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"I know you want to give me the book. You're a guardian of the Veil, a good one, and you know that you don't want that book."  
"I know you want to give me the book. You're a guardian of the Veil, a good one, and you know that you don't want that book."  
:: -[[I. P. Smith]], reminding Beckett who he is
:: -[[I. P. Smith]], reminding Beckett who he is
"I trust you. You've got to have ''some'' professional ethics, right?"
:: - [[Sash]], giving Beckett her hand and allowing him into her mind, October, 2014.
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"Beckett, if I die in here, fuck going into the light; I will ''haunt'' you. With chains. ''Chains'', Beckett! You got that?"
"Beckett, if I die in here, fuck going into the light; I will ''haunt'' you. With chains. ''Chains'', Beckett! You got that?"
:: - an irate [[Sash]], on the phone, from Faerieland, while fleeing an ogre, March, 2015.
:: - an irate [[Sash]], on the phone, from Faerieland, while fleeing an ogre, March, 2015.
"Come back. Beckett. Come back. I'm going to find you, like you found me, and I'm going to find a way to pull you back across. I have to. I...I'm...fucked up without you. Beckett. Listen. Listen. If you can hear this...we're coming to get you."
:: - a choked-up [[Sash]], to Beckett's cold, stiffening corpse, February, 2016.

Revision as of 07:59, 27 February 2016

Counter-Threat Heraldry.jpg

Template:PC Summary Awakening

Born: November 15, 1986
Age: 28
Rank: 1st-Degree Adept
Consilium Titles: Councilor, Sentinel
Guardian Titles: Famulus Epopt
Physical Description: Almost always dressed in a t-shirt and hoodie or an open shirt over a t-shirt, Beckett is a paragon of casual attire and laziness.
Nimbus: A dolly zoom/Hitchcock zoom which distorts the viewer’s perspective and makes Beckett appear larger while the background drops away. Simultaneously, the same effect applies to his eyes - they appear larger still and Beckett himself almost seems to drop away.

Guiding Principle: "So my job is manipulation. Here's the thing - you can drop an idea in someone's head, play around with their emotions, trick their senses and generally mislead them but at the end of the day they're still a person with their own needs and desires. The moment that stops being true, you're not manipulating anymore... you're doing something else and that isn't what I do."


Beckett is a slightly famous local stage hypnotist. His three favourite things are alcohol, women and glib sarcastic remarks.

Beckett would like nothing more than to have an easy life where he doesn't have much to do, but events almost always conspire against him and force him into roles of responsibility (or at least, he thinks so). When relating to mages from other cities Beckett generally assumes a kind of cheery fatalism, just to brighten their day. He's not really that concerned about living under the threat of annihilation at the hands of the Banishers - he's more concerned about whether or not he gets the immediate tasks in front of him sorted, so he can take a break.

Beckett takes strong philosophical grounding from both Pandemonium and the Guardians - he's a firm believer in meritocracy, goal-oriented behaviour, and (contrary to popular opinion and how he presents himself) ego death. He has no faith in democracy or blind egotism. A consummate Prophet, Beckett gives any relevant information he has regarding enemies of the Pentacle freely. The right information will save lives, and the idea of profiting off threats to people's lives is abhorrent to him (benefiting from good will however, is entirely different).

Noteworthy Deeds

  • His Awakening occurred after his major claim to fame - performing at the Melbourne Comedy Festival in 2010
  • He was briefly turned part Tick-Tock Man to save the national speakers for each Order from accidentally being subjected to the same effect
  • He, Derek Drako and Cuffs saved the universe one time


  • Beckett can do Mind magic without using supernal magic
  • Beckett has a particular reputation regarding fidelity
    • Meggan isn't currently talking to him for some reason
  • Beckett is fairly irreverent of Pentacle traditionalism, occasionally making light of certain overly formal practices mages sometimes indulge in
    • He made the previous Hierarch give him "Master of Bleach" as an official consilium position
    • That being said, he's always pretty heavily prejudiced against the Free Council - not Free Council members, just the existence of the Order in general
  • Beckett hates magic
    • Untrue, but he REALLY hates people who say he hates magic
      • Also he probably just hates Mages in general
  • Sash and Beckett are unwitting keystones for Atlantean ruins
    • No, they're intentionally causing Atlantean ruins to appear
      • Sash and Beckett know how to directly open gates to Atlantis
        • Maybe they're from the Atlantean royal line?
  • Is actually an undercover Seer
  • Member of the Illuminati, confirmed
  • Is suffering from the "Guardian Curse" if his recent erratic behaviour is anything to go on.
    • It's multiple personalities, one minute raving and shouting, the next calm and nice.

Quotes By

"It's weird - people regularly call me a 'young performer'. I don't like that. It's kinda judgey. Like 'well, yeah he performs, but he's a bit young isn't he?'... I much prefer labels like... 'prodigy' or 'visionary artistic genius' and I think if we could all remember to keep those at the front of our minds for the rest of the show it'll just be better for everyone. Particularly... you sir? Third row, two across? Yes, you with the notepad trying to take notes for your review for the..." *fingers to temple* "...The Age isn't it? If you could just come up on stage please..."

- Beckett's opening for his Melbourne Comedy Festival performance, an hour and a half before his Awakening

"Sexy cop with a fast car. I'd vote for her."

- After meeting Cuffs

"Pfft, Guardians aren't cops! We're very talented criminals thank you kindly. No wait, that's not quite right - make that secret agents. And the point of secret agents is to work for the powers-that-be to discreetly break the law in other countries."

- Beckett trying to recruit Sash

"Hrm, so I'm a Scorpio. And under the Chinese astrological calendar I'm a Fire Tiger. That's three separate astrological measures which all say the exact same sexy, independent, leadery thing. Am... am I the Mastigossiah?"

- Beckett on astrology

"Uh, newbie... As the leader of a city full of people exactly like this, I'm going to Morpheus you out of this situation:
Back away slowly, do not look anyone in the eyes, tilt your face towards the ground and smile gently but do not show teeth. Make no sudden movements. Do nothing that could be considered threatening.
You've just walked into a conversation full of angry primates hopped up on superpowers. Primates are predators, and their social interactions are regularly related to hierarchy and often violent. The superpowers, on top of making them terrifying when they get this way, also drops their Dunbar's number to about... 10. You can look up what that means when you're safely extricated from this conversation. But suffice it to say you've just walked into a sealed cage with these creatures and closed the door behind you.
So slowly but carefully, without turning your back to them, re-open the door, and step back out of the cage. Then go make some tea. If you are not experiencing an adrenaline rush, your survival instincts still need work."

- Advice given to a Neophyte mage who decided to tell the Brisbane Consilium the way they were acting "was madness"

"So guys, just to point this out, but that's a big tube of Awakening Lube that's been squirted all over the city."
"It'll make the Awakenings slip in that much easier is what I'm saying."

- Beckett on noticing that a city wide spell went up to help prevent Disbelief as the city-wide Supernal Resonance continues to build up

"Hey Sash, Changelings refer to the True Fae as 'Others' right? Does that mean the one that took them is their Significant Other?"

- Beckett loves word play

Quotes About


- Princess Pwnage after a national Adamantine Arrow meeting where the Arrow unanimously told her she should listen to him

"I know you want to give me the book. You're a guardian of the Veil, a good one, and you know that you don't want that book."

-I. P. Smith, reminding Beckett who he is

"Don't fuck me on this, Beckett; we can leverage this."

- Sash, about once a month, never when doing anything good.

"Beckett, if I die in here, fuck going into the light; I will haunt you. With chains. Chains, Beckett! You got that?"

- an irate Sash, on the phone, from Faerieland, while fleeing an ogre, March, 2015.

"Come back. Beckett. Come back. I'm going to find you, like you found me, and I'm going to find a way to pull you back across. I have to. I...I'm...fucked up without you. Beckett. Listen. Listen. If you can hear this...we're coming to get you."

- a choked-up Sash, to Beckett's cold, stiffening corpse, February, 2016.

"All guardians are assholes but Beckett is the only one who isn't 100% a dick"

- Ricochet speaking on the only Guardian he likes

"Sash seems to hold you in esteem, so that gets you some credit with me. And as you understand my perspective on your Order being near universally worthless, that must make you one of the fabled "good Guardians"."

- The Director conducting a private introduction with Beckett in the Hierarch's office in Perth.

"God damn I love working with your schemes. Feels good, like proper Guardian work."

- I. P. Smith

"I'm not buying it, he's up to something."

- Senka

"Ano... Maybe no send Beckett to vampires. Vampires maybe wish to kill us more."

- Shirou Emiya

"Beckett cares, but Beckett is, and excuse my comment, as shitty as an unclean month old litterbox at showing it."

- Vyra Anala


"But you have made me realise that when I become a Space master, I just need a blue box to pick up chicks..."
"Oh, man, you could just show up to generic geekery conventions and be drowning in it. No, bad Mastigos! It is unfair to prey on lonely geeky girls. ...I think. Actually, they'd probably love that. Carry on."

- Beckett and Sash at the end of a serious discussion of how quantum mechanics, c-space and temporal theory, vulgar magic, alternate world lines and the Abyss all possibly tie together

"I like my women like I like my coffee..."
"How Beckett? How do you like your women? Black? Strong? A tall flat white? Extra sugar? Painfully hot? Cream? Cheap and nasty? In a plastic cup? Ground up and in your freezer? First thing upon waking up? Delivered by hotel room service? Bought from a street vendor? Go on - how do you like your women?"
"Well I was going to say 'with two shots of Baileys in them' but you've just totally killed the mood."

- Beckett and Evelynne

Cernunnos: "You have not adequately demonstrated your strength. Declare one amongst you to be hunted, and we will prove your strength in the hunt."
Evelynne: "I volunteer as tribute."
Journeyman: "No, I should volunteer - we can't lose our Councilors."
Sash: "I hate to say it, but given the Princess thing... I think Emperor Nathan has a debt to the Consilium that needs repaying."
Cernunnos: "All must agree who the hunted will be."
*Arguments begin to fly back and forth*
Cernunnos: "Declare your hunters and the hunted."
Beckett: "Requesting authority to make a unilateral declaration."
Evelynne: "No, you need a Council majority."
*Beckett telepathically connects to Paschal*
Beckett: "Paschal, let's attack the Horned God."
Paschal: "Agreed."
Beckett: "Registering two votes out of four possible plus Hierarchical tie breaker, granting Bronze Law majority: unilateral declaration authority passes. As Hierarch of Canberra I declare that we will all be the hunters and you..." *points at Cernunnos* "...will be our hunted."
*Cernunnos draws a sword from his throne*

- Beckett strong-arming a Council majority while facing down Cernunnos, the Horned God


Fiction and Philosophy


"What is WRONG with you Jeffrey?!"
"Well, Shirley, since you have clearly failed to grasp the central insipid metaphor of those Twilight books you devour, let me explain it to you: men are monsters who crave young flesh. The end."

- Shirley and Jeff, Community S02E01

"This is my job. And people always say you should do the right thing - but sometimes there is no right thing... and then, well then you just have to pick the sin you can live with."

- Ig Perrish (played by Daniel Radcliffe), Horns


Just Mastigos Things:
♫ Once upon a time
Heaven was a tower, tower
Tethered in its pride
Cast us grapes as sour, sour
Thought the ink was dried
But Hellish gardens flowered
Ivy to be climbed
Spread my filth, my wings, my weeds, my weeds

My fairest wheels are turning

Hark the angels wail
Bedtime is a-burning, burning
We've got grace for sale
How the worm is turning, turning
Lay you down to sleep
With wicked little stories
Count your missing sheep
Shed my skin, my fleece, my sin, my worms ♪

- Grace For Sale - Terrance Zdunich

♫ I got so sick of being on my own
Now the devil won't leave me alone
It's almost like I found a friend
Who's in it for the bitter end
Our consciences are always so much heavier than our egos
I set my expectations high
So nothing ever comes out right
So I'm taking every chance I got
Like the man I know I'm not ♪

- Turn Off The Lights - Panic! At the Disco

Just Guardian Things:
♫ This is gospel for the fallen ones
Locked away in permanent slumber
Assembling their philosophies
From pieces of broken memories
This is gospel for the vagabonds,
Ne'er-do-wells and insufferable bastards
Confessing their apostasies
Led away by imperfect impostors
Don’t try to sleep through the end of the world
And bury me alive
'Cause I won’t give up without a fight ♪

- This Is Gospel - Panic! At the Disco

♫ It's the last midnight
It's the boom, splat!
Nothing but a vast midnight
Everybody smashed flat!

Nothing we can do
Not exactly true
We could always give her the boy?

No, of course
What really matters is the blame
Someone you can blame
Fine, if that's the thing you enjoy
Placing the blame
If that's the aim,
Give me the blame...
Just give me the boy!

(No! No!)

You're so nice!
You're not good, you're not bad
You're just nice

I'm not good, I'm not nice
I'm just right! ♪

- Last Midnight - The Witch (played by Meryl Streep) from Into the Woods

Just Beckett Things:
♫ My drug's attention, I am an addict
But I get paid to indulge in my habit
It's all an illusion, I'm wearing make-up, I'm wearing make-up
Make-up, make-up, make-up, make...
I am an artist, please God forgive me
I am an artist, please don't revere me
I am an artist, please don't respect me
I am an artist, you're free to correct me

A self-centered artist
Self-obsessed artist
I am an artist
I am an artist

But I'm just a kid
I'm just a kid
I'm just a kid
And maybe I'll grow out of it ♪

- Art is Dead - Bo Burnham

♫ There are needs, there are standards,
There are shouldn'ts and shoulds!
Why not both instead?
There's the answer, if you're clever
Must it all be either less or more,
Either plain or grand?
Is it always "or"?
Is it never "and"? ♪

- Moments in the Woods - The Baker's Wife (played by Emily Blunt) from Into the Woods

How Beckett Sees Other People:
Sash: She Wears A Mask - Machine Translations
Princess Pwnage: Nothing and Everything - Red
Vyra: The Bitter End - Placebo
The Director: 6.66 - Salmon Hater