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== Inspirations and Soundtrack ==
== Inspirations and Soundtrack ==
* [http://www.website.com Website]
* [[http://www.website.com Website | We Didn't Start the Fire - Billy Joel]]
* [http://www.website.com Website]
* [http://www.website.com Website]
* [http://www.website.com Website]
* [http://www.website.com Website]

Revision as of 05:03, 16 September 2013

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Template:PC Summary Requiem

Sergei Ravanov.jpg

Personal Information


The most notable thing about Sergei is that there is not much noticeable about him at first glance. With short neat brown hair, wireframe glasses and slightly rumpled plain clothes, Sergei looks like a stereotypical academic as shown on American TV shows.


Sergei is first and foremost a student of change, particularly in the social, political and economic structures and how they are effected by the emergence of new technologies. His softly spoken demeanor can rapidly change when he gets involved in a rigorous debate about these or even more obscure philosophies. Despite his relatively quiet nature, Sergei is not above getting his hands dirty when if the situation calls for it as many a rival has discovered over the course of his long Requiem.

Mortal World

What few in the mortal world know Sergei remember him as academic recluse that visited libraries late

Information Known by Kindred Society


  • 1936 - Sergei arrives in the Court of Armidale and seek permission from Prince Harald to settle.
  • 1938 - Sergei is instrumental in the establishment of the New England University College and becomes one of its first patrons.
  • 1977 - Sergei disappears from public view.
  • 2013 - Sergei reappears in Armidale.

Recent (Game) History


  • JUN - Sergei turns up at court for the first time in 41 years. Becomes alarmed at recent events and through a series of favours and exchanges becomes appointed Seneschal.
  • JUL - Sergei brings together the local Carthian, setting up Arckturus as Marshal to lead the local members so that he could in the short term focus on assisting the Prince deal with threats to the domain.
  • AUG - Sergei attends the Ceremony being hosted by the Lancea Sanctum Bishop to awakening the Salt Man to deliver 2 new edicts given by the Prince.
  • SEP - Is a witness for the contract for the Bishop Grendel Volmark signing a blood contract pledging absolute loyalty to the Prince.
  • OCT - Details
  • NOV - Details
  • DEC - Details


Sergei has never spoken of this nor of his sire.

Known Sire


Known Siblings

If Sergei has any he has never spoken of them.

Known Childer

If Sergei has any he has never spoken of them.

Known Grand-childer

If Sergei has any he has never spoken of them.


Quotes By

'I feel sorry for Mr Cortes when I look at some of the local members of the Invictus, he is like the driver of the short bus'

Quotes About

"He has some history with the court, sure, but there's too much we don't know. He'd better watch his back." - Bertrand Hills


"Quote" - reference


  • Sergei is a lot younger than he claims and his past in Russia is a lie, he is an imposter who adopted the persona of a once notable Russian Carthian.
  • Sergei has a violent temper and has been known to dispose of academic rivals or those he has felt insulted by.
  • Mr Lucan is watching Sergei because of his violent streak and 'unmanageable' anger issues.
  • Sergei has acquired a staggering number of boons in a very short time since awakening. He is a kindred that gathers favours in much the same way a stray dog gathers fleas.

Inspirations and Soundtrack



  1. Status 4


  1. Status 3


  1. Status 1


  • Minor boon owed to Harold Gilley for acknowledgement in the Armidale region.

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Lachlan M
Number: 2008110004
Domain: Armidale