Guild of Balm

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Guild members wear a small pin with an image of an Aloe plant in bloom
"Primum non nocere"


A guild founded between the members of the Invictus and the Lancea Sanctum though it accepts members from all clans and covenants. This guild focuses of the Protection and rebuilding of the Kindred soul, working to raise kindred to greater humanity and heal the damage caused to the soul by acts of Barbarism and sin. Lancea Sanctum confessors are common additions to the guild however members of the Circle of the Crone, Carthian Movement and Ordo Dracul are also encouraged to join.
The guild teaches that the beast is a natural part of the Kindred soul but that it is a part which should be resisted or at least moderated. Those who seek to restore their humanity and help others in such lofty goals are encouraged and welcomed. Physician's of the guild are held to high standards of secrecy, Loyalty an honour between guild members and more widely with those that they serve.
The guild holds access to a ritual known commonly as Sin Eating whilst not all physicians are taught those that learn this ritual are considered highly respected in the ranks.


The Guild has a very simple structure:
First Physician: The Head of the Guild they guide the teaching of new Physicians, and has final say on the acceptance of new members.
Physician: The core of the guild's membership. This includes any member who has completed their apprenticeship and been accepted into the guild.
Surgeon: The Surgeons are the muscle of the group the warriors who protect the Physicians in their work. They are expected to share the same responsibilities as Physicians but also be skilled in defence. This title is rarely used outside the Guild, Physician is used when interacting with outsiders.
Apprentice: Those in training, new members. Whilst they do not have specific a master they are expected to make time to speak with Physicians to learn and develop their skills.

Invictus & Lancea Sanctum

Publicly this guild is a Dual-covenant Invictus-Lancea Sanctum guild, but it is a well known secret that they will take and train any who display the right disposition. Members of the Ordo Dracul, Carthian movement and Circle of the Crone are not uncommon in their ranks.

Joining the guild

The Guild of Balm is open to kindred of all ages, Clans and covenants. A prospective member may address themselves to any of the current guild members, and request training and a place in their ranks. At first they may be turned away, but the guild will watch them evaluate their actions and if they are deemed to possess the right character then they shall be offered training. It is rare for a petitioner to be immediately taken as an apprentice, though not unheard of.
It is also possible that a current member may approach and offer training to someone outside the guild, as it is considered every physicians duty to be watchful for those who display the traits of a healer. ((Ideally any wishing to join should possess at least 1 dot in both Medicine and Empathy skills))

The Exams

Whilst it is every members duty to provide training and assistance to new apprentices the First Physician alone administers exams, the exams are not formal in nature but administered over the course of their apprenticeship, friendly chats between the First Physician and the Apprentice where the Apprentice is expected to display their knowledge and understanding of Humanity, and the Beast.
When the First Physician deems them sufficiently knowledgeable they will be presented with a pin, an Aloe plant in bloom on a white background. At this point they are considered to have completed their apprenticeship. However training continues within the guild for all members.





First Physician

Former Physicians of Note

OOC Info

If you'd like to be a member of this guild, contact the player of the current First Physician, Karlin bint Alim, Katherine Atkins