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{{PC Summary Requiem CofD
{{PC Summary Requiem CofD
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Revision as of 17:56, 11 December 2017

Concept: Trash Bird
Clan: Nosferatu
Covenant: Circle of the Crone
City: Geelong --
Sire: Ylva Hall
Bloodline: [[:Category: CofD|]]
Player: [mailto: Katie Harwood]
Storyteller: Geelong VST

Personal Information


Physically, Vulture is short and a little overweight, but projects the air of being tall and gangly, like a scarecrow or stick insect. The most easily notable feature about her, however, is the exposed cartilage of her nose, which breaks breaks open into a split below, exposing her teeth and jaw all the way down to the chin. At courts, she tends to wear a mask, so as not to offend 'delicate little fee-fees'. The rest of her clothing is a utilitarian hodgepodge, favoring black and a punk aesthetic.

She frequently stares at people without blinking, especially Kindred she views as smaller and weaker than her. She also mimics a variety of avian traits, clicking and hissing, and walking with a slightly awkward, sidling gait.


Vulture is abrasive and rude, constantly cracking jokes and making sly remarks- the more crude, the better. This behaviour only intensifies around her coterie, to whom she is fiercely loyal. When asked for her opinions, she is, more often than not, happy to give them, usually with a snide laugh.

Vulture does not have friends- she respects people, tolerates them, or tells them to fark off.

Mortal World

Little is known about Vulture's ties to the mortal world, but given how able she is to move stolen goods back and forth, it's assumed there's at least something there.

Information Known by Kindred Society


90's sometime - Embraced

Recent History

Vulture has spent all of her time in the recent past screwing around wherever she can get away with it with her coterie, Queen Yena and Fox, poaching on the outskirts of cities, and running fledglings off their food.

Most recently, the Trash have decided to settle down in Geelong. It remains to be seen how long that will last.


Sire: Ylva


Quotes By

"That's a bad omen" - A frequent refrain

"EAT TRASH, GET GAY, BE FREE!" - Another common sentiment

"Fuck off, blackbird!" - To anything resembling a raven

"Nah listen, I don't hate every Elder, I hate the Elder supremacy construct of our society. See these fucks, c*nting around like they own the joint because they knew when to make themselves scarce. Don't mean nothin' to me, mate, why the fuck are you better than me again? Why the fuck does everyone lick your ass? Fuck off, Elder supremacy construct!" - Why she hates certain conceits of Kindred

"I respect them cos they kicked my arse!" - The other side of the above discussion

"Hey, if you wanna move that along, I can get you a good price for it" - Getting down to business

Quotes About



  • She and her coterie are all blood-bound to one another
    • What's more, they have created a way to be completely under the vinculum of each other
  • The split in her face isn't permanent. She maims herself every night to dissuade anyone who might take an interest
    • Either that, or her face is easily recognisable without some serious injury
  • She doesn't sell the things she finds in the garbage. She's hoarding them for the Apocalypse
  • She serves a darker master than the gods she claims to worship.

Inspirations and Soundtrack

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: [mailto: Katie Harwood]
Domain: Southern Cross