Isaac De Leon

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Isaac De Leon
Sect: The Camarilla ••
Clan: Toreador (Masquerade) --
City: Canberra --
Sire: Sevara Du Fraise
Embraced: Early 1500's
Generation: 9th
Player: [mailto: Joshua Smith]
Storyteller: Canberra VST
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Fond of both casual and formal wear, though he generally leans towards the latter. Tall, with olive skin and long black hair tied back.


Excessively polite, continuing to be so even when directly insulted.

Mortal World

Isaac is a known but not very often met businessman.

Personal Information - Before Embrace

Information Known by Kindred Society


  • Late 1400's to early 1500's - Mortal life
  • Early 1500's - Embraced by Sevara Du Fraise in Spain
  • 1559-1560 - Sea journey from Spain to India goes awry. Isaac's ship is damaged and separated from the convoy by a storm. It drifts for months before meeting it's end near the shores of Australia. Isaac is forced to find a way ashore.
  • 1560-2014 - Several cycles of life and Torpor.
  • 2015 - Became aware of Camarilla presence in Australia.
  • 2015 onwards - Incorporated himself back into Kindred society under his Primogen, Prince and Lady Vashti.


  • Is given the position of Keeper of Elysium.
  • At the Toreador symposium, he gifted each attending Elder (and many who weren't) a work of art in chair form.
    • At the same event, he also frenzied and attacked the Prince. The Master Harpy dubbed him 'Stalwart' later that night...


Known Sire

  • Sevara Du Fraise

Known Siblings


  • None known


Quotes By

"My only warning is to avoid getting... lost. My mind is an interesting place."
-Regarding telepathy and reading his mind.

"I'm sure you're quite familiar with things that squirm on the ground."
-Isaac deliberately baiting Ethan Gibralter, a Setite Elder who decided to show up to Elysium again after violently breaking it but two months before.

"That was the first time... in two hundred years. I... My shame is unbearable."
-A visibly shaken Isaac, just after he had frenzied at a national gathering he was Keeper for.

Quotes About

"Most liable to get himself killed at his current state. Still, there must be something useful about him." - Kaalia

"Isaac, I think, knows where the bodies are. He's used to being overlooked, but that's a mistake. There's a great deal of gentle society and important secrets to be had, in the company of the ignored. In Isaac, sweet Kaalia sees only dullness and lack of value, but I believe all Kindred have value - and we are none of us so rich in friends that it is wise to discard an option. Isaac is definitely a friend worth cultivating." - Gretchen Di Val


"What is your art, if I may ask?" -Isaac
"My art? My art is dancing." -Kaalia
"Well yes, I suppose it is dancing in a way isn't it?" -Hathus

"Be careful Isaac. Hathus is very dangerous at the moment." -Kaalia
Isaac shakes his head. "He must be halted. If that costs me my life... so be it. The Masquerade must be preserved."
-Isaac to Prince Kaalia right before he goes to try and stop Elder Hathus's very public frenzy.


  • Is not very friendly with the Nosferatu.
  • Or he... is? There are a certainly a few of them he gets along with very well indeed.
  • Some say he's on rocky terms with his prince Kaalia... but then again, he's found at her side more often than not...
  • Actually an Anarch
  • He's an idealist. A massive one.
  • Has mastered more arts than most Toreador practice.
  • Has no childer, and not even a Ghoul to his name.

Inspirations and Soundtrack


  • Acknowledged
  • Ancilla
  • Honorable (as keeper)
  • Resourceful -by Elsa Von Liechtenstein
  • Stalwart -by Kaalia Raine
  • Loyal -by Kaalia Raine
  • Stalwart -by Mr Parker




OOC Information

Member Information
Player: [mailto: Joshua Smith]
Number: 2014020035
Domain: Canberra