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* Half Ventrue Half Gangrel
* Half Ventrue Half Gangrel
* Master of Equilibrium
* Master of Equilibrium
* Secretly the childe of Kage and Isobel, leaving him with the cat-like tendencies of his dad.
== Inspirations and Soundtrack ==
== Inspirations and Soundtrack ==

Revision as of 22:54, 11 December 2016

Template:PC Summary Requiem

LogoVentrue 70x70.png
LogoCovenantOrdoDracul 70x70.png

Personal Information


Felix looks to be about 18 or 19 years old, with a slender, boyish physique. He is 5’8” tall with a body weight of around 68kg. His hair is styled in a fauxhawk and can vary between a dark brown and a light brown with blond streaks, depending on if he makes the effort to style it. Felix has dark brown eyes and somewhat pale skin, caused from remaining indoors for much of his life. Felix also speaks with a slight upper-class British accent; a trait passed down to him by his father.

Felix dresses in smart casual attire for his receptionist job, however his preferred outfit is usually rather simple, a jacket over a graphic t-shirt with either slacks or jeans. He possesses a Gold Watch, given to him by his Father on his 12th Birthday and makes a habit of wearing it constantly.


Personality wise, Felix comes off as a rather intelligent, handsome young man, though he looks rather slim for his age, his father still possessing boyish features. Though he finds it difficult to stay motivated, when he dedicates himself to a task, he excels at it. Though he suffers from mild depression, Felix struggles through it and wishes to both better himself and get somewhere in life. Though his bad habits have a nasty tendency to hold him back.

Mortal World

Felix Edmiston was born in Liverpool, UK on September 26th, 1972 to Catherine and David Edmiston. During his childhood, Felix proved himself to be an intelligent but somewhat lazy boy. Much of his time spend after school was dedicated to lounging around in his bedroom reading the latest Marvel Comics or watching early television. Growing up, Felix was primarily interested in starting his own business someday and becoming successful like his father, following in his footsteps.

In 1983, the strain of the relationship between Catherine and David reached its breaking point, resulting in Catherine demanding a divorce. This put immense stress on Felix, who found himself at a crossroads, ultimately siding with his mother. A decision he would regret for the rest of his life. The following year, Catherine took Felix and moved to Queensland, Australia. Catherine was originally from Brisbane and so took Felix to go and live with her mother.

During his teenage years, Felix found his interest in business rekindled and began focusing his high school study so that he might study a Bachelor’s Degree of Business Management at Griffith University. Obviously, his mother didn’t take too kindly to this, often chastising Felix for his decisions and openly criticizing him at family gatherings. This led to Felix developing a mild case of depression. During this time, Felix often found respite in videogames, the videogame of the 80’s having taken off to great success and found himself down at local arcades at all hours of the day, often skipping school to take comfort in them.

Felix ended up being successful in his application to Griffith University and was looking forward to his study years, however that was cut short one night when he found himself in the company of Evelyn Grace, and subsequently Embraced by her.

It was the evening of May 9th 1990, at around 9pm when Felix met Evelyn for the first time. Having left his home after a particularly bad argument with his mother, as he sadly regularly would. Being a smart guy, Felix knew more than turn to the bottle. He instead preferred to go on long evening walks, listening to the atmosphere of the city with the cool night’s breeze comforting him as he thought. Shortly after he began his stroll through Masie Dixon Park, he was approached by a shorter woman who looked to be in her early twenties. She called out to him, and he found himself strangely drawn to her. She introduced herself as Evelyn Grace and invited him to sit and have a chat with her, as he seemed troubled.

Cautious at first, Felix was soon reassured by Evelyn’s motherly vibe and eventually bared his soul to her. Telling her about his family life and how he wished things could be better, the troubles and struggles he’d been dealing with. Evelyn comforted him and they spoke for some time. Felix eventually confessed to her that he had thought about running away from his mother, to lead his own life, and Evelyn offered him a chance to start again with a new family. All too happy to accept the offer from her, Felix found himself stunned and in ecstasy, as Evelyn bit his neck. Blacking out from blood loss, Felix soon wake up later, being held in her arms. Unaware as to what just happened, he was offered an explanation from Evelyn, but only if came to stay with her. He accepted, and so his Requiem began.

Information Known by Kindred Society


  • 1972 - Felix is born on September 26th 1972 in a private hospital in Liverpool to Catherine and David Edmiston.
  • 1983 - In 1983, the strain of the relationship between Catherine and David reached its breaking point, resulting in Catherine demanding a divorce. This put immense stress on Felix, who found himself at a crossroads, ultimately siding with his mother. A decision he would regret for the rest of his life. The following year, Catherine took Felix and moved to Queensland, Australia. Catherine was originally from Brisbane and so took Felix to go and live with her mother.
  • 1984 - Felix moves to Queensland, Australia with his mother at the age of 12 years old. This is the last time he will ever see his father before his Embrace.
  • 1986 - Felix begins his highschool years, studying at Sunnybank State High School. Due to his academic excellence, he skips a year ahead in his schooling.
  • 1990 - Felix finishes Year 12 and graduates, at the top of many of his classes. Though his school life looks promising, his family life at home is certainly not. Felix has many arguments with his mother, about his future, their family relations, and how he feels about everything. This is a stressful year for Felix, as his application to Griffith University was accepted at the end of the year, though he never got the chance to study as he wanted. One cool evening, he met Evelyn Grace. His life then changed forever.
  • 1991/1992 - Felix quickly adapts to Kindred life, being educated by Evelyn in the ways of the Court and the Disciplines of the Ventrue. During this time, he meets Isobel Bryce-Ashmore for the first time.
  • 1993 - During this time, Felix becomes more and more confident, and arrogant. Believing himself to be truly immortal, he finds himself starting one too many fights with his peers. On occasion, one of these fights results in him getting injured badly and his pride wounded. For his own good, Evelyn torpors him.
  • 2008 - Felix wakes up, dazed and confused. 15 years had passed. The world around him was strange and new. Though Evelyn explained her reasonings behind his Torpor, a part of him felt betrayed by the figure he so admired and loved. After a long and emotional conversation, Evelyn suggests to Felix that he might benefit from studying with the Ordo Dracul. During this time Felix meets Conner McIntire, and heads to Geraldton, WA where he begins his studies.
  • 2013 - After staying in Geraldton for several years, Felix decides to move on. Conner leaves Geraldton for Albany to pursue his own interests.
  • 2016 - Felix finds his way to Roxby Downs, where he meets Tatiana Miasnivena and Petra Ziegler. He begins his studies with the Ordo Dracul of Roxby Downs.

Recent History


  • October - On his first night back to the city of Roxby Downs, Felix attends a Halloween party hosted by the Crone Toph Miles and Crow. This goes about as well as one could expect. After revealing that his Sire was Evelyn Grace, Felix learns that Prince Isobel Bryce-Ashmore is his Grand-sire, half his family is dead, and the other half in torpor. This sets Felix off into a Frenzy, which is prolonged by the actions of Sheriff Sebastian Kage, who infuriates him back into Frenzy. Shortly after he is finally able to regain control, a Ghost starts causing havoc in the house. Several thrown furniture pieces later, the Kindred evacuate the house, and the Crone manage to burn it down. Felix leaves with Isobel, Maddalena Palma and the Sheriff and then ends up at Isobel's Haven. Finally able to speak to her privately, Felix catches up on their history and learns more about Isobel. He is informed that there is a court gathering on Sunday the 6th of November. He eagerly awaits it.


Known Sire

Known Siblings

Known Childer

Known Grand-childer


Quotes By

"Quote" - reference

Quotes About


At a cave meeting hosted by the Crone: (After making a gagging face to Rasmus at Lucky's...performance.)

Rasmus steps away and walks over to Felix, stepping up beside him and leaning in to speak lowly in his ear. "Am I bothering you or would you rather I assist you in improving your gag reflex, Felix?" he purrs.

Felix grins before composing himself. "Not bothering me at all, Rasmus. I was merely voicing my disdain for Miss Lucky over there and her conduct." Felix shoots Rasmus a smirk.

He chuckles, stepping back and giving him an incredulous look. "Well there's always one," he says simply, eyes roaming over him before he gives him a wink. "Just making sure." He turns and heads back up to Saskia's side.

Felix shrugs, then sighs. "Anyway, people seem to be heading off, so I should probably do so too." Felix smiles innocently. "It's been a pleasure, Rasmus. (Emphasising the 'S' in a low tone.) "I do hope we can speak again, and that your evening goes well."

Rasmus catches the goodbye, biting his bottom lip and smirking, watching Felix leave before making the last step over to Saskia.


  • Is really Dracula himself
  • Half Ventrue Half Gangrel
  • Master of Equilibrium
  • Secretly the childe of Kage and Isobel, leaving him with the cat-like tendencies of his dad.

Inspirations and Soundtrack


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Mark Cole
Number: 2016030008
Domain: Adelaide