Brisbane Awakening Timeline

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Main | Player Characters | Pentacle Orders | Dramatis Personae | Locations of Note | Timeline | VSS |
The Second Consilium of Brisbane | Charter | Official History | Lex Magica Brisbanensis | Allies |
The Brisbane Revolutionary Column | Manifesto | Official History

Also see the Brisbane New World of Darkness Historic Timeline for cross-genre information or for a list of dates of know Awakening (so you can work out how long you have known other characters) see the Brisbane Awakening Characters#Summary. A timeline of the Consilium position holders is also available on the Brisbane Awakening Consilium page.


Govermant House.jpg
  • 1860 Lyre, a Silver Ladder and Keeper of the Covenant, arrives in the new municipality.
  • 1862 Old Government House is completed.
  • 1867 Parliament House opens.
Parlament House.jpg


  • 1872 Lyre and two mystagogues establish Brisbane’s first cabal, the Gaslighters.
  • 1873 Lyre marries a Sleeper woman.



  • 1893 Brisbane flood.
  • 1893 The Gaslighters deal with a major spirit resulting from the flood who had been disturbed by decades of change.


  • 1902 Brisbane officially designated city status by the Government of Queensland.
  • 1908 Harp Awakens in Brisbane, and is taken in by Lyre.
  • 1909 University of Queensland opens near Parliament House.


  • 1912 Lyre’s wife passes away.
  • 1914 Australia enters World War One
  • 1916 A second spiritual disturbance is dealt with by the Gaslighters, now with Harp as a member.


  • 1925 Amalgamation of 25 local government areas to form the City of Greater Brisbane.
  • 1925 With Brisbane a proper city, two more cabals move into the city: The Aces and the Black Palms.
  • 1926 Lyre legally “dies”. His grandson, a proximus, inherits Gaslight Mansion
  • 1927 The First Concilium of Brisbane is formed, with Lyre as the first Hierarch.
  • 1928 Sir Charles Kingsford Smith lands in Brisbane, from San Francisco, USA, after the first flight across the Pacific Ocean.


Brisbane City Hall.jpg
  • 1930 Brisbane City Hall opened.
  • First Formal meeting established between the Hierarch, Prince, Alpha and a representative of the Changeling.
  • 1935 First formal treaty is formed by the various supernatural groups. It is known as the Brisbane Concord.
  • 1939 Forgan Smith building completed at the St. Lucia campus of the University of Queensland. (Forgan Smith building was named after the, then, Premier of Queensland)


General Douglas MacArthur.jpg
  • 1940 Story Bridge completed
  • 1942 Further spiritual disturbance is provoked by unrest, and contributes to the Battle of Brisbane.
  • The Battle of Brisbane breaks out as a result of growing tensions between american and Australian troops.
  • 1946 Following a delay caused by World War II the University of Queensland began its move from George Street, Brisbane, to its St Lucia campus, which it completed in 1972.


  • 1951 Lyre’s grandson dies, leaving Gaslight Mansion to his son.


  • 1964 Adoption of first Brisbane Town Plan
  • 1965 Two cabals of Free Councillors succeed in opening the Queensland Institute of Technology (later Queensland University of Technology).


  • 1974 Brisbane River flooding, the result of continual heavy rain from "Cyclone Wanda", causes major damage across city


  • 1982 Commonwealth Games
  • 1982 A battle between the Consilium and Seers of the Throne leaves the city’s cabals devastated.
  • 1982 The few survivors combine to form the Lighthouse cabal.
  • 1985 A new cabal of Mystagogues (the Stonemasons) arrives in the city from Ipswich with connections to UQ.
  • 1987 The long-standing Premier of two decades, Joh Bjelke-Petersen, resigns after a series of damaging findings from a royal commission into police corruption and its links with state government ministers.
Expo 88.jpg
  • 1988 World Expo 88 held at reclaimed industrial land at South Brisbane; Free Council claim responsibility for organising and contributing to the success of Expo 88.
  • 1989 Queensland Institute of Technology changed status to Queensland University of Technology as the Free Councilors rebuild their presence.


New Brisbane.jpg
  • 1990 The Second Concilium of Brisbane is formed, with Harp as the Hierarch.
  • 1991 In response to the new Concilium, three libertine cabals attached to QUT form an Assembly.
  • 1992 The Xenogenous Matters Group is officially recognized by the Consilium, though not their sanctum.
  • 1994 Use of the renovated Customs House is given to the recently formed Consilium as a gift.
  • 1994 After years of tension the Concilium and Assembly come to a peaceful Concord.
  • 1995 Treasury Casino opens.
  • 1997 Lyre's great-grandson dies, and his great-great-granddaughter inherits Gaslight Mansion.
  • 1997 Grimm is found dead, presumed murdered. His seat on the Council is filled by Agent Shrike.


  • 2001 Goodwill Games
  • 2006 Harp relinquishes the title of Hierarch to Agent Shrike.
  • 2009 Cricket steps down as a Councillor, and Cuffs is selected to fill his seat.
  • 2009 Several mages, led by Watchlight form the Ardent Compass cabal.


  • 2010 A cabal of Free Council mages attack and kill some vampires in Queen St Mall. The breach of the Concord is communicated from the werewolf alpha. The surviving mage, Joseph, is put on trial under the Lex Magica and dealt with harshly by the Consilium and Free Council Strategos, averting wider conflict.
  • 2011 Brisbane River flooding. Watchlight, acting on information provided by Strider, leads a group of mages, including some from the Ardent Compass to deal with a spirit uncovered by the floods. Speculation is uncertain as to whether it was the same spirit the Gaslighters dealt with in 1893.
  • 2012 Cassandra steps down as a Councillor, and Watchlight is selected to fill her seat, having shown his value to the city.
  • 2013 Zaphkiel, member of the Lighthouse and Councillor of the Golden Key is killed in a car accident. She is remembered fondly in a funeral wake at Gaslight Mansion.
  • 2013 Smithy is appointed to the vacant council position.