Southern Cross Requiem

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The Court of Roxby Downs

Ruling Council

Priscus Council

Court Positions

Primogen Council

Defenders of The Crown

An award initiated by Prince Isobel


The Elysium of Roxby Downs is the Clyde K. Mitchell Memorial Greenhouse. This was one of the first civil structures built and is surprisingly large for a desert city.

Laws of Elysium

Blatantly adapted from Brisbane's Wiki

1. Elysium is neutral territory for all kindred, regardless of clan, covenant, faith or standing.
1.1 Hindering a kindred's entry or exit, or forcing their entry or exit, is considered an attack on that kindred.
2. Violence of any kind against another kindred is expressly forbidden and is considered a Sin against the City, punishable by the Master of Elysium or the Prince.
3. The location of Elysium is to be protected. Endangering the Masquerade or drawing undue attention in, at, on the way to or from Elysium is a Sin against the City.
4. The carrying of weapons is permitted but:
4.1 the laws of the kine must not be seen to be broken, as doing so draws undue attention to Elysium.
4.2 if the Laws of Elysium are breached with a weapon brought to the location, the breach will be deemed as premeditated.
5. The use of Discipline, Ritual or Devotion without the express consent of the target is considered an attack on that kindred.
5.1 and this extends to powers and abilities implied but not explicitly listed in the Laws of Elysium
6. The Master of Elysium has the final word on what is acceptable at Elysium

The Kindred of Roxby Downs

LogoCovenantCarthianMovement 70x70.png LogoCovenantCircleoftheCrone 70x70.png LogoCovenantInvictus 70x70.png LogoCovenantLanceaSanctum 70x70.png LogoCovenantOrdoDracul 70x70.png LogoCovenantUnaligned 70x70.jpg

Active Kindred

Character Covenant Clan House Position City Status Player
Angus Deakin Carthian Movement Mekhet - - 2 Brett Symons
Alec Stryder Lancea Sanctum Ventrue Cain Priscus 1 Shannon Spanks
Soran Reyes Carthian Movement Mekhet - - 0 Lee Candy
Holly Grant Invictus Daeva - Priscus, Herald 3 Nikita Boston
Isobel Bryce-Ashmore Invictus Ventrue Bathory Prince 3 Ali Lawrie
Maddalena Palma Carthian Movement Daeva - Prince's Harpy, Prefect 3 Alex MacKenzie
Michael Proht Carthian Movement Daeva - - 1 Andrew Browner
Ashelynne Lindemann Carthian Movement Daeva - Myrmidon 1 Gage Hunter
Gervais Thibault Invictus Daeva dynastie du Libellule Priscus Harpy 1 Duncan Hadley-Harris
Harriet B. Rousseau Invictus Daeva dynastie du Libellule Seneschal 1 Lea Hadley-Jeges
Rasmus Laursen Invictus Gangrel dynastie du Libellule Priscus 2 Roman Hadley-Lund
Tatiana Miasnivena Ordo Dracul Gangrel - Master of Elysium 2 Vanessa Lamb
Terry Dunston Unaligned Nosferatu - Priscus 2 Bronte Wood
Sebastian Kage Carthian Movement Gangrel - Sheriff 1 Dylan Stephens
Adam Circle of the Crone Nosferatu - - 1 Kyle Brooks
Morgan Kane Unaligned Mekhet - Priscus 1 Tom Lake
Toph Miles Circle of the Crone Gangrel - - 1 Nick Wittman
Crow Circle of the Crone Gangrel - - 1 Alex Thomson
Conner McIntire Ordo Dracul Nosferatu - - 1 Michael Atwell
Felix Bathory Ordo Dracul Ventrue Bathory Whip 1 Mark Cole
Riley Cordova Unaligned Daeva - - 1 Marlee McDougall
Saskia Winters Circle of the Crone Gangrel - - 1 Alison Young
Rowan Hargreaves Unaligned Ventrue - - ^ Adalyn Lam
Giovanni Romano III Ordo Dracul Daeva - - Unknown Caleb Prince Brotherton

^ denotes unreleased childer

NPC Kindred

Character Covenant Clan House Position
Tim Harvey Invictus Ventrue - -
Khan Giles Invictus Ventrue - -
Alana Green Carthian Movement Daeva - -
Zachary Ingle Circle of the Crone Nosferatu - -
Martin Cruz Lancea Sanctum Daeva - -
Petra Ziegler Ordo Dracul Mekhet - -
Sara Vernon - Gangrel - -

Deceased or Inactive Kindred

Character Covenant Clan House Position Status Player
Rex Giles Invictus Ventrue - Prince Deceased NPC
Bones Circle of the Crone Daeva Children of the Rose - Unknown Evan Johnston

LogoDaeva 70x70.png LogoGangrel 70x70.png LogoNosferatu 70x70.png LogoMekhet 70x70.png LogoVentrue 70x70.png

The History of Roxby Downs

1979-1988: Elder Invictus Earl Giles helps push for the construction of a new city to aid in his mining interests. On the official founding he declares himself Prince of Roxby Downs.
1982: The first shaft of the mine is completed.
1990: Zachary Ingle walks out of the desert north of the city. Claims to have foreseen the cities construction and built a temple to the dark mother in a series of caves beneath the desert in preparation.
1990: Martin Cruz arrives in city at the request of Prince Giles. Begins construction of a large church.
1990: Prince Giles turns Tim Harvey to aid in the improvement of Prince Giles’ holdings.
1992: Bishop Cruz burns down the partially constructed church, declaring it unworthy. Begins construction on a new church.
1993: Alana Green arrives in city. Sets up a night schools. Tries to push for workers rights in face of their use by the Invictus.
1994: A series of ritualistic killings of sex workers leads Kindred of the city to hunt and destroy an unidentified supernatural killer. The Kindred were forced to withdraw without being as thorough as they would like to protect the Masquerade.
1994: While hunting an unknown supernatural killer the Kindred of Roxby Downs encounter a group of monster hunting kine known as The Axehead Society. Having now met vampires the Axehead Society begins to hunt them.
1994: Bishop Cruz’s church is complete. Our Lady of Virtue is lavish and contained much artwork. Attached to the building is a small art gallery. Both buildings are out sync with the rest of the town, however due to the number of industrial accidents the church is always busy.
1995: The Axehead Society is destroyed en mass after being lured into a trap by Prince Giles.
1997: A series of protests start. The union representatives sat down for a meeting with the mine owners and their 'representative'. By the end of the meeting the union reps had conceded on all but the most tokenistic points. A week later Alana Green's night school burned down. From this point Alana works as a probono lawyer.
1998: Petra Ziegler arrives, seeking isolation for her research.
2002: The Woomera Three go missing somewhere north of Woomera. A large manhunt is started to find the three French Girls or their campervan but they are never found.
2004: With the increasing size of the mine and airport is built to cater for FiFo staff.
2009: Train line connecting to Adelaide/ Darwin line completed.
2014: 27 miners die in the worst accident so far. It is found that the foreman was using meth and a crackdown on drugs in the city takes place. Many doors are kicked down but little product found. The Mayor claims that the results show the manufacturers were scared away. In doesn’t take long for things to return to normal.
2015: A swarm of lights in the sky relatively near the city brings UFO watchers. After a few months they leave having seen no more.