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~☆Prospero The Enchanter☆~
Concept: Unknown
Path: Obrimos
Order: Free Council
Consilium: Launceston
Legacy None
Cabal: None
Player: Nikita Boston
Storyteller: Launceston VST
~☆Prospero The Enchanter☆~

Personal Information


She has patterned tattoos over her shoulders that come down over her shoulders. She tends to keep them hidden in most circumstances.
In a casual day to day setting Prospero is often found in comfortable clothes, though she has a habit to dress up a little for any given situation. She has a sizable wardrobe spanning from casual wear to full ballgowns. When doing street performances she tends to dress down. Perhaps dress pants, a blouse and a waistcoat with the Rabbit as a bowler hat. For shows it’s all gowns. She has one gown that was made rather big, and using Matter she tends to resize it for wear. During the show she may recolor it as a little trick.
She’s all about showboating and her clothing tends to belay that. She tends to wear her bracelet everywhere she goes. Before a show or a big event she’ll almost absently spin it around her wrist a few times. It’s something that began years ago as something she’d do for Luck, but now it’s more muscle memory than anything.


Her Narcissism is definitely up there in the list of shortcomings. She’s so full of herself after a show that she doesn’t see the bigger picture and is likely to overlook important details or talk down to someone she shouldn’t. She occasionally has difficulty determining the emotions people are displaying, unless they are incredibly strong ones. Motivation, Bitterness, Disappointment, Eagerness, Conflicted, Curiosity.

Patient: She knows what she wants and she's willing to take it – however, she is also to wait til the opportune time. Some would call her lazy, or slothful, but she is just patient, biding, waiting. Ambitious: She knows what she wants and she's willing to take it – She will do whatever it takes in the long run to reach her goals.






Mortal World

Sleeper Alias: She's really only known as Prospero The Enchanter in all circles.
Sleeper Occupation: Stage Illusionist


  • Long Term Nimbus:
  • Immediate Nimbus: Blinding spotlights and the smell of performance makeup. Can you hear a crowd cheering? The brightness and the scents of what appears to be a large stadium is overwhelming.
  • Signature Nimbus:

Known Information


Obrimos Provost in Launceston
Convocation Keeper in Launceston

Nicknames and Aliases

Prospero 2.jpg


Date of Birth: 12.05.1990
Awakening: Prospero awoke at The Bellagio, Las Vegas in 2008 as part of a multi-performer show. She almost drowned performing the tank escape trick.


  • 1990 - Born in Melbourne at the RCH.
  • 1995 - Her mother dies. Her father moves them to America.
  • 1998 - Begins doing kids parties with her magic tricks and illusions.
  • 2001 - September: Was in NY for the attack on the towers, her father cancelled his shows for the following days.
    • October: Performed on stage in New Orleans with her father for the first time.
  • 2003 - Starts getting a little acclaim from her role in her father's shows. Her own act gets more elaborate and she gets her own little poster to go with his.
  • 2006 - He starts taking her to Vegas to see the big names at work. She falls even further in love with the lifestyle, the glamour. She doubles her efforts.
  • 2008 - Gets asked to perform at The Bellagio with several other up and coming performers. Awakens.
  • 2010 - Does an American tour, staying in each major city for a time and performing and refining.
  • 2011 - Does a tour in England.
  • 2012 - Does a tour in Europe.
  • 2013 - Does a tour in Asia
  • 2015 - Does a tour in Australia.
  • 2016 - Goes back to America. Is approached about filming a show where she performs on the street and in theatres, much like Dynamo.
    • Filming begins. They do a rush job through America, England, Europe and Asia.
      • In November she arrives in Australia and starts filming in Launceston.

Start of Domain Chron


Quotes by

Quotes about


6YO Prospero: “Why did you call him Newton? That wasn't his name.”
Father: “What do you mean?”
6YO Prospero: “That wasn't his name. It was...more like a hat, that he can put on and take off. It wasn't his name.”
Father: “No, it wasn't. That was a good catch.”


Inspirations and Soundtrack

OOC Info

Member Information
Player: Nikita Boston
Number: 2015070006
Domain: Southern Cross