Category:Archived-Daeva (Requiem)

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The Daeva

LogoDaeva 70x70.png

Description of clan in one to two paragraph including brief history, origination and major beliefs.

  • Celerity: Supernatural speed allows the Daeva to act on their instincts before any compeditor
  • Majesty: The subtle ability to adjust the emotions of others to "encourage" certain actions
  • Vigor: The discipline converts the passion of the Succubi into raw, inhuman strength


Current members

Character Covenant Bloodline Group Domain Status Position
Claudia Munroe Carthian Movement Bloodline Group Domain 1 Position
Harold Gilley Invictus Bloodline Group Armidale 3 Position
Mr. C Carthian Movement Bloodline Group Canberra 1 Position
Bones Circle of the Crone The Carnival Children of the Rose melbourne 1 Position
Isaac Winter Circle of the Crone Nelapsi Group Canberra 2 Position
Jason Loader Covenant Bloodline Group Sydney 1 Position
Dr. Felix Mir Carthian Movement Bloodline Group Sydney 1 Priscus
Lady J Invictus Anvari Group Canberra 5 Clan Head
Joey Johnson Covenant Bloodline Group Sydney 1 Position
Lupo Lancea Sanctum Bloodline House Penthièvre Canberra 1 Bishop
Marcel Duchamp Circle of the Crone Bloodline Group Canberra 1 Position
The Muse Circle of the Crone Bloodline Group Canberra 1 Position
Luciano de Lombardo Lancea Sanctum Bloodline Group Armidale 1 Position
Rose Justinius Invictus Bloodline Children of the Rose Canberra 1 Position
Vivi Lafleur Invictus Bloodline Group Canberra 3 Position
Lorenzo Penthièvre Invictus Bloodline House Penthièvre Adelaide 1 Position
Anna Invictus Bloodline Group Brisbane 1 Position
MacBeth Lancea Sanctum/Invictus Bloodline Group Armidale 2 Crusader
Dr. Delilah Drake Ordo Dracul Silver Thorn Brisbane 1
Uncle Willy Carthian Movement None Unknown Canberra 1 None
Pietro Navishenko Lancea Sanctum None Silver Thorn Brisbane 1 Whip
Asha Dominae Lancea Sanctum None Silver Thorn Brisbane 1 None
George Stanton Invictus Crassus House Penthièvre Adelaide 0 Ghoul
Dexter Burbridge Invictus Bloodline House Penthièvre Adelaide 1 Knight of the Thorned Wreath
Darrien Arnholt Ordo Dracul Bloodline None Brisbane 1 Sworn of the Axe
Rosalie Invictus bloodline none Perth 2 knight.
Samuel Hunt Lancea Sanctum Children of Judas none Sydney 1 Inquisitor
Roxanne Eupraxus Lorainne Invictus Eupraxus House Penthièvre Brisbane 3 Priscus
- Clairesse Marguerite Invictus Bloodline House Penthièvre Adelaide 1 None

Deceased, Departed or Missing

The following members have deceased, departed, missing or otherwise not in play.

Character Covenant Bloodline Group Domain Reason
Character Clan Bloodline Group Domain Reason not in play
Character Clan Bloodline Group Domain Reason not in play
Character Clan Bloodline Group Domain Reason not in play
Sawyer Carthian Movement Nelapsi The Clan Sydney

Lineages, Houses, Coteries and Groups

The following lineages, houses, coteries and other groups exist within the Daeva.

House Penthièvre

A house concerned with both passion and civility. Although each member is individually very driven, a firm grasp of manners keeps this House above common riff-raff. Unsurprisingly, there are many Invictus members within the House.

Template:House Penthièvre

Children of the Rose

Children of the Rose

The Children of the Rose is a Daeva family of actors, filmmakers, poets and other artists and creative types.

Template:Children of the Rose Lineage

Carver Family

A Family (not a House) of Daeva who have risen from, still reside, or wake up in, the Street. A modern Kindred Family of Street Leaders, Thugs, Bikers, Gang Bosses, or charismatic types in those kinds of circles, bound together by Blood.

House of the Silver Thorn

House of the Silver Rose is composed of brains and brawn. All the current Daeva of Queensland are members of this house.

Group Name

Information about the group, possibly list of characters and link to their page.


The following are the major national locations for the clan.

Chronicle History



  • June -
  • July -
  • August -
  • September -
  • October -
  • November -
  • December -



  • Amara Havana - An Indian bloodline that believes it was created by the gods to protect the world from powerful demons, they are incredibly skilled militants. (AB p43)
  • Amrita Bhaga - Largely female bloodline that serves the Indian god of love and pleasure. (AB p59)
  • Anvari - Drug addicts who view such substances as a path to spiritual awakening, who can experience them only through consuming the blood of high mortals. (Hidden p20)
  • Asnâm, The - Believers in their divinity, this bloodline preaches that they may one day transcend to a higher plane and achieve godhood. (Crone p165)
  • California Xiao - The Xiao steal not only the blood but the emotions of their victims, desperately needing to feel again. The bulk of this bloodline are members of a cult in California, but a few rogues have gotten wise and fled. (Chosen p85)
  • Carnival, The - A band of twisted and mutated Kindred, they spurn life amongst their fellows, instead choosing to parade before and horrify the public with their shows. (Legendary p23)
  • Children of Judas - A sinister clan which greatly enjoys encouraging despair, self-destruction and suicide in Kindred and mortals alike. (Legendary p38)
  • Duchagne - Descendants of fickle and hedonistic nobility, who possess the ability to manipulate the emotions of others. (Chosen p36)
  • En - Obsessed with power, this royally descended bloodline has a natural aptitude for rule and control. (AB p153)
  • Erzsébet - A bloodline which believes age to be a poison and corruptor of the Kindred. They seek to do and see everything under the sun, and to one day, all else in their lives completed, walk under it one final time. (Daeva p114)
  • Eupraxus - Professed leaders at the top of the Invictus, living easy lives while distracting others from the crimes of other elders. (Sinners p55)
  • Gulikan - An odd bloodline which is obsessed with all things olfactory; their sense of smell is beyond compare, and they seek to indulge it all times. (Legendary p64)
  • Kallisti - Destroyers of friendships and delighters in the ending of alliances, this scorned bloodline has spite for all social constructs. (Invictus p162)
  • Kinnaree - Secret demon defenders of Thailand, they see themselves as the bloody guardians of their countrie's spiritual future. (AB p117)
  • Malintzin - A bloodline descended from the Aztecs who have supported the Spanish conquest. (SoM p101)
  • Maxtla - Aztec governor-priests (SoM p79)
  • Mortifiers of the Flesh* - Tormented by the belief that the Curse is a divine punishment, each member of this unique bloodline (anyone of BP 4+ may join regardless of clan) inflicts horrific wounds upon themselves in atonement. (Lancea p170)
  • Murales - Aztec-styled communists and Diego Rivera wannabes who mystically coerce mortals through public art. (SoM p79)
  • Naditu - Worshipers of beauty, they can be a great blessing to those they admire, but are dangerous to disappoint. (WW downloads)
  • Nelapsi - Legendary for their heinous appetite, that is none the less equally renowned for their cautious and manipulative feeding methods. (Hidden p88)
  • Platina - A small bloodline of silver-barons, drawn from a single mortal family. (SoM p79)
  • Septimi - Champions who seek to lead humanity away from evil, they are altruistic to a fault. (AB p89)
  • Spina - Sharing membership with a sacred order, this bloodline is famous for its courtesy, politeness, and courage. They frequently take part in inquisitions to destroy any who seriously harm their members. (Invictus p173)
  • Tianpàn Xiao - Manipulators of emotions, this bloodline is wildly passionate, and seeks to use the passions of others against them. (Chosen p95)
  • Toreador - Lovers and creators of art, descended from a legendary and proud Spanish nobleman. (VTR p246)
  • Zelani - A bloodline that aspires to lead the Carthian movement, they have strange powers over fate and destiny. (Carthians p166)

Please refer to the Australian Addendum for playability and approvals of bloodlines.


The following resources may assist the creation and playing of your character.


