forward.
To some degree the Embrace was forgiving, as Emmanuel looks quite normal from afar. However, those who looked upon him begin to develop a sense of dread and fear in his presence as if starring into the darkening void of their very own soul, creating an indescribable unease and discomforting web that may gradually take hold and encompasses those around him. However, Emmanuel has mastered the ability mask this presence, appearing somewhat mortal to those around him, or to amplify it, unleashing his toxic nightmarish presence upon all who gaze upon him.
==== Personality ====
==== Personality ====
<!-- Description of how the character acts including notable traits and quirks -->
<!-- Description of how the character acts including notable traits and quirks -->
As a hardened crusader and ex-mercenary, Emmanuel rarely shows mercy nor exhibits weakness such as kindness. He has no tolerance for insubordination, especially where it may jeopardize the security of the Lancea Sanctum. He is known to exhibit a cold persona and view others as assets with a useful life and expiration date.
Emmanuel also has an extreme distaste for loud and inelegant modern firearms preferring the artistry of knives and combat, surrounded by a swirling whirlwind of blood and blades. He relishes in chasing his targets and finds a moving target far more challenging and fascinating.
==== Mortal World ====
==== Mortal World ====
<!-- What the mortal world knows and thinks of the character -->
<!-- What the mortal world knows and thinks of the character -->
As an ex-mercenary contractor Emmanuel has few personal ties with the mortal world, and post-Embrace his dread-mongering presence only furthered his segregation from society. He has been educated on most of the past 15 years in the mortal realm by his overly chatty wisp companion, Constantia, for whom he can only presume he has been charged with assisting by The Divine's Will.
While his ex-mercenary company continues to supply his operations, Emmanuel mostly watches the mortal world from afar through hacked security surveillance cameras on his laptop emerging only to feed and tend to his stock as required.
== Information Known by Kindred Society ==
== Information Known by Kindred Society ==
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==== Timeline ====
==== Timeline ====
<!-- Outline of the characters history -->
<!-- Outline of the characters history -->
* 1970 - Details
* 1967 - Born on 2 July 1967 (1/4 Spanish, 2/4 Australian) in Guyra, Australia.
* 1980 - Details
* 1972 - On 4 February 1923 family falls into bankruptcy and the family splits with Iabella and Emmanuel moving to Armidale. Giovanni San Diego (a hunter) murders Isiah De La Seirra over what is announced publicly to be an unpaid debt on 8 August 1972. The move was actually aimed to draw out Isabella.
* 1990 - Details
* 1979 - Age 12, Emmanuel is hidden in a wall and told to stay there, this has nothing to do with him. Through the boards he bears witness to Giovanni beheading his own mother, unaware of why. The house is torched, but Emmanuel escapes through the backdoor. Emmanuel was soon taken under the care of Necropoliptic Technologies Incorporated, a Mercenary Company front for contract killers, where he was given a purpose - redefining his knowledge and athletic capabilities.
* 2000 - Details
* 1983 - At just 16 he was initiated into the mercenary ranks and commenced operations.
* 2010 - Details
* 1989 - 25 December 1989 a rogue contract killer attempts an assassination on his life - despite suffering a severe left arm laceration and broken leg he manages to subdue the renegade agent. Weeks of interrogation and intimidation reveal the agent was a "Christmas present" sent by Giovanni San Diego, a vampire hunter, to tie up "loose ends".
* 2013 - Details
* 1990 - Emmanuel leaves the mercenary company to begin researching into the supernatural realms, conducting inquiries and understanding the hunter (now hunted).
* 1991 - Word reaches Cortes through his retainers of Emmanuel's inquiries regarding San Diego, and recognizes him as potential ally against the hunter. Capitalizing upon the opportunity Cortes sends a retainer to invite Emmanuel around to discuss the situation. In his current state Emmanuel would not stand a chance against the Vampire Hunter. Cortes makes it clear that if Emmanuel wishes to pursue revenge against the hunter there will be no redemption for him, however, he can provide the abilities necessary to deal with him. Unaware of the curse he is about to be bestowed with Emmanuel accepts the Embrace.
* 1992 - Emmanuel finally uncovers the whereabouts of San Diego and, prior to a discussion only Emmanuel knows the details of, unleashes the nightmare he has become upon San Deigo slaying him in cold blood. Despite finally attaining his revenge, Emmanuel begins to realize the cost of his vengeance. Cortes explains to Emmanuel the Volmark family and that Emmanuel may find some form of penance and atonement for his sins within the Lancea Sanctum, and in doing so prevent others from falling to the same path.
* 2010 - Is severely wounded in an encounter with an unknown kindred.
* 2013 - Constructs the Armidale Necropolis Caldarium.
* 2014 - A ghost becomes anchored to Emmanuel.
==== Recent History ====
==== Recent History ====
<!-- Overview of the characters recent history, just prior to chronicle or the present day -->
<!-- Overview of the characters recent history, just prior to chronicle or the present day -->
==== 2013 ====
==== 2014 ====
<!-- Details of the recent monthly activities of the character, can be changed to prose or other formats -->
<!-- Details of the recent monthly activities of the character, can be changed to prose or other formats -->
* JUN - Details
* JUL - Details
* AUG - Details
Emmanuel takes up arms to assist in retrieving his brother, and the Armidale Lancea Sanctum Bishop, [[Archived-Grendel Volmark]]. As a proud Volmark he assisted in leading the frontal assault on the hunters residing within the stronghold beneath Bunnings and into The Abyss. 
* SEP - Details
* OCT - Details
Reconnaissance within the stronghold also revealed there to be ~80 "brood" being held captive. All 80 somehow managed to later escaped ensuing into an aftermath that were estimated to roughly halve the number still loose in Armidale.
* NOV - Details
* DEC - Details
Having recently been engaged in defending the Lancea Sanctum's territories in March against an attack guides by a poaching Vampire the Lance members held discussions surrounding the matter and considering the evidence. A court was called to attempt to seek justice. Despite the potential balance of probability, there was inconclusive and missing evidence to support the accusations against the accused court member resulting in the Lancea Sanctum looking like a disorganized shamble before the court.
Ensuing from this mess [[Archived-Esteban Cortes]] elevated his childer, Emmanuel, to the position Primogen of the Lancea Sanctum to attempt to restore control and order to the Armidale Lancea Sanctum, given [[Archived-Tamara Wilks]]' disappearance, and to hopefully assist in reviving the Lancea Sanctum to its once former glory.
Emmanuel for the fist time has his Haunt presence overlooked by all but [[Archived-Father Constantin]] for the "pretty little creature" he brought to Court (The Daeva: Ace, Striking Looks 6).
The Lance are filled in on the Crusade called in Sydney by the national member - the refugee will find no harbor in the Armidale Elysium!
[[Archived-Bertrand Hills]] calls a court to settle the territorial matter and a challenge is put to [[Archived-Wolfric Abendroth]] to stand against one of The First Estate as a champion for Betrand appears from the shadows, non other than [[Archived-Patrick Lucan|Lucan]], feared Hound of Armidale.
The court ridicules the inept Wolfric as he cowardly deigns Emmanuel to fight in his stead. Against all odds and impending final death, Emmanuel declares he will stand his ground in this matter of honour. As the two champions leave Elysium, soft words are spoken and sorrowful glances flick towards Emmanuel, a certainly doomed soul.  Seconds later, Lucan strides back in to the court and silently, a conversation with the Prince ensues.
Court members rush to the dueling area to find Emmanuel, not dead, but has taken a token beating, lying stunned on the ground. Word spreads quickly of the fight, and the realisation sits in, he has been spared by the Scourge who has surprisingly strongly petitioned the Prince to recognise the young Emmanuel's bravery and honour by standing, against certain death, for a Lance member undeserving of such defence.
With that, [[Archived-Marquerite]] Respected of the court publicly announces Emmanuel De La Seirra's most gallantly gained status within the court of Valued to which Lucan applauds.
Hanz was discovered to be consorting with some form of spiritual being. After having an autopsy performed on his still very much aware corpse, it was found it refused to leave him resulting in the court delivering final death to him.
Lancea Sanctum interrogations of a captured brood during the May's downtime yields fruitful results and contact with "The Mistress".
Emmanuel delivers a Colombian necktie to [[Archived-Karlin]] for one month in punishment for speaking out of turn and showing disrespect for the Bishop.
Lance Black Mass is held lead by Bishop [[Archived-Wolfric Abendroth]] and attended by Inquisitor [[Archived-Lothar Volmark]].
A string of recent Masquerade breaches come to light in a bungled Hungry Jack shootout. A human gang member and [[Archived-Gregory Homes]] are brought to the interrogation chambers whereby they are interrogated. It is revealed [[Archived-Gregory Homes]] is in a robot body with a time detonation device which is set off. With the assistance and mentoring of Lothar, the two Inquisitors restore Gregory to his body. The Inquisitors have deemed it a minor heresy breach, and a stain on House Volmark for which punishment is to be delivered.
[[Archived-Gregory Homes]] is later taken by Inquisitor Emmanuel into the Armidale Necropolis where he is baptized in a Caldarium of jellyfish and left to dry out in a specially established UV Room, created with the help of Lothar.
The power is out, and the bungled CBD shootouts have sent the town into a frenzy as it is believed a terrorist raid has struck the town, leaving the town in chaos. Emmanuel has been busy assisting in using the Startel Resorts chain as a form of shelter and restoring faith in God to the masses.
Through the use of his Ghost retainer Emmanuel discovers the the stones resting place. The Lance convene to further discuss their findings and piece together the full picture - establishing that there is a severe element of danger involved in using the stones.
After a many Masquerade breaches and body swapping the real Rodney Teaspoon is finally tracked to a moving truck by [[Archived-Father Constantin]]. Dragged before the court, he is made to answer for his crimes, blinded and brought to final death.
== Lineage ==
== Lineage ==
==== Known Sire ====
==== Known Sire ====
Currently Unknown
[[Archived-Esteban Cortes]]
==== Known Siblings ====
==== Known Siblings ====
[[Archived-Aisaka Shakugan]]
==== Known Childer ====
==== Known Grand-childer ====
[[Archived-Calvin Harper ]]
== Quotes ==
== Quotes ==
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==== Quotes About ====
==== Quotes About ====
* "Look, that bastard Lucan, well he spared that chump Emmanual's life. Of course he did, fucking oath he did. He could have killed him without blinking an eye, well if he blinked that is. Do you know Lucan's history? Shit man, he's been around since, well at least since the spanish inquisition, and all he has done is kill things since, since, fuck, since Adam boned Eve as far as I'm concerned. If Lucan spared Emmanual, then he's got a reason and between you, I and Satan's flaming arsehole, not even God knows what that will be.", Lou (spouting shit upon hearing the news of the May court meetings).
* "It takes a great deal of courage, walking into that sort of situation without knowing for sure the outcome. De La Seirra deserves the recognition he received. Watch him, he will make something of himself, and likely the local Lance in the process." [[Archived-Father Constantin]] on the events of the May 2014 Court gathering.
==== Conversations ====
==== Conversations ====
== Rumours ==
== Rumours ==
Nothing as yet.
* Word has it Mal, Bertrand & Emmanuel exchanged words before the May (2014) Court challenge - few know what was said, even fewer recall seeing Mal at Court.
:*He took a dive in the fight, not a bad plan considering the odds but maybe it was prearranged.
== Inspirations and Soundtrack ==
== Inspirations and Soundtrack ==
Line 101: Line 154:
* Minor boon owed by [[Emmanuel De La Sierra]] to [[Bertrand Hills]] for negotiations on March 2013.
* Minor boon owed by Emmanuel De La Sierra to [[Archived-Bertrand Hills]] for negotiations (March, 2014).
* Major boon paid by [[Emmanuel De La Sierra]] to [[Bertrand Hills]] for reasons undisclosed March 2013.
* Minor boon repaid by Emmanuel De La Sierra to [[Archived-Bertrand Hills]] by taking the place of the Lancea Sanctum's champion (May, 2014).
* 2 x Minor boon owed by Emmanuel De La Seirra to [[Archived-Tobias Mol]] (May, 2014).
* One major boon granted to Emmanuel De La Sierra by [[Archived-Patrick Lucan|Lucan]] (May 2014).
== OOC Information ==
== OOC Information ==

Latest revision as of 08:36, 9 December 2017

NOTE: This character is now deceased and no longer in play.


Inquisitor Emmanuel De La Seirra (Deceased)
Clan: Nosferatu (Requiem) ••
Covenant: Lancea Sanctum •••
City: Armidale •••
Title: Primogen of the Lancea Sanctum, Knappe of the Black Cross
Sire: Archived-Esteban Cortes
Bloodline: Pure Clan
Group: Archived-House Volmark, Order of The Black Cross
Embraced: 1994
Player: Guy
Storyteller: Armidale VST

Personal Information


Appearing to be in his late 20s with a somewhat athletic build (5”6’, 75kgs) Emmanuel has jet black eyes and pale skin, with short brown hair. He tends to favour wearing black and red clothing that give off an air of professionalism and speaks straight-forward.

To some degree the Embrace was forgiving, as Emmanuel looks quite normal from afar. However, those who looked upon him begin to develop a sense of dread and fear in his presence as if starring into the darkening void of their very own soul, creating an indescribable unease and discomforting web that may gradually take hold and encompasses those around him. However, Emmanuel has mastered the ability mask this presence, appearing somewhat mortal to those around him, or to amplify it, unleashing his toxic nightmarish presence upon all who gaze upon him.


As a hardened crusader and ex-mercenary, Emmanuel rarely shows mercy nor exhibits weakness such as kindness. He has no tolerance for insubordination, especially where it may jeopardize the security of the Lancea Sanctum. He is known to exhibit a cold persona and view others as assets with a useful life and expiration date.

Emmanuel also has an extreme distaste for loud and inelegant modern firearms preferring the artistry of knives and combat, surrounded by a swirling whirlwind of blood and blades. He relishes in chasing his targets and finds a moving target far more challenging and fascinating.

Mortal World

As an ex-mercenary contractor Emmanuel has few personal ties with the mortal world, and post-Embrace his dread-mongering presence only furthered his segregation from society. He has been educated on most of the past 15 years in the mortal realm by his overly chatty wisp companion, Constantia, for whom he can only presume he has been charged with assisting by The Divine's Will.

While his ex-mercenary company continues to supply his operations, Emmanuel mostly watches the mortal world from afar through hacked security surveillance cameras on his laptop emerging only to feed and tend to his stock as required.

Information Known by Kindred Society


  • 1967 - Born on 2 July 1967 (1/4 Spanish, 2/4 Australian) in Guyra, Australia.
  • 1972 - On 4 February 1923 family falls into bankruptcy and the family splits with Iabella and Emmanuel moving to Armidale. Giovanni San Diego (a hunter) murders Isiah De La Seirra over what is announced publicly to be an unpaid debt on 8 August 1972. The move was actually aimed to draw out Isabella.
  • 1979 - Age 12, Emmanuel is hidden in a wall and told to stay there, this has nothing to do with him. Through the boards he bears witness to Giovanni beheading his own mother, unaware of why. The house is torched, but Emmanuel escapes through the backdoor. Emmanuel was soon taken under the care of Necropoliptic Technologies Incorporated, a Mercenary Company front for contract killers, where he was given a purpose - redefining his knowledge and athletic capabilities.
  • 1983 - At just 16 he was initiated into the mercenary ranks and commenced operations.
  • 1989 - 25 December 1989 a rogue contract killer attempts an assassination on his life - despite suffering a severe left arm laceration and broken leg he manages to subdue the renegade agent. Weeks of interrogation and intimidation reveal the agent was a "Christmas present" sent by Giovanni San Diego, a vampire hunter, to tie up "loose ends".
  • 1990 - Emmanuel leaves the mercenary company to begin researching into the supernatural realms, conducting inquiries and understanding the hunter (now hunted).
  • 1991 - Word reaches Cortes through his retainers of Emmanuel's inquiries regarding San Diego, and recognizes him as potential ally against the hunter. Capitalizing upon the opportunity Cortes sends a retainer to invite Emmanuel around to discuss the situation. In his current state Emmanuel would not stand a chance against the Vampire Hunter. Cortes makes it clear that if Emmanuel wishes to pursue revenge against the hunter there will be no redemption for him, however, he can provide the abilities necessary to deal with him. Unaware of the curse he is about to be bestowed with Emmanuel accepts the Embrace.
  • 1992 - Emmanuel finally uncovers the whereabouts of San Diego and, prior to a discussion only Emmanuel knows the details of, unleashes the nightmare he has become upon San Deigo slaying him in cold blood. Despite finally attaining his revenge, Emmanuel begins to realize the cost of his vengeance. Cortes explains to Emmanuel the Volmark family and that Emmanuel may find some form of penance and atonement for his sins within the Lancea Sanctum, and in doing so prevent others from falling to the same path.
  • 2010 - Is severely wounded in an encounter with an unknown kindred.
  • 2013 - Constructs the Armidale Necropolis Caldarium.
  • 2014 - A ghost becomes anchored to Emmanuel.

Recent History


  • MAR

Emmanuel takes up arms to assist in retrieving his brother, and the Armidale Lancea Sanctum Bishop, Archived-Grendel Volmark. As a proud Volmark he assisted in leading the frontal assault on the hunters residing within the stronghold beneath Bunnings and into The Abyss.

Reconnaissance within the stronghold also revealed there to be ~80 "brood" being held captive. All 80 somehow managed to later escaped ensuing into an aftermath that were estimated to roughly halve the number still loose in Armidale.

  • APR

Having recently been engaged in defending the Lancea Sanctum's territories in March against an attack guides by a poaching Vampire the Lance members held discussions surrounding the matter and considering the evidence. A court was called to attempt to seek justice. Despite the potential balance of probability, there was inconclusive and missing evidence to support the accusations against the accused court member resulting in the Lancea Sanctum looking like a disorganized shamble before the court.

Ensuing from this mess Archived-Esteban Cortes elevated his childer, Emmanuel, to the position Primogen of the Lancea Sanctum to attempt to restore control and order to the Armidale Lancea Sanctum, given Archived-Tamara Wilks' disappearance, and to hopefully assist in reviving the Lancea Sanctum to its once former glory.

  • MAY

Emmanuel for the fist time has his Haunt presence overlooked by all but Archived-Father Constantin for the "pretty little creature" he brought to Court (The Daeva: Ace, Striking Looks 6). The Lance are filled in on the Crusade called in Sydney by the national member - the refugee will find no harbor in the Armidale Elysium!

Archived-Bertrand Hills calls a court to settle the territorial matter and a challenge is put to Archived-Wolfric Abendroth to stand against one of The First Estate as a champion for Betrand appears from the shadows, non other than Lucan, feared Hound of Armidale.

The court ridicules the inept Wolfric as he cowardly deigns Emmanuel to fight in his stead. Against all odds and impending final death, Emmanuel declares he will stand his ground in this matter of honour. As the two champions leave Elysium, soft words are spoken and sorrowful glances flick towards Emmanuel, a certainly doomed soul. Seconds later, Lucan strides back in to the court and silently, a conversation with the Prince ensues.

Court members rush to the dueling area to find Emmanuel, not dead, but has taken a token beating, lying stunned on the ground. Word spreads quickly of the fight, and the realisation sits in, he has been spared by the Scourge who has surprisingly strongly petitioned the Prince to recognise the young Emmanuel's bravery and honour by standing, against certain death, for a Lance member undeserving of such defence.

With that, Archived-Marquerite Respected of the court publicly announces Emmanuel De La Seirra's most gallantly gained status within the court of Valued to which Lucan applauds.

  • JUNE

Hanz was discovered to be consorting with some form of spiritual being. After having an autopsy performed on his still very much aware corpse, it was found it refused to leave him resulting in the court delivering final death to him.

Lancea Sanctum interrogations of a captured brood during the May's downtime yields fruitful results and contact with "The Mistress".

Emmanuel delivers a Colombian necktie to Archived-Karlin for one month in punishment for speaking out of turn and showing disrespect for the Bishop.

  • JULY

Lance Black Mass is held lead by Bishop Archived-Wolfric Abendroth and attended by Inquisitor Archived-Lothar Volmark.

A string of recent Masquerade breaches come to light in a bungled Hungry Jack shootout. A human gang member and Archived-Gregory Homes are brought to the interrogation chambers whereby they are interrogated. It is revealed Archived-Gregory Homes is in a robot body with a time detonation device which is set off. With the assistance and mentoring of Lothar, the two Inquisitors restore Gregory to his body. The Inquisitors have deemed it a minor heresy breach, and a stain on House Volmark for which punishment is to be delivered.

Archived-Gregory Homes is later taken by Inquisitor Emmanuel into the Armidale Necropolis where he is baptized in a Caldarium of jellyfish and left to dry out in a specially established UV Room, created with the help of Lothar.

  • AUG

The power is out, and the bungled CBD shootouts have sent the town into a frenzy as it is believed a terrorist raid has struck the town, leaving the town in chaos. Emmanuel has been busy assisting in using the Startel Resorts chain as a form of shelter and restoring faith in God to the masses.

Through the use of his Ghost retainer Emmanuel discovers the the stones resting place. The Lance convene to further discuss their findings and piece together the full picture - establishing that there is a severe element of danger involved in using the stones.

After a many Masquerade breaches and body swapping the real Rodney Teaspoon is finally tracked to a moving truck by Archived-Father Constantin. Dragged before the court, he is made to answer for his crimes, blinded and brought to final death.


  1. Godomar the Frank
    1. Lost to the Fog of Torpor
      1. Archived-Zarkov Justinius
        1. Archived-Godric Volmark
          1. Archived-Batavia
            1. Archived-Algol
            2. Archived-Christopher Merrick
              1. Archived-Maryse Hamelin-Wittner
            3. Archived-Charles Volmark
              1. Archived-Reed Volmark
              2. Archived-Gregory Homes
                1. Archived-Lloyd Volmark
          2. Ulrich Volmark
            1. Archived-Esteban Cortes
              1. Archived-Aisaka Shakugan (Deceased)
              2. Archived-Calvin Harper (Deceased)
              3. Archived-Emmanuel De La Seirra
          3. Lothar Volmark
            1. Archived-Jakob (NPC)
            2. Archived-Sebastian Volmark
              1. Archived-Leandra Mills
            3. Archived-Doubting Thomas(Deceased)
          4. Archived-Grendel Volmark
            1. Archived-Philipe Noir

Wards of House Volmark

Known Sire

Archived-Esteban Cortes

Known Siblings

Archived-Aisaka Shakugan

Archived-Calvin Harper


Quotes By

Quotes About

  • "Look, that bastard Lucan, well he spared that chump Emmanual's life. Of course he did, fucking oath he did. He could have killed him without blinking an eye, well if he blinked that is. Do you know Lucan's history? Shit man, he's been around since, well at least since the spanish inquisition, and all he has done is kill things since, since, fuck, since Adam boned Eve as far as I'm concerned. If Lucan spared Emmanual, then he's got a reason and between you, I and Satan's flaming arsehole, not even God knows what that will be.", Lou (spouting shit upon hearing the news of the May court meetings).
  • "It takes a great deal of courage, walking into that sort of situation without knowing for sure the outcome. De La Seirra deserves the recognition he received. Watch him, he will make something of himself, and likely the local Lance in the process." Archived-Father Constantin on the events of the May 2014 Court gathering.



  • Word has it Mal, Bertrand & Emmanuel exchanged words before the May (2014) Court challenge - few know what was said, even fewer recall seeing Mal at Court.
  • He took a dive in the fight, not a bad plan considering the odds but maybe it was prearranged.

Inspirations and Soundtrack


  • Minor boon owed by Emmanuel De La Sierra to Archived-Bertrand Hills for negotiations (March, 2014).
  • Minor boon repaid by Emmanuel De La Sierra to Archived-Bertrand Hills by taking the place of the Lancea Sanctum's champion (May, 2014).
  • 2 x Minor boon owed by Emmanuel De La Seirra to Archived-Tobias Mol (May, 2014).
  • One major boon granted to Emmanuel De La Sierra by Lucan (May 2014).

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Guy
Number: AU 2014020015
Domain: Paraskeue to Alpha Phaeos