Rei Washington

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Rei Washington
Concept: Starving Artist
Tribe: Iron Masters
Auspice: Cahalith
City: [[[[1]] Forsaken CofD|[[2]]]]
Lodge: -
Pack: The Lyceum
Spirit Rank
Player: Adalyn Lam
Storyteller: [[|Forster-Tuncurry] VST]

[[Category:[[3]] Forsaken CofD]]


Personal Information

Rei Washington (Hayashi) is a new to the Uratha scene. She is a university graduate now working full time in an IT Support Call Centre, however on the side, Rei creates paintings to sell to her local art gallery and does gigs at pubs and bars as a solo act. She is a hard-working and determined individual that is working towards wanting to live life happily.


Hishu Form -

  • Ethnicity: Australian/Japanese descent
  • Height: 5'6"
  • Hair: Short boyish cut, black
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Skin: Tannish pale (I guess)
  • Apparent age: 21
  • Distinguishing features: Tattoos on her arms, chest and back, pierced ears and nose.
  • Clothing style: She mostly wears clothes that are comfortable to her, so mostly she wears men's clothes or anything that is loose-fitting.

Werewolf Forms - Her forms resembles a black fox.
Faceclaim: Amber Liu


She is usually a chill, relaxed person. She is very outgoing and a bit of a free spirit in the wilderness. She is usually in good spirits and more comfortable during her mundane side of life (minus her full-time job). You would see her humming a tone or tapping on something to a beat also sketching in her book. Now since after her First Change, she is more nervous and anxious about being an Uratha as she is feels that she is a ticking time bomb waiting to shift at the drop of a pin from anything.
But rarely, she can have a bit of a temper when someone or something really angers her she can go all out. Also she digs her nails into her palms to calm down in tight situations.


Singing Fox - By Beth "Rainsong" Masters and Tahlia Fields

Information Known by Forsaken Society


  • 1997 - Born on 1 January in Newcastle, NSW.
  • 1998 - Moves back to Forster, after her mum completed her Honours.
  • 2014 - Completed high school at Forster Public School.
  • 2017 - Graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from UON, then later moved back home.
  • Jan 2018 - Camping with a couple of old university friends during a Gibbous Moon, she had her First Change in the bush near Bachelor State Forest. In the turn of events she was founded by Beth.

Recent Events

  • JAN - Rei stays at Hunter's Rest after her First Change, she isolates herself for days till she meets the members of the Protectorate at Tutel's territory.
  • FEB - Rei and the Otomo Pack (Ruka, Mizuki, Esmee) went to beach then afterwards Rei and Ruka went on a date to hike around the Topi Topi area. Later, the Protectorate was invite to come to a Music Festival featuring Esmee and also Sunny and her store. However things turned south as the Fire-touched came to negotiate and the temperature was raised high, hindering the Protectorate.
  • MAR - Rei got offered by Esmee to join her for her unplugged mini-tour as her backup and guitarist, Rei accepts. Esmee then asks if she was to go on a national tour with her band that she would like Rei join her to do back-up vocals, maybe even in a few years time to open for Esmee's band. Later, she was asked to commission promo art by Astraia for her MMA matches.
  • APR - The pack decides to deal with the corrupted tree spirit in the Hisil in the territory. After defeating the tree inside of it was a human child born in the Hisil, tension is high as it is now the Lyceum's job to care for it until an opportunity arises to assure if the child is not a threat. Sadly, later in the month the Falconholme homestead was attacked by the PKs resulting the passing of Athena Faulkner. The Protectorate attended the wake, the emotions from everyone and her breakdown at Hunter's Rest was so overwhelming that Rei was in a state of not okay and leaves early with Bowie by foot.
  • MAY - Rei accompanies Esmee and Bram for Esmee's press tour while also visiting the Protectorate of Adelaide in the beginning of the month to get away from the drama and the emotions happening in the pack and the Forster-Tuncurry Protectorate.
  • JUN
  • JUL
  • AUG
  • SEP
  • OCT
  • NOV
  • DEC


Quotes By

"I never wanted this, to be like this. I hate feeling like I'm going to explode, like a bomb that is waiting to ignite at the drop of a pin. Why is this happened to me now? I already got a lot on my shoulders. More importantly how did this happened to me? I'd thought that werewolves, the supernatural were just fiction, stories you tell to kids to give them a scare. Now I am one of those monsters that go bump in the night and I am afraid."

Quotes About

"Right now she sees only the horror story and darkness of our lives. The beauty will come with time" - Beth


"Have you ever wondered what would happen if you weren't born an Uratha? Just a plain human in complete ignorance for the supernatural world. Living life in the crowded sea of humanity, striving to survive in the urban concrete jungles of today's society." -Rei
"No. Is what is. Cannot be changed." -Tahlia Fields
"I guess. I just been thinking about that question a lot lately. Then I have looking at myself thinking about my "other" self and feel that this skin doesn't belong to me, as if it's something separated from the real me." -Rei
"Wolf different. But wolf same. Both you." -Tahlia Fields
"I know they are, but I wish I can feel that or even accept it, to be balanced. I'm getting there with the shifting but it doesn't feel like it's me yet." -Rei


Inspirations and Soundtrack


  • The Wolf Children by Studio Chizu
  • Amber Liu
  • Scott McCall from Teen Wolf (TV)
  • Archie Andrews & Betty Cooper from Riverdale (TV)
  • Jake Riley & Sam Conte from Nowhere Boys (TV)


Rei's playlist -

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Adalyn Lam
Number: 2016030003
Domain: Adelaide