Holly Grant

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Template:PC Summary Requiem

Holly Grant

Personal Information


Holly is five foot five, and weighs 63kgs. She is a natural redhead though optimizes the color with dye to really bring out the brightness of the tone. Her skin is a pale cream color with light freckles that cover her cheeks, nose, and shoulders. Her eyes are an indistinct mix between blue and green, appearing more prominently one or the other depending on the light. Her nose is slightly too high in the bridge, almost appearing as though it has been broken once in the past. She appears to be in her late teens-mid twenties when made-up. Can pass as late twenties and older without makeup.
Holly tends to dress comfortably unless the situation calls for more formal attire. When she is working she wears slightly more revealing clothes, a tank or crop top with a pattern or logo and jeans. For everyday situations she’ll wear a T-shirt [plain or otherwise], jeans and a jacket[usually leather, sometimes denim], usually coupled with boots of some kind. Formally she’ll wear dresses or at least a very dressy shirt and pants set.


Holly is a very bright girl. She was one of the top members of her class, and was always quick to pick up new skills and talents. But she has a rebellious side that has never quite been quelled. It's what made her seem almost perfect for a place in the Carthians. And yet she has the side to her that stays proper, that craves more from life, and more than fun could ever buy, that makes her a perfect Invictus. She's the epitome of a trust fund child. She can be spoiled and snobby, but she can also be strict. She has a lot of conflicting parts to her personality but all that is known is that she is true to the Invictus and she seems...somewhat ditzy.

Truth is, she tends to act like she is dumber than she is; she feels more comfortable knowing people are underestimating her capabilities. Her ability to read folks is one of her stronger suits. Working in the club she’s got a pretty good eye for people in a bad way, or who are overstepping personal boundaries.


Mortal World

Holly was born at the Spire Wellsley Hospital in Southend-On-Sea in 1974 to Jonathan and Miranda Grant, a couple who had moved to the seaside town some four years prior to retire and start their family.

At age 3 she began attending the Badminton School for Girls, a private boarding school in Bristol, some three hours away for classes during the day. She was chauffeured by her family chauffeur each day. At age 6 she began attending the school in full, boarding there completely.
When she was 10 she went on a trip to Paris with her parents and her now four year old sister, Poppy. They spent a nice few weeks over the summer in Paris and she gained access to fashion she hadn't even dreamed of in her young life. It also opened her up to the world of socialites, and began spending time at the country club her family were members of when her parents would attend.
She attended her boarding school all through the year, however, only returning home on weekends. She spent a lot of time with Poppy when she also began attending, and helped her sister become accustomed to the school and walked her through her homework and the like.
At age 16 she went on a field trip to London with the school. She snuck away from the group and found a group of local teens who had skipped school for the day. She spent the day shooting the shit and smoking. She makes some friends who remain her friends for years to come.

She graduated school with honors at age 18, and at age 19 moved to London to work at her father's friend's Law Firm. She began hanging out with her friends from the field trip again. She'll go to work, head home, get changed and then go out to clubs with her friends. She does all the things that people her age tend to do at the time; drugs, alcohol, the lot. She is always in the pursuit of the best night ever. But she moderates all this to be able to go to work the next morning. She's at least responsible in that way.

Age 22 she meets a guy at a club, he's totally cool and she's super into him. She goes back night after night to hang out and talk to him. A week later she's embraced by Randy Priest.

She goes through the motions after this, communicating and visiting her family and friends as she usually did, not letting on about the fact that she is now Kindred. In 2008 she begins travelling through Europe, sending postcards and the like to her family before moving to Australia and traveling there too, visiting each court and learning about how Australian kindred work. In 2010 she hears about Roxby Downs and moves there, she tells her family that she has found a guy and is settling down.

Information Known by Kindred Society

Embraced in 1996 by Randy Priest, Holly was a part of the London Court for some years.
In 1998 she began her manumission and subsequently brought a new Kindred by the name of Riley Cordova to court, saying she'd found her wandering. Nobody got told the real story of how she'd embraced her, and she preferred to keep it that way.
In 1999 she stood against Randy during his Praxis claim, choosing covenant over clan. Riley sided with Randy, much to Holly's satisfaction.
She managed to negotiate that Riley be left to her own devices, as long as she not join the Carthians she should be allowed to live, after all all she did was back the wrong horse.

In 2000 she completed her Manumission and became a fully fledged member of the Invictus. In 2007 however her concern that her family would come after her for the betrayal got the better of her and she began plans to leave the country, leaving her childe behind in the 'safe' hands of the London court.
She arrived in Roxby Downs in 2010, and by 2011 had opened her club, GLOW.



1970 - Jonathan and Miranda Grant move to Southend-on-Sea for early retirement and to begin a family with the funds they had acquired from their jobs.
1974 - Holly is born.
1977 - Holly begins to attend Badminton School for day classes.
1980 - Begins to fully attend Badminton School as a live in student. Younger sister Poppy is born.
1984 - Family trip to France.
1990 - Has a day-trip with her school into London. Gets separated from the school and finds a bunch of local kids. Ends up hanging out with them shooting the shit and smoking. Remains friends with one of the girls, Riley.
1992 - Graduates Badminton with a distinction.
1993 - Gets a job in London working for a friend of her Father’s as an assistant. Hangs out with Riley in the evenings, goes clubbing, does drugs, all the bad stuff. But she knows not to go too overboard and is generally home in time to sleep and then rinse and repeat the day.
1996 - Meets one Randy Priest at a club, thinks he’s kind of cool, strikes up conversation. A couple of weeks later there’s a new Daeva in town by the name of Holly Grant.
1998 - Joins the Invictus in order to get her feet off the ground. Doesn’t tell Randy. Embraces Riley Cordova
1999 - Randy makes a bid for Praxis. Holly sides with the Vics. Randy is Torpored.
2000 - Completes her Manumission.
2004 - Granted her first Title of Function as an Advocate.
2007 - Begins making plans to leave England, tells her family she’s going to travel for a few years.
2008 - Leaves England. Travels through Europe very carefully, then heads down to Australia.
2009 - Travels across Australia, spends a while in each state and at each court.
2010 - Hears about Roxby Downs, decides to settle there.
2011 - Opens her club, GLOW.
2012 - Begins helping newcomers to the city settle in and find havens.
2013 - Granted her second Title of Function as an Au Pair.
2016 - Made Herald, has her club attacked by Hunters.

Recent History

  • AUG
    • Attended a party at Elysium on the arm of Gervais Thibault.
      • Attends Illusion with various others in the aftermath to take their minds off the events.
    • Apparently gets engaged to Maddalena Palma.
  • SEP
    • Attended court. Was joined by Randy Priest and Terry Dunston in her car.
      • Was reasonably quiet at this event, but left a little early after a phone call.
  • OCT
    • GLOW attacked by Hunters.
    • Attended court. Hosted by herself and Maddy at their soon-to-be open Security Firm, 'Siren Security.'
      • Seems out of sorts at court. Wears a flower crown of Allysum and Purple Columbine.
    • GLOW reopening party - Goes reasonably well apart from a few minor hiccups.
      • She gets drunk on a kine and does a few questionable things to other kine seemingly to impress Gervais.
  • NOV

Terms of Address

Presentation: The Madam Holly Grant, Advocate and Au Pair of the First Estate

Submissive: Most Beloved Madam Grant

Formal: Madam Au Pair, Madam Advocate, Madam Advocate Grant, Madam Au Pair Grant, Harpy Grant, Priscus Grant

Familiar: Madam Holly, Madam Grant

Intimate: Holly

Disparaging: My Madam Advocate, My Madam Grant, My Madam Holly




Opinions Of Family Members

Randy Priest: He's her sire. She'd rather not talk about him. He wanted her in the Carthians and she outright betrayed him by joining the Invictus instead. And then didn't tell him. So he found out through less than fun means. She's glad he doesn't remember what happened, at least for the moment, because it means she has someone who doesn't hate and blame her for what happened. He's her last connection to the family and she really does care about him.
Lucky: Holly doesn't actually know about her sister yet. It ought to be an interesting event when she does.
Rose: Her niece. She kind of likes this kid. She's smart and sassy and has just enough salt in her system to be truly recognizable as one of their family. She's got a hard lot in life from what Holly's found, but she's bound to go far if she puts her mind to it.
Frank Donovan: Frank...ah Frank. He was not happy about the stunt she pulled with Randy's Praxis claim. She's kind of lucky she made it out of there.
Lewis M Arlington: Just fuck Lewis tbh.
Amir Bloodworth: Amir too. Fuck the lot of them.


Quotes By

  • "One thing we should always remember is that behind every Prince placed in power there are a litany of people behind him hiding knives ready to attack." - In regards to the untimely demise of Rex Giles
  • "What's the point of living forever if all you're doing is surviving?" - to Sebastian Kage
  • "Love...No, never say that. That is the most dangerous word in the English language."
  • "Apparently I'm catnip for Nosferatu."
  • "Maddalena Palma is a leech. She eats all that makes you a good person to build herself up. She's nothing compared to you, to anyone else. She sleeps with anyone with legs, and sometimes those without in order to try to fill the gaping void in her soul, but even a thousand dicks in every hole couldn't turn her into half of a good person. She hurt you to make herself feel good and to make you feel like this. But you can beat her by realizing the truth - that you are better than her and nothing she can do will change that."
  • "We rise again, like a pheonix. We take this city back. This was Duke Giles' child, his greatest creation, and despite my few slips, expected of a neonate-" and here she spits the word like it is filthy. "-I will not let his city come to ruin in the hands of heathens and anarchists."

Quotes About

  • "Good riddance, the ungrateful slag." - Judith Doulton
  • "Holly is gonna make a great carthian. She is just taking her time abit. You have NOTHING to worry about" - Randy to his sire, Lewis Arlington circa '98
  • "It inspire us that the Unconquered has fostered an Advocate with such a skilled tongue. It thrills me to think of her passing these aptitudes to successive generations of the First Estate in her role as Au Pair. Such finesse being employed by a team of skilled Advocates... It simply overwhelms us to think of what could be achieved." - Gervais Thibault
  • "Boring..." - Manx


Between Holly and Terry Dunston
Holly: "Now why would I try stopping you from crucifying the man who just hurt myself and my girlfriend, who will be a constant threat to our happiness? Why would I do that?"
Terry: *shrugs*
Holly: "Sounds like something someone who wanted to get fucked over by a religious nutjob would do."
Terry: "You're invictus, you're supposed to help the Lance..."
Holly: "Supposed to, yes. But when a Lance threatens to make me forget her, and hate her? All bets are off. You're good people, Terry. Don't do anything I wouldn't do while I'm gone."

"Oh, you like this dress? Holly picked it out" - At the GLOW re-opening, October, 2016 - Isobel Bathory


  • There are only two people she isn't sleeping with.
  • She's got a flower crown for every situation. They all have meanings too, but you have to figure them out yourself.

Inspirations and Soundtrack


OWES 1 MAJOR boon to Terry Dunston for ????
OWED 1 MAJOR boon by Terry Dunston for ????
OWES 1 MINOR boon to Maddalena Palma for ????
OWES 1 TRIVIAL boon to Maddalena Palma for ????
OWES 1 TRIVIAL boon to Michael Proht for ????
OWES 1 MINOR boon to Terry Dunston for Information
OWED 1 MINOR boon by Terry Dunston for ????
OWED 1 TRIVIAL boon by Adam for Damage of Property
OWED 1 MINOR boon by Adam for ????

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Nikita Boston
Number: 2015070006
Domain: Southern Cross