Theo Farron

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Revision as of 13:02, 18 January 2018 by AlexR (talk | contribs)
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Theo Farron
Concept: Coffee-swilling hipster
Tribe: Bone Shadows
Auspice: Cahalith
City: Forster-Tuncurry
Lodge: Lodge of the Chronicle
Spirit Rank
Wisdom •••
Player: Alex Strange
Storyteller: Forster-Tuncurry VST
CahalithBone Shadow

Personal Information


Theo gives the impression of being smaller and slighter than his actual 5'11" and 90kg. He has brown hair, brown eyes, olive skin and is in his mid-twenties, but with his horn-rimmed glasses, loose-fitting beanie and hipster-chic attire people tend not to focus on that.


Theo is not really a fighter and tends to back down from physical threats. He's more into good coffee, biting sarcasm and obscure films and music you don't know.

He's equal parts Bone Shadow and Cahalith - he collects stories, but he's just as fond of keeping them to himself for special occasions.

Information Known by Forsaken Society

His totem is Liar-Bird - a lyrebird trickster spirit - but his pack is currently just Theo and his totem. He lives down the Cape Hawke end of Forster and his pack territory is basically just his house and the immediate surrounding area.

He also has a twin sister, Riley, who is an Elodoth Bone Shadow (she underwent First Change about a week after he did) and they hate each other - she thinks he's a lazy, self-centred arse and he thinks she's a corporate sell-out. She lives in Melbourne though so their paths rarely cross these days.


  • Late 1991 - Born
  • Early 2009 - Age 17: Underwent First Change, swore to the Bone Shadows
  • Late 2009 - Age 18: Joined the Lodge of the Chronicle
  • Mid 2011 - Age 19: Moved to Forster, possibly to get away from his family in Melbourne
  • Early 2013 - Age 21: Started doing a part time BA at the University of New England online

Recent Events


Quotes By

"Quote" - reference

Quotes About

"Quote" - reference


"Quote" - reference


  • Is... is he vegan?

OOC Inspirations and Soundtrack

  • Main inspiration: the deed name "Runs-with-Biscotti"


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: [mailto: Name]
Number: 00000000
Domain: Domain