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A strange computer entity trading information via text messages.
A strange computer entity trading information via text messages.
== The Previous Concillium ==
[[== The Previous Concillium ==]]
The previous concillium all died though two seemingly unrelated events, a deadly magical fungus that reanimated corpses, and an abyssal mirror that seemed to grant wishes, but transported the wisher and anyone nearby into an abyssal reflection of Armidale.
The previous concillium all died though two seemingly unrelated events, a deadly magical fungus that reanimated corpses, and an abyssal mirror that seemed to grant wishes, but transported the wisher and anyone nearby into an abyssal reflection of Armidale.

Revision as of 18:17, 27 May 2013

Going with the themes of mysteries and secrets, knowledge is a reward for in-game or downtime actions. Anything you discover will be updated here (either by players quickly, or when the ST has time).

Concillium Mages

List of links to player charaters here

NPCs associated with the Armidale concillium

Seeker7 DECEASED. A thin, wiry man in his 20s who shaved rarely and dressed in casual clothes and sandals. Acting Hierarch until The Forge was voted in. Was obsessed with/talking the previous Hierarch, Helena, who is still missing presumed dead. Seeker7 was an awakened hacker that uses magic to connect to various systems, break the encryption, and seize control. His obsessive nature made him both a good and terrible Hierarch, depending on the situation. He was shot and killed by the Age of Reason in May 2013.

Herald4 Member of Seeker7's previous cabal, sharing the same naming convention. Has an electronic-only presence in maintaining this wiki. Will not reveal any more details to you. Go away.

Carter A near-starving lady in her 30s who wears black trousers and a simple shirt. She wears a silver pendant depicting the Egyptian eye of Horus. The warden of the previous concillium and, currently, the only known survivor. Known to be a master of life (and either death or spirit, depending on who you ask), she was rescued from an Abyssal labyrinth inside a mirror. She claims to have seen half of the other mages slowly descend into madness and death inside the labyrinth, and is appears rather unhinged by her experience. She was seen at the Funeral of Seeker7 and has a small house in the Northern suburbs of Armidale. Afflicted by 'Abyssal terradismorphia', a mental affliction where she believes everything in the world is slightly off, like she has returned to the wrong universe.

Icarus A middle age man who always wears a hat and a buttoned blue shirt. Looks physically weak, but has a permanent scowl and steely look to his face. A high-status Mastigos from the Adamantine Arrow sent to advise the current concillium on matters of war with the Age of Reason. Seems to want to avoid magical war at any cost. Has left Armidale until such time that he is needed again.

The Age of Reason

"We first learned of them when we found this letter on the wall of our concillium, next to the hierarch's chair." -S7

The Age of Reason want all mankind to ascend by introducing Supernal concepts into the fallen world using mundane science, and, if it comes to that they're prepared to fight the Atlantean mages to do it. When Seeker7 and other mages used magic publically, Seeker7 had his knee shot out by a sniper in the Mall of Armidale in broad daylight. Two months later, Seeker7 was murdered with a double shot to the head. The assassin was tracked walking to a dumpster in town, where is fell apart into a collection of cheap circuit boards with a plastic latex skin covering.

The original letter is reprinted here:

Followers of the Atlantean traditions of Armidale,

We regret to inform you of the unfortunate situation that we find ourselves in. We understand that many of your colleagues have disappeared, along with some of our own. We have our own investigation under way, and we will let you know if it yields any result. Our internal predictions suggest that you will be bringing new fellows into the area to resume normal operations. In that regard we offer you a simple message on how to get along with our organisation: Obvious use of magic to the unawakened will be considered an act of war against us. By breaking the seal, we note that you have now read this letter. Ignorance is not an excuse.

We are the Age of Reason, and we will elevate humanity to greatness in this world, not the next.

Charles Montgomery, Chief Architect.

The Age of reason have be found to own "Daedalus Biotechnology", a biotechnology equipment supplier with their own chemical manufacturing labs. They are also known to have large holdings in the investment company "Ophelia Group", who own a controlling interest in the security company that administrates 70% of Armidale's CCTV cameras.

The Age of Reason are believed to be keeping the Seers of the Throne out of Armidale to date, whether this is by force or agreement is not known.

Only a few members of the Age of Reason have shown themselves:

"Chad". The only known member of the Age of Reason Cabal, large American guy who likes to talk about the Age of Reason's lofty Goals

Charles Montgomery, Chief Architect. A high ranking position/alias in the Age of Reason, only mentioned through company emails and the letter above. A thin white-haired man with an English accent, awakened. Had a meeting with the Concillium and tacitly confirmed the murder of Seeker7, though not directly (plausible deniability).

The Machine (alias) Icy mechanics resonance. Only seen in dreams as a massive frozen clockwork machine that manipulates fate.

There are also a number of mundane employees with no idea about the supernatural goings on.


Carter's Familliar, AKA Sam, AKA That weird cat bastard thing

Has changed appearences between a monsterous cat-human hybrid and a near-starving young man in his 20s. He is obviously related to the mage Carter, though the actual link has not been determined.

He was first seen sitting on the Hierarch's chair as Seeker7 and the other investigators entered the concillium for the first time to investigate the missing mages, and claimed to literally be "Carter's Familliar". He also claims to be unkillable - demonstrating the ability to die and return later in a new body, leaving behind the corpse of a mundane cat. He has demonstrated sorcerous abilities with a 'dark magic' paradigm. Cutting people with a flick knife is his preferred method of attack, always preferring to hurt the victim rather than kill them. Has been revealed as a murderer using time/death magic - though the reasons for this deed/identity of the deceased have not been investigated. Last seen making a deal with most of the concillium mages - release of a mage-hostage in return for access to the Astral Mirror - a portal to the human subconscious.

"IRE" A strange computer entity trading information via text messages.

== The Previous Concillium ==

The previous concillium all died though two seemingly unrelated events, a deadly magical fungus that reanimated corpses, and an abyssal mirror that seemed to grant wishes, but transported the wisher and anyone nearby into an abyssal reflection of Armidale.

"Hi guys,

Seeker7 here. I'm updating this section with what I've found on the previous concillium people, including the email I sent to my fellow investigators. Unfortunately these guys weren't big on documenting their own history very well, or at least, I haven't found it yet. There's almost nothing on the personal computers of these guys, so I'm beginning to think they were all paranoid jerks. It's not really my thing, so I guess it'll be up to you guys to find out what everyone was like or not.

Feel free to update this section with anything we learn.



Dear all,

In light of the recent investigation into the Armidale Domain, I have decided to provide the Hierarch’s notes to all Atlantean Magi investigating the mysterious communication loss with the Armidale domain. With regret, I do not most of the fine men and women of the Armidale Domain and these notes seem a little redacted. Perhaps they are incomplete or meant for a specific person, other than Helena herself? In any case, that is all that I have to offer you for now. Helena was left off this list so I’ll provide my own impressions.

Helena - A world-renowned awakened artist and member of the free council. She is recognised as a master of Prime and is responsible for many imbued items of wondrous beauty. She is a valued and trusted member of the international mage community and her judgement to date has been faultless. She is gentle in her words yet strong in her actions. Please do your very best to find our missing people and you will be rewarded accordingly.

Yours faithfully,

Seeker7 Acting Hierarch of the Armidale Domain by appointment of the Australian Regional Council (Canberra)

Helena’s notes follow:

Carter – Recognised as a dual master of Spirit and Death. Not formally recognised as being part of the Atlantean traditions but granted sanctuary from the Seers of the Throne in the Armidale Domain. Unusual legacy involving spirits, treat with caution. Abrasive personality. Reported missing two months before the rest of the concillium.

Disciple – Recognised as an adept of prime. In good standing as a member of the Guardians of the Veil. Reliable for errands, friendly to strangers. Too friendly.

Frank – No advanced training in the arcana. Initiate into the Silver ladder. Trainer in the rapier/nationally-renowned fencer. Loner.

Lizzie – Recognised as an adept of life, in good standing as a member of the Adamantine arrow. Ex-military, carries a police-issue firearm, able helicopter pilot.

Lord – Master of Forces and Prime, well respected both as an obrimos and adamantine arrow. Owed 112 tass for active concillium duties. Newish arrival in the Domain. Big asshole, but incredibly capable. Big political pull within AA and also locally. Older than he looks by 30 years. Not friendly with Pretender.

Omen – Recognised as an adept of space, in good standing as a member of the Mysterium. Keeps the Concillium meeting hall running, does everyday jobs, works in the library. Reliable but boring.

Orphan – New member, yet to select an order. Abilities untested. Too many Mages with this shadow name. Suggests lack of inspiration.

Pretender – Recognised as senior Mastigos for the Armidale domain, owes 7 tass for partially unpaid debt. Has been officially censured for protocol breaches as of 6 months ago. Despite recognition and notioriety amongst the Armidale domain, no official recognition of magical abilities have been made. Lord’s least favourite person. The two constantly bicker. Am willing to bet they have a history older than their time in Armidale.

Router – Recognised as adept of matter, in good standing as a member of the Free Council. Potential links to rogue ‘Age of Reason’ cabal. DO NOT TRUST. Friendly but distant. Meticulous and careful.

Uriel – Recognised as adept of prime and space. Trusted as ward keeper for the concillium-owned properties. Useful but opposes me politically how to deal with threats to our domain. Watch carefully.

Will – New arrival, observing.

See also

Armidale Domain

Armidale Mage Background and places

Armidale Mage Venue style sheet

Consilii of Australia